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How To Enter Commands In Minecraft

World And Environment Minecraft Commands

Using Slash Commands in Minecraft: Education Edition

/seedProduces a seed code so you can recreate your world later

/setworldspawn Set the world spawn location to the player’s current position, or optional specified coordinates if entered

/gamemode <type> Sets the game mode type for yourself or an optional player

/gamerule <rule> Queries the value of a game rule, or amends it if an optional value is entered. A list of rule codes is here

/difficulty <level>Sets the difficulty level

/time set <value>Sets the world game time, use 0 , 1000 , 6000 , 12000 , or 18000 as the value

/gamerule doDaylightCycle falseTurn off the day/night cycle, replace false with true to reactivate

/weather <type> Sets the weather type for an optional duration in seconds

/gamerule doWeatherCycle falseTurn off weather changes, replace false with true to reactivate

/clone <x1 y1 z1><x2 y2 z2><x y z>Clones the blocks in the region between coordinates <x1 y1 z1> and <x2 y2 z2>, then places them with coordinates <x y z> in the lower northwest corner

Give An Item To A Player


This command lets you give another player 64 of an item. You can run this command multiple times to obtain more items. Its worth noting that items that would not normally stack still wont stack, so dont go giving yourself more of an item than you can physically carry .


  • player: target: the target which will receive the item
  • itemName: Item: the name of the item which they will receive
  • amount: int: the amount of the item which they will receive
  • data: int : the item data of a specific item, if necessary.
  • components: json : I have no idea what this means PLEASE CHANGE THIS


This command gives MinecraftPlayer a Diamond Pickaxe.

How To Despawn Mobs In Minecraft

If you don’t want the mobs to respawn because you want to explore the world, you can use this command “/gamerule domobspawning false” before you use the kill command. This command will prevent mobs from respawning after you kill them.

If you just want to completely clear the world and reset everything the use the “” command twice. The second command is to clean up all the items the mobs drop after being killed.

Note:; If you are not too sure about how these commands work then you should just test them out once or twice in another world that you don’t care about first.

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How To Activate A Command Block In Minecraft

Once youve finished placing the command block in the desired location, youll get the option to activate it. Follow the below steps to activate a command block in Minecraft:

  • Select the activation time for the Command Block.
  • Select among Impulse, Current or Repeat, and Chain and finalize the activation time.
  • – The Impulse option means that the command will run only once and then stop.

    – The Current or Repeat option means that the command will repeat constantly till the command is powered.

    – The Chain option is more suitable for players who like complex systems as it allows the block to run only when the connected Command Block is also running.

    A Command Block set at Conditional mode means that the block will run if and only if the previous block had also run while a Command Block set at Unconditional mode means that the present block will run irrespective of the running status of the previous Command Block.

  • The user can select up to be influenced by Redstone for their Command Block. If the user selects Needs Redstone it will mean that the block will activate if and only if it has Redstone whereas if the user selects Always Active it will mean that the command line will run at every condition.
  • After the user sets up the command, it then moves to the Command Input section. The user can use these commands to kill their enemies in the game.

    Item And Mob Minecraft Commands

    How to use commands in minecraft

    /give <player><item> Adds item to player‘s inventory, in specified quantity if item is stackable. A list of item codes is here

    /gamerule keepInventory trueKeep your inventory items after you die, replace true with false to reverse

    /summon <entity> Spawns the entity at the player’s location, or optional specified coordinates if entered. A list of entity codes is here

    Those should be more than enough Minecraft cheats to let you mess around in your worlds to your heart’s content. If you need any more assistance with using any of these commands, then simply type /help for additional information and guidance.

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    How To Use Commands In Minecraft Pocket Edition

    Commands in Minecraft can make the game a lot easier. Sometimes it’s enjoyable to just run around and explore without needing to struggle to get there. It’s not really the same in Creative mode, but Survival with commands or cheats on can help find that perfect balance between the two.

    Sure, it disables achievements and some hardcore Minecraft players will frown upon it, but it is a great balance between Creative and Survival. Commands can be difficult to use if players aren’t familiar with them and many of them are complicated and difficult to remember. Here’s how to use them.

    It’s so nice with commands in #Minecraft so you can get an OP pickaxe. 🙂


    Teleport Command In Minecraft Education Edition

    In Minecraft Education Edition, there are different syntaxes depending on who or where you are teleporting.

    To teleport to a set of coordinates:

    /tp <x><y><z>  

    To teleport to a set of coordinates facing the direction of another set of coordinates:

    /tp <x><y><z> facing <lookAtPosition>

    To teleport to a set of coordinates facing the direction of a target entity:

    /tp <x><y><z> facing <lookAtEntity>

    To teleport a target to a set of coordinates:

    /tp <victim><x><y><z>  

    To teleport a target to a set of coordinates facing the direction of another set of coordinates:

    /tp <victim><x><y><z> facing <lookAtPosition>

    To teleport a target to a set of coordinates facing the direction of a target entity:

    /tp <victim><x><y><z> facing <lookAtEntity>

    To teleport to the location of another target:

    /tp <destination>

    To teleport a target to the location of another target:

    /tp <victim><destination>

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    Give Command In Minecraft Nintendo Switch Edition

    In Minecraft Nintendo Switch Edition, the syntax to give a player an item is:

    /give <player><itemName>   


    • player is the name of the player to give the item to.
    • itemName is the name of the item to give .
    • amount is optional. It is the amount of the item that you want to give. If you don’t specify an amount, the player will be given 1 of the item.
    • data is optional. It identifies the variation of the block if more than one type exists for that Item ID . Use a value of 0 if no data value exists for the item.
    • components is optional json.

