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HomeMust ReadHow To Teleport People In Minecraft

How To Teleport People In Minecraft

Tp Command In Minecraft Nintendo Switch Edition

How To Teleport People Useing Command Blocks| Minecraft PE

In Minecraft Nintendo Switch Edition, there are different syntaxes depending on who or where you are teleporting.

To teleport to a set of coordinates:

/tp < x> < y> < z>   

To teleport to a set of coordinates facing the direction of another set of coordinates:

/tp < x> < y> < z>  facing < lookAtPosition> 

To teleport to a set of coordinates facing the direction of a target entity:

/tp < x> < y> < z>  facing < lookAtEntity> 

To teleport a target to a set of coordinates:

/tp < victim> < x> < y> < z>   

To teleport a target to a set of coordinates facing the direction of another set of coordinates:

/tp < victim> < x> < y> < z>  facing < lookAtPosition> 

To teleport a target to a set of coordinates facing the direction of a target entity:

/tp < victim> < x> < y> < z>  facing < lookAtEntity> 

To teleport to the location of another target:

/tp < destination> 

To teleport a target to the location of another target:

/tp < victim> < destination> 
  • x y z is the coordinate to teleport to.
  • yRot is optional. It is the y-rotation of the entity after teleportation.
  • xRot is optional. It is the x-rotation of the entity after teleportation.
  • lookAtPositon is a set of x y z coordinates that the entity will face after being teleported.
  • lookAtEntity is the name of a player that the entity will face after being teleported.
  • victim is the name of a player to teleport.
  • destination is the name of a player to teleport to.

How Do You Teleport In Xaeros Minimap

The used command can be changed in the minimap settings with the Default Teleport Command option, or per server in the waypoints menu with the Teleport Chat Command option however, if the Teleport button is disabled, it can mean a variety of things.

How Do You Teleport To A Village In Minecraft

Players can teleport to a village in Minecraft by using the teleport command which we have mentioned.

However, to use the teleport command, a player needs to find the exact coordinates of the village he wishes to teleport to.

This is because one needs to enter the coordinates of the village in the command to activate the teleportation process in Minecraft.

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Example In Nintendo Switch Edition

To teleport to the location of DigMinecraft in Minecraft Nintendo Switch Edition:

/tp DigMinecraft

To teleport the player named Axe2Grind to the location of TheEarthMover:

/tp Axe2Grind TheEarthMover

To teleport the player named TheEarthMover to the coordinates :

/tp TheEarthMover -24 71 6

To teleport the nearest player to coordinates that are 5 blocks West and 6 blocks North of the current position:

To teleport yourself to the coordinates :

/tp -12 78 9

Minecraft How To Teleport Only Certain People In Minecraft

Teleporteren in Minecraft


Best Answer

If you only want to teleport people who are in a certain group, you can use the new scoreboard command to create a ‘group’ of people , and then teleport only that team with this command

To set up your groups, you can create a group like this:

/scoreboard teams add < internal group name> < display name> 

And then add people to this group like this:

/scoreboard teams join < internal group name> < user name> 

The advantage of this system is also that you can use it actually to separate groups in the actual game. The scoreboard command has a feature that means that the display name of a team will be displayed before the actual username, appearing like this in the chat:

 < user name> : ...

More info on this system can be found in the wiki page linked above.

/scoreboard teams add < internal player name> < external player name> /scoreboard teams join < internal player name> < player name> 

And then in the command block, to teleport that person if they are in a radius of 2, you could use:

Alternatively, you could just specify the name of the player in the selector. Following the previous example, if you want to teleport a certain person if they are in a radius of 2, you could use:

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Tp Command In Minecraft Pocket Edition

In Minecraft Pocket Edition , there are different syntaxes depending on who or where you are teleporting.

