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HomeNewsHow To Tp In Minecraft With Command Blocks

How To Tp In Minecraft With Command Blocks

Give Command In Minecraft Ps4 Edition

How to Tp using Command Blocks in minecraft

In Minecraft PS4 Edition, the syntax to give a player a command block using the is:

/give <player> command_block 


  • player is the name of the player that you wish to give the command block to.
  • amount is the number of command blocks that you want to give. If you don’t specify an amount, the player will be given 1 command block.

Teleport Command In Minecraft Java Edition

In Minecraft Java Edition 1.13, 1.14, 1.15 and 1.16, there are different syntaxes depending on who or where you are teleporting.

To teleport to a set of coordinates:

/teleport <location>

To teleport to the location of another target:

/teleport <destination>

To teleport a target to the location of another target:

/teleport <targets><destination>

To teleport a target to a set of coordinates facing the direction of another set of coordinates:

/teleport <targets><location> facing <facingLocation>

To teleport a target to a set of coordinates and rotate the direction the target will be facing:

/teleport <targets><location> 

In Minecraft Java Edition 1.10, 1.11 and 1.12, the syntax to teleport an entity to a set of coordinates is:

/teleport <entity><x><y><z> 


  • location or x y z is the to teleport to.
  • destination is the name of a player to teleport to.
  • targets or entity is the name of a player to teleport.
  • facingLocation is the that the entity will face after being teleported.
  • yRot or y-rot is optional. It is the y-rotation that the entity is facing after teleportation in degrees. 0=South, 90=West, 180=North, 270=East.
  • xRot and x-rot is optional. It is the x-rotation that the entity is facing after teleportation in degrees. Positive values look downward and negative values look upward. 0=facing forward, 90=facing straight down, -90=facing straight up

Teleporting In Minecraft On Mobile

While the lack of a physical keyboard might make entering coordinates a fairly tiresome job, there is also a way to teleport in Minecraft on mobile.

  • Open the Minecraft app and load the world that youd like to play in.
  • Access the pause menu by tapping the top-right of the display the icon isnt always displayed, but its there.
  • Tap Settings and toggle the Cheats switch on to enable the use of teleportation.
  • Close the menu and tap Resume Game.
  • Tap the Chat icon at the top of the display.
  • To get your current coordinates for future reference, hit the text box and type /tp YourUsername ~ ~ ~ making sure to replace YourUsername with your Minecraft username. this wont teleport you anywhere, but the command menu should display your current coordinates.
  • To teleport, tap the Chat icon once again, bring up the text box and type /tpYourUsername X Y Z, with X representing the east/west coordinate, Y representing the vertical coordinate and Z representing the north/south coordinate.
  • Tap the Enter button to teleport your character to the specified coordinates.
  • And there you have it! For more Minecraft goodness, take a look at how to;allocate more RAM in Minecraft;and the best alternatives to Minecraft too.;

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    Safe Haven/arena Fight Zone

    Using pressure plates or tripwire, make areas a different difficulty . the doors could have tripwire hook to a command block that changes ones difficulty to peaceful, creating a sort of “Safe Haven”. one could also do it the other way around, creating a more dangerous zone, such as arenas having the difficulty of hard, rather than normal or easy. Note that in multiplayer this will change the difficulty everywhere in the world, and thus may not be desirable.

    What Is A Command Block In Minecraft


    Command blocks are basically mechanical blocks that will run a command of your choice when;powered by;Redstone. But it is to be noted that these blocks s cannot be found in the Creative menu. This is simply because these blocks can affect all aspects of the game, hence they are not available in Survival Mode.

    So to get a command block you must be;an operator on the server/realm and;in Creative mode. And then you can spawn command blocks by;typing:

    /give;<your username>;command_block

    How To Activate Command Blocks

    Once you spawn command blocks the next step is to activate them.;Using a powered;Redstone;current;will activate an attached command block. But please note that those command blocks which are not within render distance will not activate.


    • To get a command block you will also need to have cheats enabled for your world. You can do this by clicking Allow Cheats to enable cheats before starting a new world.
    • In case you wish to get the command block in already existing world, press Escape key and go to the Game Menu > Open To LAN > enable Allow Cheats > Start LAN World > now type the code given below to get any of the command blocks and press Enter.