    Command Block User Interface

    How to use commands in minecraft
    • Block Type defines what type of command block this is. There are 3 options:
    • Impulse command blocks are activated when they receive a redstone signal.
    • Chain command blocks are activated when a command block pointing into it is activated.
    • Repeat command blocks are activated once every in-game tick, as long as they have a redstone signal. Minecraft has 20 ticks per second.
  • Condition defines when a command block will execute its action. There are 2 options:
  • Conditional will only execute if the previous block in a chain was successful.
  • Unconditional will execute regardless if the previous block was successful or not.
  • Redstone defines whether or not a command block requires redstone to activate. There are 2 options:
  • Needs Redstone will set the command block to only activate when it has redstone power.
  • Always Active will set the command block to always activate with or without redstone. For impulse command blocks, this causes them to only run once, so it isn’t very useful. For chain command blocks, this is enabled by default.
  • Execute on First Tick is only usable for repeating command blocks with a delay. If enabled, the command will execute as soon as the block is powered, and then will wait for the delay before running again. If disabled, the command will not run the first time until the delay has finished.
  • Delay in Ticks is a value that defines how long a command block waits to execute after the command block receives redstone power.
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    Teleporting In Minecraft On Desktop

    When using the desktop version of Minecraft, players are limited to the Java and Bedrock Editions of the game . There are no functional differences between how to execute the command in the game. However, players will need to enable cheats to use the command console.

    Heres how to enable cheats on an ongoing world in Java Edition:

  • Open the game menu .
  • Select Switch to LAN. You can use this option even if youre on an offline server.
  • Select Enable Cheats.
  • If youre using the Bedrock Edition:

  • Open the game menu.
  • Flip the switch reading Enable Cheats to make it blue .
  • Players can also choose to enable cheats when creating their world. For the Java version, follow these steps:

  • Choose the New World option.
  • Select More World Options from the menu.
  • When using the Bedrock Edition, the Enable Cheats switch will be located on the right-hand side of the world creation menu. Flip it to activate cheats and console commands for the world.

    Once youve enabled cheats in the current world instance, running the command is simple. You can press T to open a chat window or press / to open the chat window and immediately have the first character of the command put in for you.

    Once youve input the command, press Enter to run it. In some cases, the game will show an error if one of the arguments is incorrect, incomplete, or the command cant run. If the command succeeds, it will display the message in the chat window saying Teleported <target> to <coordinates>.

    Teleporting In Minecraft On Consoles

    Console players also tend to use the most advanced version of the Bedrock Edition of the game, and older versions are no longer updated. The teleport command on the consoles will work the same way as on the Desktop. To start using the command, you need to enable cheats.

    Heres how to enable cheats on the consoles:

  • Open the game menu.
  • Flip the Enable Cheats switch if its greyed out. If its blue, the cheats are already enabled.
  • If youre creating a new world, the Enable Cheats switch is available directly on the world creation menu.

    Once youve enabled cheats, you can open the chat by pressing the D-pad right key on your controller or press the right arrow button .

    Running the command is pretty straightforward. Use the virtual keyboard in the chat to input the command parameters, then press on Enter to execute it.

    If the teleport command succeeds, youll see a confirmation message in the chat.

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    How To Whisper In Minecraft Pocket Edition & Java Edition

    It is worth remembering that the /tell command is not the sole way to whisper to other Minecraft players. Both /w and /msg can do just the same thing and work totally similarly. While players still enter one target or one of the target selectors, a space, and a message, the syntax for whisper command in Minecraft Java and PE is a bit different from others.

    In the Java Edition and Pocket Edition, the syntax you must use to send private notes is:

    Again, “targets” are the name of the group of players or the gamer you want to receive your message. It is basically a target selector. Meanwhile, “message” is the private plan you want to be sent. Only those targeted players can see this note in their chat windows.

    It is much easier to do this using a keyboard instead of a built-in console keyboard. Players who think they will often do the whispering should make sure they got one.

    What Are Commands And Cheats In Minecraft

    CraftQR Command Block 1.16.3/1.15.2

    These commands and cheats are pre-existing phrases that players can enter into the in-game console within Minecraft. Doing enables them to teleport, kill others, and so much more.

    • Read More:;

    They are completely safe to use, and they will not affect the overall gameplay and layout of your world too much. Mojang has implemented these commands to allow fans to let loose a bit, and have some more fun with these wacky commands.