To teleport to a set of coordinates:

/tp < x> < y> < z>   

To teleport to a set of coordinates facing the direction of another set of coordinates:

/tp < x> < y> < z>  facing < lookAtPosition> 

To teleport to a set of coordinates facing the direction of a target entity:

/tp < x> < y> < z>  facing < lookAtEntity> 

To teleport a target to a set of coordinates:

/tp < victim> < x> < y> < z>   

To teleport a target to a set of coordinates facing the direction of another set of coordinates:

/tp < victim> < x> < y> < z>  facing < lookAtPosition> 

To teleport a target to a set of coordinates facing the direction of a target entity:

/tp < victim> < x> < y> < z>  facing < lookAtEntity> 

To teleport to the location of another target:

/tp < destination> 

To teleport a target to the location of another target:

/tp < victim> < destination> 
  • x y z is the coordinate to teleport to.
  • yRot is optional. It is the y-rotation of the entity after teleportation.
  • xRot is optional. It is the x-rotation of the entity after teleportation.
  • lookAtPositon is a set of x y z coordinates that the entity will face after being teleported.
  • lookAtEntity is the name of a player that the entity will face after being teleported.
  • victim is the name of a player to teleport.
  • destination is the name of a player to teleport to.

Teleporting In Minecraft On Pc

  • Open Minecraft on your PC.
  • Create or load the world that you want to play in.
  • Head to the location you want to teleport to in future this could be your base, a farm or recreation youre working on.
  • Press F3 + Fn + F3 on PC or Alt + Fn + F3 on Mac to display your current coordinates below the mini-map. Make a note of these coordinates as youll need them to teleport back.
  • When you want to teleport, open the console by pressing the / key on your keyboard.
  • Enter the teleport command teleport name x y z replacing name with the username of your character, x with the east/west coordinate, y with the vertical coordinate and z with the north/south coordinate this should be in the same order that you originally wrote the coordinates down in. Your finished command should look something like this: teleport LewwyPaints 2 43 72
  • You can also teleport to another players location by using the command teleport Bert Ernie, which will teleport Bert to Ernies current location.
  • Once youve typed out the command, simply hit Enter to teleport your player to the selected coordinates.
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    Teleporting In Minecraft On Desktop

    When using the desktop version of Minecraft, players are limited to the Java and Bedrock Editions of the game . There are no functional differences between how to execute the command in the game. However, players will need to enable cheats to use the command console.

    Heres how to enable cheats on an ongoing world in Java Edition:

  • Open the game menu .
  • Select Switch to LAN. You can use this option even if youre on an offline server.
  • Select Enable Cheats.
  • If youre using the Bedrock Edition:

  • Open the game menu.
  • Flip the switch reading Enable Cheats to make it blue .
  • Players can also choose to enable cheats when creating their world. For the Java version, follow these steps:

  • Choose the New World option.
  • Select More World Options from the menu.
  • When using the Bedrock Edition, the Enable Cheats switch will be located on the right-hand side of the world creation menu. Flip it to activate cheats and console commands for the world.

    Once youve enabled cheats in the current world instance, running the command is simple. You can press T to open a chat window or press / to open the chat window and immediately have the first character of the command put in for you.

    Once youve input the command, press Enter to run it. In some cases, the game will show an error if one of the arguments is incorrect, incomplete, or the command cant run. If the command succeeds, it will display the message in the chat window saying Teleported < target> to < coordinates> .

    Example In Pocket Edition

    How to Teleport to Someone Minecraft On PS4, Xbox One and PC (Fast Method!)

    To teleport to the location of Axe2Grind in Minecraft PE:

    /tp Axe2Grind

    To teleport the player named DigMinecraft to the location of Axe2Grind:

    /tp DigMinecraft Axe2Grind

    To teleport the player named DigMinecraft to coordinates that are 3 blocks East and 9 blocks North of the current position:

    /tp DigMinecraft ~3 ~ ~-9

    To teleport all players to a specific set of coordinates :


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    Program The Command Block

    First, you need to program the command block to teleport a player with the by providing a set of XYZ coordinates. This /tp command will be run each time the command block is activated.

    So, stand in front of the command block with your pointer on the command block and click on the right mouse button.