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    How To Teleport In Minecraft

    Lee StantonRead more June 28, 2021

    While console commands in Minecraft are technically cheating through the game, they can be handy for creative endeavors and team gameplay. The teleport command is one of the most versatile console options, allowing players to move entities across the map in moments.

    This article will explain how to enable cheats and use the teleport command in Minecraft on all available versions, including PCs, consoles, and mobile devices.

    The teleport console command was introduced to the game in 2016 and has been a mainstay for creative team players ever since. It is a vital tool that allows you or other players on the server to transport any entity, whether player or mob, to different locations across the map.

    Tp Command In Minecraft Java Edition

    In Minecraft Java Edition 1.13, 1.14, 1.15 and 1.16, there are different syntaxes depending on who or where you are teleporting.

    To teleport to a set of coordinates:

    /tp <location>

    To teleport to the location of another target:

    /tp <destination>

    To teleport a target to the location of another target:

    /tp <targets><destination>

    To teleport a target to a set of coordinates facing the direction of another set of coordinates:

    /tp <targets><location> facing <facingLocation>

    To teleport a target to a set of coordinates and rotate the direction the target will be facing:

    /tp <targets><location> 

    In Minecraft Java Edition 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11 and 1.12, there are different syntaxes depending on where you would like to teleport.

    To teleport to a set of coordinates:

    /tp  <x><y><z> 

    To teleport to another player:

    /tp  <destination player>


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    Minecraft Allows Players To Travel From One Place To Another Continue Reading To Learn How To Teleport In Minecraft To Instantly Travel To A Specific Location

    Getting lost in Minecraft can be quite annoying irrespective of whether you are in a single player world or a multiplayer world. And while it can be a frustrating experience, there are times when it can also be deadly. So, let us take a look at how you can easily travel to a specific location in the game. The steps below work;for desktops.

    Detecting Players Who Switched To Peaceful

    Minecraft: How to tp using command blocks
    Note: The difficulty for a specific world can be locked as of Java Edition 1.8.

    Create a hostile mob that never despawns if the player is far away. To do so, use a name tag on the mob and place it on a pressure plate. Make sure it will keep it pressed infinitely, so make sure surround it with 2 high blocks or fences, so that it can’t jump or walk away. Make a redstone circuit that causes a command block to activate when input from pressure plate ceases to exist. Place a message inside the block that informs the player on chat that the map has been broken and must be redownloaded. This way, switching to Peaceful will cause the mob to vanish and activate the message. You can even make a teleportation command block so that a cheater is banished from the map to a small room without a way out as soon as they switch to Peaceful.

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    Using A Map Item As A Scroll

    A YouTuber called SethBling used a map as a scroll to perform commands . The player will have an empty map in the inventory and when the player uses it, it becomes a filled map which immediately disappears and a redstone task is done.


    • Compact system.
    • At-will triggered system, just right-click to activate it.
    • Single use: the map disappears during the inventory check, but you can give it back through /give.


    • There can only be one purpose for the scroll, i.e. players cannot do a scroll of teleporting and a scroll of strength without using complicated data values.
    • The player may see the map animation when activating the map before it gets deleted.
    • The player cannot use the map item during your playthrough .

    Building the mechanism

    The player can change the display name of an item to give the player a better understanding of the object and use the tooltip display. Use the following command to give the player a custom named map:/give<player> map}

    • player: the player you want to reach .
    • displayName: the name displayed when you scroll in the hotbar or when you hover the item with your mouse.
    • tooltip: the text below the item name when you hover it.

    Detecting the activation of the map

    /clear<player> filled_map

    • The Command block 3 is the output in case of success. You can do whatever you want: give an effect to the player, teleport him somewhere,… You can also wire this output to a door, a piston,…

    Going furtherThe /clear command can check for other interactive items:

    Teleport Command In Minecraft Pocket Edition

    In Minecraft Pocket Edition , there are different syntaxes depending on who or where you are teleporting.

