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HomeMust ReadHow To Use Teleport Command In Minecraft

How To Use Teleport Command In Minecraft

How To Teleport In Minecraft Survival Mode

How to use the /teleport Command for Minecraft 1.17!

If you don’t want to use cheats, you need to obtain an Ender Pearl to teleport in Minecraft. This item cannot be crafted, so you need to look for it either in Stronghold chests or by killing Endermen mobs.

We have guides on that here and here.

When you have an Ender Pearl in your possession, you can throw it wherever you wish to teleport to, and then use one of the following actions:

  • Java Edition: Right-click.
  • Pocket Edition: Tap where Ender Pearl lands.
  • PS3/PS4: Press “L2” button.
  • Xbox 360/Xbox One: Press “LT” button.
  • Wii U/Switch: Press “ZL” button.

How To Teleport In Minecraft

Lee StantonRead more June 28, 2021

While console commands in Minecraft are technically cheating through the game, they can be handy for creative endeavors and team gameplay. The teleport command is one of the most versatile console options, allowing players to move entities across the map in moments.

This article will explain how to enable cheats and use the teleport command in Minecraft on all available versions, including PCs, consoles, and mobile devices.

The teleport console command was introduced to the game in 2016 and has been a mainstay for creative team players ever since. It is a vital tool that allows you or other players on the server to transport any entity, whether player or mob, to different locations across the map.

The Teleport Command In Minecraft

The basic teleport command takes the form of /tp < destination> . You can use /tp and /teleport interchangeably since they refer to the same command.

The basic form of the command requires either an entity or a location as the target and will teleport the player executing the command to that location or entity. Players have plenty of freedom when choosing the teleport syntax.

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More Teleport Commands In Minecraft

Here are some more teleport commands in Minecraft that you might find useful besides the tips of how to make a teleport in Minecraft by using command blocks.

  • Teleport all players to you: /tp @a @s
  • Teleport the nearest player to you: /tp @p @s
  • Teleport all pigs to you: /tp @e @s
  • Teleport yourself 100 blocks in the air: /tp @s ~ ~100 ~

Above is the complete guide of how to make a teleporter in Minecraft or how to teleport in Minecraft with Command Blocks and Coordinates. Do come back for more tips of playing this open-world game!

> > > Read more:

Program The Command Block

Minecraft: 1.8+1.7 Command Block Teleporting Tutorial ...

First, you need to program the command block to teleport a player with the by providing a set of XYZ coordinates. This /tp command will be run each time the command block is activated.

So, stand in front of the command block with your pointer on the command block and click on the right mouse button.

This will bring up the programming console for the command block.

Now, type your command in the “Console Command” text box. We use the to teleport the player.

TIP: When you are using command blocks, you have certain values that you can use to target players:

– targets the nearest player – targets a random player – targets all players

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Example In Xbox One Edition

To teleport to the location of TheEarthMover in Minecraft Xbox One Edition:

/tp TheEarthMover

To teleport the player named DigMinecraft to the location of TheEarthMover:

/tp DigMinecraft TheEarthMover

To teleport the player named DigMinecraft to the coordinates :

/tp DigMinecraft 7 62 -50

To teleport the nearest player to coordinates that are 5 blocks East, 3 blocks up, and 12 blocks North of the current position:

To teleport yourself to the coordinates :

/tp 13 69 75

To teleport to the location of Axe2Grind in Minecraft PS4 Edition:

/tp Axe2Grind

To teleport the player named DigMinecraft to the location of Axe2Grind:

/tp DigMinecraft Axe2Grind

To teleport the player named DigMinecraft to the coordinates :

/tp DigMinecraft 8 67 100

To teleport all players to a specific set of coordinates :

List Of Teleport Commands In Minecraft

The teleport command can take many forms, but here are some of the most common and useful ones:

/tp < location x y z>

The destination is composed of three coordinates . Enter the desired coordinates in place of the x y z. For example, /tp 100 50 100 will move the player to a block that is at the coordinates x=100, z=100, and has a height of 50.

