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How To Find Sugar Cane In Minecraft

Prepare The Farming Ground

How to find sugar cane and grow it in minecraft – simple/quick minecraft 1.4.2 tutorial [HD]

Now that we have some sugar canes ready for planting in our own land farm, let us do some digging. Now it is often asked whether to plant the sugar canes on dirt blocks or on sand blocks.

It should be noted that before we answer that, we are at this point only discussing about preparing the farmlands. And how to do that?

As we said earlier, we need to have water right next to the land for growing Sugar Cane. So let us make some waterways in our farmlands to make suitable conditions for growing sugar canes on your farm.

To do so, making one row of water flow and on the sides of it for sugar cane plantation will be a good way.

Now that we have a good method of planting our sugar canes to grow, let us move on.

One thing to remember is, always break the sugar cane from the 2nd level onwards. Why is that being told, or advised to do so?

Because, sugar canes broken from the 2nd;block and up will drop every sugar cane above it, but keep the one below it intact.

Now what does it mean, how does it benefit us?

Well, it benefits us in this way. When we leave the bottom sugar cane on base-level intact, it regrows again without having to be replanted or replaced. This is like making a sustainable source of regrowing sugar canes.

Now the question that came up earlier, about growing up on sand blocks or dirt blocks. Now it is noticeable that we often find sugar canes growing up on sand blocks.

Tips And Tricks For Trading

On top of that, each villager also has a limited number of times they can make a particular trade. If you do a trade too many times, that trade is no longer available and will be crossed out with a red X in the villagers trading menu. So not only do players need to be aware of how much theyve traded but how much their trades are costing them. The reason using sugar cane is so practical is because its infinitely renewable, grows reasonably fast, and is a consistently easy trade to find.

This information is usually refreshed about twice a day by villagers. Villagers spend a lot of time wandering around, but they do go to work throughout the day and travel to their occupational table. For librarians, its their lectern. For cartographers, their cartography table. When you notice a villager youve traded with returning to their workstation, that means theyre resupplying and are open to trade again. More than that, prices will be altered to reflect the demand for specific trades.

To maximize your trading efficiency, use these tips:

Minecraft Find Sugar Cane


I played several hours a started three different worlds in Minecraft, but I have never found any sugar canes. I read on Minecraft wiki to search near water but still no luck. Do you have more hints? Is it possible to re-create an environment that allow sugar canes to naturally grow?

Best Answer

Sugar cane only naturally spawn on chunk generation. Sugar cane grows on dirt/grass next to water. The easiest way is to generally walk along a coastline or riverside, and hope you find some.

They’re not all that rare for the most part. Use something like Cartograph G to list how many pieces are in your world; maybe you just haven’t got any generated yet?

Once you’ve got one though, you won’t need to look for any more, they are extremely efficient to farm!

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How To Get Sugarcane In Minecraft

Sugar Canes are very easy and very commonly found in Minecraft.

Sugarcanes have one important requirement of growing, and that is, being immediately next to the water.

That being said, it makes us know that if we want to find sugar cane, we need to find water bodies. Any notable water body, a little larger than around 15/20 blocks will have a probability of having sugar cane growing around it.

The soil requirement is not specific for sugar cane, as we might have noticed that it can even grow upon sand blocks. ;Now that we have found sugar cane, let us break some of those sugar canes and bring them for our own farms growing.

How To Find Initial Sugar Cane In Minecraft

Minecraft Sugar Cane Photo

The first step to growing sugar cane is finding an initial batch that spawned organically in the Minecraft Overworld. Sugar cane has the potential to naturally generate near water, and grow up to one, two, three, or on rare occasion four blocks high.

Luckily, sugar canes can generate in any biome in the Minecraft Overworld. However, the game will attempt to spawn them in twice as frequently in swamps and six times as frequently in deserts.

All Minecraft players need to do is give a sugar cane a quick punch, and they will be able to pick it up. Players should remember during their search, that sugar cane will only generate near water. If a player can find water, they will eventually be able to find some sugar cane.

Fun Fact: The shade of green that a sugar cane has, is actually dependent on what biome the sugar cane is placed in!

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Where Can I Find Sugar Cane In Minecraft

Sugar CaneMinecraftSugar Canesugar cane

. Subsequently, one may also ask, where do you find sugar cane?

Sugar cane is a grass native to Asia and grows mostly in tropical and subtropical areas. In terms of the U.S. sugar cane production by state, it is mainly concentrated in the federal states of Florida, Louisiana, Texas and Hawaii.

Beside above, does sugar cane grow faster on sand? Consulting the WikiIf you have read the entry on the Minecraft wiki you will first notice that there is no reference to Sugarcane growing any faster on sand than it does on dirt.