    To teleport to a set of coordinates:

    /teleport <x><y><z>  

    To teleport to a set of coordinates facing the direction of another set of coordinates:

    /teleport <x><y><z> facing <lookAtPosition>

    To teleport to a set of coordinates facing the direction of a target entity:

    /teleport <x><y><z> facing <lookAtEntity>

    To teleport a target to a set of coordinates:

    /teleport <victim><x><y><z>  

    To teleport a target to a set of coordinates facing the direction of another set of coordinates:

    /teleport <victim><x><y><z> facing <lookAtPosition>

    To teleport a target to a set of coordinates facing the direction of a target entity:

    /teleport <victim><x><y><z> facing <lookAtEntity>

    To teleport to the location of another target:

    /teleport <destination>

    To teleport a target to the location of another target:

    /teleport <victim><destination>
    • x y z is the coordinate to teleport to.
    • yRot is optional. It is the y-rotation of the entity after teleportation.
    • xRot is optional. It is the x-rotation of the entity after teleportation.
    • lookAtPositon is a set of x y z coordinates that the entity will face after being teleported.
    • lookAtEntity is the name of a player that the entity will face after being teleported.
    • victim is the name of a player to teleport.
    • destination is the name of a player to teleport to.

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    What Are Command Blocks

    In Minecraft, the command block can automatically run specified server commands as long as it is activated by redstone. Command blocks were originally added to support Adventure mode but also allow custom mapmakers to improve interaction with the player. Command blocks cannot be crafted and are not located in the Creative mode inventory; players with server privileges can use the give command to give themselves or another player a command block. The give command is as follows:

    • /give <player name> 137

    When typing in the command, exclude the brackets around the players name. The number following the name must be 137, as this is the command blocks ID number. Only players in Creative mode can place command blocks, and only players with operator status on the server can input and save commands. In Survival mode, command blocks cannot be edited or destroyed by any means. Command blocks can also be used in singleplayer or multiplayer worlds: Simply turn on LAN mode and allow cheats.

    Teleport Yourself In Minecraft

    How to build a 2 Way Teleport Pad in Minecraft 1 4 4 using ...

    You can also teleport in Minecraft using coordinates if you turn on cheat. This way, you can teleport yourself or anything anywhere, even in the Survival mode. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to teleport in Minecraft using;coordinates. Follow the steps below:

    • Go to the settings and turn on the “Activate Cheats” option.
    • Open the chat box in Minecraft. You can do this by pressing T on PC or tap on the chat icon on the top corner in the mobile version.
    • Of course, you need to know the coordinates of the destination you want to teleport to.
    • Type “/tp username” into the chatbox. For example, if my user name was Loo and I want to teleport to coordinates;150 64 250, I would type “/tp Loo 150 64 250” into the chatbox. You can also teleport other players by inserting their names instead of your name.
    • Just Enter and you will be teleported to the location of the coordinates.

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    How To Teleport To Another Player

    The first command you may want to learn is to teleport yourself to another player. To enter a command in the chat you have to put the slash / and then the tp command which is really simple.


    The above command teleports yourself to another player called Herobrine. Replace it with the in-game name of who you want to get teleported to.

    How To Use The Minecraft Teleport Command

    With the Tp command in Minecraft, you can teleport anyone or anything anywhere. If you’re playing the Java version, you can even teleport between the Overworld and the Nether.

    Use the Tp cheat the same way you use any other Minecraft cheat:

  • Enable cheats in your world’s settings.

  • Open the chat window. How you do this depends on which platform you’re playing on:

  • PC: Press the T key.
  • Mobile: Tap the Chat icon at the top of the screen.
  • Xbox: Press Right on the D-Pad.
  • PlayStation: Press Right on the D-Pad.
  • Nintendo Switch: Press Right on the D-Pad.
  • Enter the Tp command.

  • If you entered the command correctly, you will receive a confirmation message and be teleported to the indicated location.

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    Teleporting In Minecraft On Iphone Or Android

    Players on mobile devices also use the Bedrock Edition of the game.

    To use the teleport command, you need to enable cheats. You can do so by accessing the game menu and select the Enable Cheats switch without leaving the current world.