Players can also use references to their current position. A command /tp 50 ~4 50 will move the player to the block that has x=50, z=50, and that is four blocks above their current location.

/tp < destination>

When used this way, a player will teleport to the target entity. You can use a players name, a specific entity name, or the targets UUID, or a unique identifier.

/tp < target> < destination/location>

Rotation: /tp < destination/location> < yRot> < xRot>

Each of the above commands can also have an optional argument for rotating the target towards a specific location. When used, the command needs two additional numbers. The yaw goes between -180 and 180 and describes which side of the world the entity will face after rotation . The pitch shows how the target will face up or down . You can use a reference marker to use the targets current yaw and pitch and add or subtract from it.

For example: /tp Steve 151 60 134 -90 0 will teleport the player named Steve to the coordinates then rotate him to face east and look straight ahead.

Facing < entity/coordinates>

Checking for Blocks

The Execute Command in JE

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How To Teleport To Someone In Minecraft Easily

In Minecraft, players can use commands to perform specific functions that allow them to do things quicker. For example, they can use commands to teleport from one place to another in Minecraft.

Commands are advanced features that are activated by keying in a specific string of texts. These functions are entered via the chat menu. There are several commands that players can use to their advantage.

In order for commands to work, players must turn on cheats when creating a Minecraft world. Since commands are basically cheats that allow them to do things that typically can’t be done, the feature must be activated before creating the world.

There are a series of commands that players can use in Minecraft. One of the most beneficial and popular commands is teleportation. Players can use the teleport command on themselves, other users or objects.

Players can use teleportation to travel to a destination faster, or to bring another entity to them if the latter gets lost and vice versa. The teleport command is easy to do, and can be learned quickly.

In this article, players will learn how to easily teleport to someone using the teleport command in Minecraft!

B: How To Teleport To Coordinates In Minecraft Pocket Edition Or Pe

How to Teleport in Minecraft Using Command Blocks

Step 1: Run Minecraft.

Launch the app.

Step 2: Access the Pause menu.

To do this, tap on the top right corner of the screen. There should be a button with a pause icon . The button may not always be displayed, but tapping in the top right of the display should bring up the Pause menu.

Step 3: Go to Settings.

Tap on the Settings box to enter game settings.

Step 4: Turn on cheats.

Scroll to the cheats section and toggle the switch to the on position.

Step 5: Resume your game.

Close the menu and go back into your game.

Step 6: Open the Chat bar.

To do this, tap the Chat icon. It is located on the top of the screen as the familiar speech bubble graphic.

Step 7: Enter the teleport command.

Eg: /tp < x> < y> < z>

Tap on the keyboard button on the right end of the Chat bar, and enter the tp command in full. This should include your username as well as the coordinates to which you want to teleport.

Step 8: Run the teleport command.

After entering the tp command, hit the Enter command by tapping on the speech bubble with a right-arrow inside it. You can find this to the right of the Chat bar. You should be teleported to the set of coordinates, or location that you specified.

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Example In Windows 10 Edition

To teleport to the location of TheExcavator in Minecraft Windows 10 Edition:

/tp TheExcavator

To teleport the player named DigMinecraft to the location of TheExcavator:

/tp DigMinecraft TheExcavator

To teleport the player named DigMinecraft to coordinates that are 10 blocks East, 3 blocks up, and 4 blocks South of the current position:

/tp DigMinecraft ~10 ~3 ~4

To teleport the nearest player to a specific set of coordinates :

Teleporting In Minecraft On Consoles

Console players also tend to use the most advanced version of the Bedrock Edition of the game, and older versions are no longer updated. The teleport command on the consoles will work the same way as on the Desktop. To start using the command, you need to enable cheats.

Heres how to enable cheats on the consoles:

  • Open the game menu.
  • Flip the Enable Cheats switch if its greyed out. If its blue, the cheats are already enabled.
  • If youre creating a new world, the Enable Cheats switch is available directly on the world creation menu.

    Once youve enabled cheats, you can open the chat by pressing the D-pad right key on your controller or press the right arrow button .