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    How To Acquire A Command Block In Minecraft

    Follow the steps shown below to acquire a command block in Minecraft Bedrock Edition:

  • Go to the World page in Creative Mode or go to the Realm settings in Creative Mode to enable cheats.
  • Go to the third row of the selected World page and activate Creative Mode in the World Page or Realm settings.
  • Clear cache memory to create space in the inventory.
  • To open the chat menu in the Minecraft server, press T and type the following command:
  • ;/give command_block

  • Press Enter to place the command block in its desired location.
  • Note: To find the location of the command block in the Minecraft server, Go to the inventory and press E. You can also turn off the cheats and Creative Mode, once youve placed the block.

    Follow the steps mentioned below to acquire a command block in Minecraft Java Edition:

  • Open the config files from the server and then click on the server. properties file.
  • Find the enable-command-block=false line and rename it with enable-command-block=true
  • Clear cache to make space in the inventory.
  • To open the chat menu in the Minecraft server, press T and type the following command:
  • /give minecraft: command_block

  • Type /gamemode c in the chat menu box to activate Creative Mode in the game.
  • Press Enter to place the command block in its desired location.
  • Note: Once youve placed the command block, you can again switch the game mode back to Survival by typing /gamemode s.

    Teleport Command In Minecraft Windows 10 Edition

    In Minecraft Windows 10 Edition, there are different syntaxes depending on who or where you are teleporting.

    To teleport to a set of coordinates:

    /tp <x><y><z>  

    To teleport to a set of coordinates facing the direction of another set of coordinates:

    /tp <x><y><z> facing <lookAtPosition>

    To teleport to a set of coordinates facing the direction of a target entity:

    /tp <x><y><z> facing <lookAtEntity>

    To teleport a target to a set of coordinates:

    /tp <victim><x><y><z>  

    To teleport a target to a set of coordinates facing the direction of another set of coordinates:

    /tp <victim><x><y><z> facing <lookAtPosition>

    To teleport a target to a set of coordinates facing the direction of a target entity:

    /tp <victim><x><y><z> facing <lookAtEntity>

    To teleport to the location of another target:

    /tp <destination>

    To teleport a target to the location of another target:

    /tp <victim><destination>
    • x y z is the coordinate to teleport to.
    • yRot is optional. It is the y-rotation of the entity after teleportation.
    • xRot is optional. It is the x-rotation of the entity after teleportation.
    • lookAtPositon is a set of x y z coordinates that the entity will face after being teleported.
    • lookAtEntity is the name of a player that the entity will face after being teleported.
    • victim is the name of a player to teleport.
    • destination is the name of a player to teleport to.

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    Execute A Command On Behalf Of One Or More Other Entities


    This command allows you to execute another command on behalf of another entity. This allows to you to force a command to run as though it was entered by another player, and can be used to easily run commands on multiple targets.


    • origin: target: The target of the effect .
    • position: x y z: The coordinates from which to run the command. If not specified, will originate at the current location of the targeted player.
    • command: The command to be run.


    This command summons a pig at the exact location of MinecraftPlayer.

    Here’s A List Of What You’ll Need To Press To Access The Console Command Menu:

    Minecraft Commands – How to Activate Cheats in Minecraft

    Hack minecr, seje ting i minecraft, bedrock edition, minecraft;. Minecraft clients is a easier way to play minecraft on pc, xbox 360, xbox one, ps3, ps4, and the best for last the pocket edition users. If you’re experiencing connection issues in minecraft: Here’s a list of what you’ll need to press to access the console command menu: This article is for bedrock editions of minecraft for mobile, xbox one, windows and nintendo switch. How to use minecraft cheats. Hack worlds para minecraft 1.8 completety free minecraft server hosting minecraft 1.8.8 labymod hack. We hope you all enjoy:dwant to support us? Minecraft java edition minecraft windows 10 you can have. Ps4/xbox one lets play, minecraft pe cheat app, konkurs, rir, minecrafthc. Free minecraft codes minecraft xbox one;. If you’re wondering how to enter the minecraft console commands listed below, all you need to do is hit the forward;. Due to how these work they’re unfortunately restricted to pc only, so you can’t use them on playstation, xbox, switch, or mobile we’re afraid,;.

    We hope you all enjoy:dwant to support us? Here’s a list of what you’ll need to press to access the console command menu: How to use minecraft cheats. This article is for bedrock editions of minecraft for mobile, xbox one, windows and nintendo switch. Hack minecr, seje ting i minecraft, bedrock edition, minecraft;.

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    Set The Max Number Of Players Allowed To Join A Multiplayer World


    This command allows you to specify a maximum number of players that can join a multiplayer world. Minecraft: Pocket Edition defaults to a maximum of 8 simultaneous players per world . You can change the maximum number of players to anything between one and 30.


    /setmaxplayers 3

    This command will allow only 3 players to play in a multiplayer world at the same time.

    What Are The Arguments

    Several Minecraft commands use an argument. An argument can be a single statement or a sequence of statements that succeed a command. For example, the command:

    /gamemode Survival

    Here gamemode is the command and Survival is the argument. The argument is commanding your game to run in Survival mode.

    The arguments are sometimes followed by a <angle bracket> or . An angle bracket means that the use of an argument is mandatory whereas a square bracket means that the use of an argument is not mandatory.

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