    Once cheats are enabled, open the chat button and input the teleport command you wish to use. Tap on Enter to execute the command.

    If youve used the right command, youll see a confirmation message in the chat window.

    Teleport Command In Minecraft Nintendo Switch Edition

    a minecraft tutouriel how tp in single player no command blocks

    In Minecraft Nintendo Switch Edition, there are different syntaxes depending on who or where you are teleporting.

    To teleport to a set of coordinates:

    /teleport <x><y><z>  

    To teleport to a set of coordinates facing the direction of another set of coordinates:

    /teleport <x><y><z> facing <lookAtPosition>

    To teleport to a set of coordinates facing the direction of a target entity:

    /teleport <x><y><z> facing <lookAtEntity>

    To teleport a target to a set of coordinates:

    /teleport <victim><x><y><z>  

    To teleport a target to a set of coordinates facing the direction of another set of coordinates:

    /teleport <victim><x><y><z> facing <lookAtPosition>

    To teleport a target to a set of coordinates facing the direction of a target entity:

    /teleport <victim><x><y><z> facing <lookAtEntity>

    To teleport to the location of another target:

    /teleport <destination>

    To teleport a target to the location of another target:

    /teleport <victim><destination>
    • x y z is the coordinate to teleport to.
    • yRot is optional. It is the y-rotation of the entity after teleportation.
    • xRot is optional. It is the x-rotation of the entity after teleportation.
    • lookAtPositon is a set of x y z coordinates that the entity will face after being teleported.
    • lookAtEntity is the name of a player that the entity will face after being teleported.
    • victim is the name of a player to teleport.
    • destination is the name of a player to teleport to.

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    How To Teleport To A Location

    Running from place to place can get exhausting, especially on a multiplayer server. Thankfully, with the use of the teleport command, players can travel to specific coordinates in the Minecraft world, or even the locations of other players. To use the teleport command, enter this into a command block:

    • /tp <playername><x><y><z>

    With command blocks, it is easiest to have a defined set of coordinates to teleport the player to, such as the location of the next part of the adventure map. If the command block isnt meant for a specific player, you can use @p to select the nearest player. If you are on a multiplayer server, you can tailor the command block to just your use by inputting your Minecraft username.

    It is easy to hide command blocks behind walls and structures for aesthetic appeal.

    Jessica Marello, Fair Use: Minecraft

    Give Command In Minecraft Education Edition

    In Minecraft Education Edition, the syntax to give a player a command block using the is:

    /give <player> command_block 


    • player is the name of the player that you wish to give the command block to.
    • amount is the number of command blocks that you want to give. If you don’t specify an amount, the player will be given 1 command block.

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    Test Your Knowledge Of Command Blocks

    For each question, choose the best answer. The answer key is below.

  • Which players can place command blocks?
  • All players can place them
  • Only players in creative mode
  • Only players in survival mode
  • Only players in adventure mode
  • How do you get command blocks?
  • Find it in the creative mode inventory
  • Find it in a dungeon chest
  • Use the “/give 137” command
  • Close your eyes and wish really hard
  • Which command is used to target players?
  • Teleporting In Minecraft On Pc

    Cómo usar bloques de comando en Minecraft: 16 pasos
  • Open Minecraft on your PC.
  • Create or load the world that you want to play in.
  • Head to the location you want to teleport to in future this could be your base, a farm or recreation youre working on.
  • Press F3 + Fn + F3 on PC or Alt + Fn + F3 on Mac to display your current coordinates below the mini-map. Make a note of these coordinates as youll need them to teleport back.
  • When you want to teleport, open the console by pressing the / key on your keyboard.
  • Enter the teleport command teleport name x y z replacing name with the username of your character, x with the east/west coordinate, y with the vertical coordinate and z with the north/south coordinate this should be in the same order that you originally wrote the coordinates down in. Your finished command should look something like this: teleport LewwyPaints 2 43 72
  • You can also teleport to another players location by using the command teleport Bert Ernie, which will teleport Bert to Ernies current location.
  • Once youve typed out the command, simply hit Enter to teleport your player to the selected coordinates.
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