Subsequently, one may also ask, what is the fastest way to get sugar cane in Minecraft?

Sugar cane can only be planted on grass, dirt, podzol, and sand blocks. The block must be directly adjacent to water and not merely above or diagonal as with crops. If a plant’s water source is removed, it will break when it is next updated.

What biome does sugarcane grow in?


From Paper Cuts To Riches

As long as you follow these tips and tricks, you’ll almost certainly become a respected and established merchant in your village. The process of turning sugar cane to emeralds is the most reliable and effective method I’ve found for maximizing your trading, and you can start it all by finding a single stalk along a river’s shore. Forget filling chests with ore that you’ve mined, how about filling chests with emeralds you got for scraps of paper?

Have you tried this method before? Is there an even better way to trade in Minecraft? Sound off in the comments below!

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Why Should Players Make An Automatic Sugar Cane Farm

Sugar Cane is an important resource in Minecraft, often overlooked by players that are just starting out. Those that really want to increase their survival and upgrade their abilities will need to locate a good source of Sugar Cane early on in a new world. Unfortunately, although it’s “easy to locate” for the most part, farming an abundance of Sugar Cane can be tricky without creating a reliable farming method.

Many new players will see the value in snagging some Sugar Cane to produce sugar for the elusive Cake but Sugar Cane is actually much more versatile and necessary than it may first appear.

S To Make An Automatic Sugarcane Farm

How to Find Sugar Cane in Minecraft (All Versions)

First, you will want to lay down 5 dirt blocks in a row. Leaving a row next to the dirt empty, surround the 5×2 space with your building block.

Above, you can see what it should look like. The sugarcane will not place on the ground without a water source. However, you can see it in the image above for reference as to where it will go.

Dig a hole in the middle of the foundation, directly next to the dirt for sugarcane. Extend this outwards underneath the building block, removing 3 dirt blocks. You should have a 4×5 build, with a 3×1 ‘trench’ leading to the side. Check the image above for reference.

Once the hole is dug, place a chest on the outside. The chest should be in the center of the 5 blocks facing you. Feel free to clear an area for easy access. From the backside of the chest, attach 2 hoppers. Hold shift when attaching to chests and hoppers so you won’t interact with them. The example above has a removed building block so you can see the layout of both hoppers.

Place two water sources on opposite ends of the empty 5×1 space above the hopper. The water should flow and meet at the hopper in the center.

Next, plant 5 sugarcanes on the dirt, and then use your building blocks behind the sugarcane to place 7 blocks in a row.

On top of the building blocks, place 5 pistons. Pistons are a bit tricky to place, so you may have to use a few temporary blocks to adjust the pistons until they face outwards, towards the sugarcane.

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Where To Find Sugar Canes In Creative Mode

  • Java

Here is where you can find sugar canes in the Creative Inventory menu:


Here is where you can find sugar canes in the Creative Inventory menu:


Here is where you can find sugar canes in the Creative Inventory menu:


Here is where you can find sugar canes in the Creative Inventory menu:


Here is where you can find sugar canes in the Creative Inventory menu:


Here is where you can find sugar canes in the Creative Inventory menu:


Here is where you can find sugar canes in the Creative Inventory menu:



  • Platform is the platform that applies.
  • Version is the Minecraft version numbers where the item can be found in the menu location listed .
  • Creative Menu Location is the location of the item in the Creative menu.

How To Get Sugar In Minecraft How To Grow Sugar Cane In Minecraft

I played several hours a started three different worlds in Minecraft, but I have never found any sugar canes. I read on Minecraft wiki to search near water but still no luck. Do you have more hints? Is it possible to re-create an environment that allow sugar canes to naturally grow?

Sugar cane only naturally spawn on chunk generation. Sugar cane grows on dirt/grass next to water. The easiest way is to generally walk along a coastline or riverside, and hope you find some.

Theyre not all that rare for the most part. Use something like Cartograph G to list how many pieces are in your world; maybe you just havent got any generated yet?

Once youve got one though, you wont need to look for any more, they are extremely efficient to farm!

How old is your map? When I started my first map, in Alpha 1.1 it was a lot rarer than it is now, although I dont know when the spawn rate was changed.

ang xem: How to get sugar in minecraft

Sugar cane only grows on grass/dirt/sand adjacent to water . It spawns in all biomes including tundra, but will die soon after terrain generation there due to it being next to ice rather than water.

Once you have found some, farming is extremely efficient and its quite easy to create as much as you want. If you really cant find any at all, you can always hack some into your inventory with InvEdit, or similar tools.

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The best places to find it is in the desert or near the ocean.