    Running the command is pretty straightforward. Use the virtual keyboard in the chat to input the command parameters, then press on Enter to execute it.

    If the teleport command succeeds, youll see a confirmation message in the chat.

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    Tp Command In Minecraft Ps4 Edition

    In Minecraft PS4 Edition, there are different syntaxes depending on who or where you are teleporting.

    To teleport to a set of coordinates:

    /tp < x> < y> < z>   

    To teleport to a set of coordinates facing the direction of another set of coordinates:

    /tp < x> < y> < z>  facing < lookAtPosition> 

    To teleport to a set of coordinates facing the direction of a target entity:

    /tp < x> < y> < z>  facing < lookAtEntity> 

    To teleport a target to a set of coordinates:

    /tp < victim> < x> < y> < z>   

    To teleport a target to a set of coordinates facing the direction of another set of coordinates:

    /tp < victim> < x> < y> < z>  facing < lookAtPosition> 

    To teleport a target to a set of coordinates facing the direction of a target entity:

    /tp < victim> < x> < y> < z>  facing < lookAtEntity> 

    To teleport to the location of another target:

    /tp < destination> 

    To teleport a target to the location of another target:

    /tp < victim> < destination> 
    • x y z is the coordinate to teleport to.
    • yRot is optional. It is the y-rotation of the entity after teleportation.
    • xRot is optional. It is the x-rotation of the entity after teleportation.
    • lookAtPositon is a set of x y z coordinates that the entity will face after being teleported.
    • lookAtEntity is the name of a player that the entity will face after being teleported.
    • victim is the name of a player to teleport.
    • destination is the name of a player to teleport to.

    How To Teleport In Minecraft On Mobile

    How to teleport using Command Block in Minecraft Bedrock ...

    The TP command Minecraft is confusing for many people because of its wide variations and how it works differently on diverse platforms. So, lets take a look at the steps that you can use to teleport in Minecraft on your smartphone.

    Step 1: Open the Minecraft application and select the world in which you want to play.

    Step 2: Tap the top-right corner of the screen to access the pause menu. You may not always see the symbol, but its there.

    Step 3: To activate teleportation, go to Settings and toggle the Cheats option.

    Step 4: Quit the menu and then select Resume Game.

    Step 5: At the top of the screen, click the Chat icon.

    Step 6: To acquire your current coordinates for future reference, enter your username into the text box, making sure to replace your username with your Minecraft username. This will not transport you somewhere, but it should display your current coordinates in the command menu.

    Step 7: Tap the Chat icon again to bring up the text box, then write /tp to teleport, followed by XYZ. Here, X represents the east/west coordinate, Y indicates the vertical coordinate, and Z shows the north/south coordinate.

    Step 8: To teleport your character to the chosen coordinates, use the Enter button.

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    How To Teleport In Minecraft: Here Are The Guides For You

    A lot of people have been asking us the same question about the Minecraft game, and that is how to teleport in Minecraft? The option to teleport in Minecraft may not be apparent at first glance, but it is possible to do so on PC, consoles, and mobile devices. Unfortunately, while that is excellent news, there is also bad news here. The bad news is that teleporting in Minecraft varies per platform, so there is no one-size-fits-all solution to use the Minecraft TP command.

    Weve divided this article into sections covering the PC, console, and mobile versions of Minecraft to address this issue. It will help you figure out how to teleport in Minecraft regardless of which platform you play the game. If you use this guide step-by-step, youll reach where you want in the twinkling of an eye using the teleport Minecraft command.

    Example In Java Edition 111 And 112

    To teleport the player named DigMinecraft to the player named Steve in Minecraft 1.11 and 1.12:

    /tp DigMinecraft Steve

    To teleport the player named DigMinecraft to relative coordinates :

    /tp DigMinecraft ~53 ~-6 ~17

    To teleport a random player to a specific set of coordinates :


    To teleport all cows to the coordinates :


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    Teleporting To A Relative Set Of Coordinates

    Lets start by showing you how to teleport to a relative set of coordinates. For example, you could teleport the player named Keither60 to relative coordinates by using the tilde character ~ for the x y z values :

    /tp Keither60 ~55 ~6 ~18

    Type the command in the chat window. As you type, you will see the command appear in the lower left corner of the game window. Press the Enter key to execute the command.