    This will bring up the programming console for the command block.

    Now, type your command in the “Console Command” text box. We use the to teleport the player.

    TIP: When you are using command blocks, you have certain values that you can use to target players:

    – targets the nearest player – targets a random player – targets all players

    Need To Get Across The Map Quickly There’s A Way To Teleport In Minecraft But It Might Not Be Obvious At A Glance

    ByLewis Painter, Senior Staff Writer| 30 Sep 2019

    The ability to teleport in Minecraft may not be obvious at a glance, but theres a way to do it not only on PC but consoles and mobile too. Thats the good news. The bad news is that the process of teleporting in Minecraft differs between platforms, so theres no one-size-fits-all answer for Minecraft fans.

    To remedy this issue, weve split our tutorial into platform-specific sections covering PC, console and mobile versions of Minecraft to help you learn to teleport and get where youre going in the blink of an eye.

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    Using The Teleport Command

    The first thing you’ll need to do is pull up the command console, which can be done by pressing “/” on PC. This will open a dialogue box that allows you to enter in a variety of commands one of which lets you teleport.

    With the command console open, you’ll need to type in “/tp” or “/teleport” to begin the process, followed by the destination you’d like to move to. A variety of options are available, including specific coordinates, relative coordinates, or even the name of another player. For example:

    • tp x y x will teleport you to the location on the map with those exact coordinates. Replace each letter with a number that corresponds to your preferred destination. Adding an “~” before a value will change it to a relative position instead of an absolute position.
    • tp < destination> will move you to the location of another object or player. Replace < destination> with the name of another player on the server or any other unique ID.< /destination>
    • tp < targets> < destination> will send another player on the server to a specific location. For example, you can enter “/tp JohnSmith 200 200 200” to send player JohnSmith to the coordinates 200, 200, 200.

    Tp Command In Minecraft Ps4 Edition

    How to Teleport Someone to You in Minecraft: Add a Player

    In Minecraft PS4 Edition, there are different syntaxes depending on who or where you are teleporting.

    To teleport to a set of coordinates:

    /tp < x> < y> < z>   

    To teleport to a set of coordinates facing the direction of another set of coordinates:

    /tp < x> < y> < z>  facing < lookAtPosition> 

    To teleport to a set of coordinates facing the direction of a target entity:

    /tp < x> < y> < z>  facing < lookAtEntity> 

    To teleport a target to a set of coordinates:

    /tp < victim> < x> < y> < z>   

    To teleport a target to a set of coordinates facing the direction of another set of coordinates:

    /tp < victim> < x> < y> < z>  facing < lookAtPosition> 

    To teleport a target to a set of coordinates facing the direction of a target entity:

    /tp < victim> < x> < y> < z>  facing < lookAtEntity> 

    To teleport to the location of another target:

    /tp < destination> 

    To teleport a target to the location of another target:

    /tp < victim> < destination> 
    • x y z is the coordinate to teleport to.
    • yRot is optional. It is the y-rotation of the entity after teleportation.
    • xRot is optional. It is the x-rotation of the entity after teleportation.
    • lookAtPositon is a set of x y z coordinates that the entity will face after being teleported.
    • lookAtEntity is the name of a player that the entity will face after being teleported.
    • victim is the name of a player to teleport.
    • destination is the name of a player to teleport to.

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    Teleporting In Minecraft On Iphone Or Android

    Players on mobile devices also use the Bedrock Edition of the game.

    To use the teleport command, you need to enable cheats. You can do so by accessing the game menu and select the Enable Cheats switch without leaving the current world.

    Once cheats are enabled, open the chat button and input the teleport command you wish to use. Tap on Enter to execute the command.

    If youve used the right command, youll see a confirmation message in the chat window.