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What Happens If You Remove Sugar Cane From Minecraft

Like cacti and bamboo, sugar cane does not require the land to be tilled beforehand, and removing a lower portion of the plant causes all the sections above it to be destroyed, dropping their items. Sugar cane will support other blocks placed on top of it, but it will not hold up a player or block the flow of lava and water.

How Do I Grow Sugarcane

pics for sugar cane minecraft sugar cane sugar cane Sugar Cane Minecraft” alt=”Pics For > Sugar Cane Minecraft”>

I know where and how to find sugar cane but I don’t know how to grow and farm it myself.

  • 1Oct 17 ’15 at 12:04

To grow sugarcane you must plant one piece on a block of dirt or sand. The dirt or sand block must be directly adjacent to water. It will eventually begin to grow, and you can harvest it by breaking each “block” of sugarcane. You don’t have to break the bottom “block” of sugarcane in order to harvest the others, so an effective method is to plant lots of sugarcane and then break the top two blocks, leaving the bottom one intact. This means you don’t have to replant all the sugarcane every time.

To get sugar cane, you can find it on river banks and ocean shores. Similar to cactus, breaking any part will harvest that block and all above it. To plant sugar cane, put just one block of it in one block of dirt or sand next to still water by right clicking the dirt or sand block. When farming sugar cane, you can just let the sugar cane grow, and when it grows taller than 1 block high, break the second block. This will cause the second block, and all blocks above it to break, but the first block will still be planted and will grow again. Repeat this process to get more sugarcane.

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How To Make Paper In Minecraft

Lee StantonRead more February 18, 2021

Minecraft is an exploration-based game that heavily relies on crafting; its about using recipes to craft necessary items need to succeed. Paper may not be particularly useful by itself, but it is an important crafting ingredient for various Minecraft-related items. Its used for everything from maps and books to bookshelves. So, knowing how to get your hands on it is essential.

In this article, were going to teach you how to craft paper and various other objects that require paper for crafting.

What Does Minecraft Sugar Cane Look Like

The first step, as a player looking for Minecraft sugar cane, is to identify what it is they’re looking for. Minecraft sugar cane is a light green plant that can grow up to 4 blocks tall. Each block’s height contains 8 little parts in an X formation when looked at from above it. Each part has two notches and two leaves. This pattern of notches and leaves repeats for every block height.

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A Simple Sugar Cane Farm

Sugar Cane must be planted on dirt blocks that are next to water. It’s best to use canals of running water so that cane when harvested will flow to the end of the stream for easy collection.

This layout works nicely.

Plant single blocks of sugar cane on all the dirt.

Planting complete.

Wait for the sugar cane to grow: remember to make sure that your plantation is well-lit so you don’t have nasty surprise when you come back.

Ready to Harvest

Harvest the sugar cane by bashing the upper and middle blocks. Job done!

Find Sugar Cane And Harvest It

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Sugar Cane is a basic ingredient, which means that you cant craft it. Youre going to have to find a sugar cane plant and harvest it. Typically, sugar cane plants are located near bodies of water. Once youve found a sugar cane plant , you need to break it to harvest it. Break the sugar cane plant like you would any other basic ingredient in the Minecraft world. You dont need any special equipment for this. Pick up the Sugar Cane quickly because they will disappear after a while.

Its a good rule of thumb to harvest Sugar Cane whenever you stumble upon it. Its a useful item thats used as a crafting ingredient for various recipes.

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How To Turn Sugar Cane Into Emeralds In Minecraft

This strategy requires that you live in close proximity to a village of decent size and that you have living, healthy villagers living there. The two most essential villagers for this trick are going to be the librarian and the cartographer, both of which have a specific table that they like to work at. More importantly, there are a few things youll need to learn how to craft: paper, lecterns, and cartography tables. Honorable mentions go to books and bookshelves.

  • Paper. Crafted by combining three pieces of sugar cane in a crafting table.
  • Lecterns. Crafted by combining one bookshelf and four wooden slabs of any kind in a crafting table.
  • Cartography tables. Crafted by combining two pieces of paper and four wooden planks of any kind in a crafting table.
  • Books. Crafted by combining three pieces of paper and one piece of leather in a crafting table.
  • Bookshelves. Crafted by combining three books and six wooden planks of any kind in a crafting table.

Now that you know how to craft everything, heres a quick break down of each villager:

Minecraft Guide: How To Turn Sugar Cane Into Emeralds With Trading

Minecraft has a full trading system in place involving the lively villages strewn about its colorful domains. Using a couple of tricks, you can use this fully-fleshed economy to turn ordinary sugar cane into a bountiful harvest of glittering emeralds, useful to putting back into the community in exchange for rare resources and powerful items. Here’s how exactly you can take advantage.

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