    This /tp command would teleport the player called Keither to a position that is 55 blocks east, 6 blocks up, and 18 blocks south of the current position.

    Teleport Command In Minecraft Nintendo Switch Edition

    Minecraft:How to teleport using Command Blocks

    In Minecraft Nintendo Switch Edition, there are different syntaxes depending on who or where you are teleporting.

    To teleport to a set of coordinates:

    /teleport < x> < y> < z>   

    To teleport to a set of coordinates facing the direction of another set of coordinates:

    /teleport < x> < y> < z>  facing < lookAtPosition> 

    To teleport to a set of coordinates facing the direction of a target entity:

    /teleport < x> < y> < z>  facing < lookAtEntity> 

    To teleport a target to a set of coordinates:

    /teleport < victim> < x> < y> < z>   

    To teleport a target to a set of coordinates facing the direction of another set of coordinates:

    /teleport < victim> < x> < y> < z>  facing < lookAtPosition> 

    To teleport a target to a set of coordinates facing the direction of a target entity:

    /teleport < victim> < x> < y> < z>  facing < lookAtEntity> 

    To teleport to the location of another target:

    /teleport < destination> 

    To teleport a target to the location of another target:

    /teleport < victim> < destination> 
    • x y z is the coordinate to teleport to.
    • yRot is optional. It is the y-rotation of the entity after teleportation.
    • xRot is optional. It is the x-rotation of the entity after teleportation.
    • lookAtPositon is a set of x y z coordinates that the entity will face after being teleported.
    • lookAtEntity is the name of a player that the entity will face after being teleported.
    • victim is the name of a player to teleport.
    • destination is the name of a player to teleport to.

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    Minecraft Allows Players To Travel From One Place To Another Continue Reading To Learn How To Teleport In Minecraft To Instantly Travel To A Specific Location

    Getting lost in Minecraft can be quite annoying irrespective of whether you are in a single player world or a multiplayer world. And while it can be a frustrating experience, there are times when it can also be deadly. So, let us take a look at how you can easily travel to a specific location in the game. The steps below work for desktops.

    How Coordinates Work In Minecraft

    When you enter coordinates in Minecraft, you need to provide three variables: X, Y, and Z:

    • X: The X coordinate represents longitude. As the player moves east, the value of X increases. As the player moves west, the value of X decreases.
    • Y: The Y coordinate represents elevation. As the player moves up, the value of Y increases. As the player moves down, the value of Y decreases.
    • Z: The Z coordinate represents latitude. As the player moves south, the value of Z increases. As the player moves north, the value of Z decreases.

    One unit represents one block. Sea level for the overworld is 64Y, and the lava sea level is 11Y. In the Nether, the lava sea level is 31Y.

    To display your current coordinates in the Java Edition, press Fn+F3 . In Bedrock Edition, enable Show Coordinates in the world settings.

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    Teleporting In Minecraft On Console

    Before we delve into the console-focused teleportation tutorial, its worth pointing out that youre only able to teleport when youre hosting a multiplayer world and, unlike on PC, youll only be able to teleport to another players location.

    Now thats out of the way, heres how to teleport in Minecraft on PS4, Xbox One or Nintendo Switch.

  • Load up Minecraft from your consoles main menu.
  • Select Play Game and select the world that youd like to load but dont load it just yet.
  • Head to Game Options and make sure that Host Privileges is ticked.
  • Select Load and click OK on the warning that notifies players about the lack of achievements and leaderboard updates when playing with host privileges.
  • Once the game has loaded, press Options on Xbox or the Touchpad on PS4 to access the Host menu.
  • Select Host Options and select Teleport to Player.
  • This should take you to a list of all players currently playing in your world. Simply select a user from this list and youll be instantly teleported to their current location.

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