    Example In Education Edition

    To teleport to the location of TheEarthMover in Minecraft Education Edition:

    /tp TheEarthMover

    To teleport the player named DigMinecraft to the location of TheEarthMover:

    /tp DigMinecraft TheEarthMover

    To teleport the player named DigMinecraft to coordinates that are 6 blocks West and 10 blocks South of the current position:

    /tp DigMinecraft ~-6 ~ ~10

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    How To Teleport To Someone In Minecraft Easily

    In Minecraft, players can use commands to perform specific functions that allow them to do things quicker. For example, they can use commands to teleport from one place to another in Minecraft.

    Commands are advanced features that are activated by keying in a specific string of texts. These functions are entered via the chat menu. There are several commands that players can use to their advantage.

    In order for commands to work, players must turn on cheats when creating a Minecraft world. Since commands are basically cheats that allow them to do things that typically can’t be done, the feature must be activated before creating the world.

    There are a series of commands that players can use in Minecraft. One of the most beneficial and popular commands is teleportation. Players can use the teleport command on themselves, other users or objects.

    Players can use teleportation to travel to a destination faster, or to bring another entity to them if the latter gets lost and vice versa. The teleport command is easy to do, and can be learned quickly.

    In this article, players will learn how to easily teleport to someone using the teleport command in Minecraft!

    How Coordinates Work In Minecraft

    How to TELEPORT Friend In Minecraft To your Location or Anywhere (Easy Method!)

    When you enter coordinates in Minecraft, you need to provide three variables: X, Y, and Z:

    • X: The X coordinate represents longitude. As the player moves east, the value of X increases. As the player moves west, the value of X decreases.
    • Y: The Y coordinate represents elevation. As the player moves up, the value of Y increases. As the player moves down, the value of Y decreases.
    • Z: The Z coordinate represents latitude. As the player moves south, the value of Z increases. As the player moves north, the value of Z decreases.

    One unit represents one block. Sea level for the overworld is 64Y, and the lava sea level is 11Y. In the Nether, the lava sea level is 31Y.

    To display your current coordinates in the Java Edition, press Fn+F3 . In Bedrock Edition, enable Show Coordinates in the world settings.

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    How To Open Chat Window Minecraft

    • For Java Version , use the T key to launch the dialogue box.
    • For Pocket Edition , touch on the chat icon help command just at front of the screen.
    • For Xbox One, hit the D-Pad xbox one upon the controller.
    • For PS4, hit the D-Pad ps4 upon that controller.
    • The right arrow button on the gamepad is used for Nintendo Switch.
    • For Windows 10 Edition, hit the T key to launch the chat window.
    • For Education Edition, hit the T key to enter the chat box.

    Teleport To Player Spawnpoint

    With the ability to set spawnpoints in other dimensions in the upcoming 1.16 version , it would be useful to have a command to teleport a player back to their saved spawnpoint if applicable, or worldspawn.

    Killing a player can technically accomplish this, but potentially at the loss of their items and levels and adversely affecting their statistics when it is not intended to do so.

    I would suggest a command such as /spawn .

    Behavior would be as follows:

    • /spawn:Defaults to teleporting the entity executing the command to their saved spawn point and dimension, or worldspawn if none found, same as running
    • /spawn SomePlayer:Teleports “SomePlayer” to their saved spawn point and dimension, or worldspawn if none found
    • :Teleports all loaded entities their own saved spawn point and dimension, or worldspawn if none found

    This command should not be available to players in general, unless a gamerule is also introduced to allow something like just using /spawn on self as a target.

    Registered User

    • May 28, 2020 04:14

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    How To Teleport In Minecraft

    Lee StantonRead more June 28, 2021

    While console commands in Minecraft are technically cheating through the game, they can be handy for creative endeavors and team gameplay. The teleport command is one of the most versatile console options, allowing players to move entities across the map in moments.

    This article will explain how to enable cheats and use the teleport command in Minecraft on all available versions, including PCs, consoles, and mobile devices.

    The teleport console command was introduced to the game in 2016 and has been a mainstay for creative team players ever since. It is a vital tool that allows you or other players on the server to transport any entity, whether player or mob, to different locations across the map.


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