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HomeHow To Host My Own Minecraft Server

How To Host My Own Minecraft Server

Setup Minecraft On Your Server

How to Host Your Own Minecraft Server Tutorial

To install the default or vanilla Minecraft server:

  • Open an SSH client and login.
  • Create the folder that you want to install Minecraft to:
    mkdir minecraft

    This can be anywhere in the file structure, but it is usually best to put it in the home directory.

  • Change to the minecraft directory:
    cd minecraft
  • It is recommended at this point you verify you have Java installed, to do this run the following command:
    java -version

    If Java is not installed, please Install Java before proceeding.

  • Download the Minecraft JAR file:
    curl -O
  • To run Minecraft when you are not connected to your server, you need Screen installed:
    sudo yum install screen
  • To start the Minecraft Server, run the following command from the folder the file was downloaded to:
    screen java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui
  • Notes:

    • You can exit SSH or use ctrl+a+d to exit the Screen session. This will not close it down.
    • To resume your Screen session, you can type screen -r. If you have more than one Screen session running then you would need to know the instance number, which typing screen -list will provide for you.
    • To terminate the Minecraft server:
    • Resume the screen session.
    • Confirm termination of the screen session.

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    Connecting To The Minecraft Server

    • If you are playing on the same machine on which the server is running, select the “Multiplayer” option in the game client, click direct connect, and then type in localhost instead of an IP address.
    • Both hosting and playing on the same machine is not a recommended practice unless you have a powerful computer .
  • Users within your local network can connect using your internal IP address port forwarding is not required for such local connections. The internal IP address of a specific network adapter can be found by typing “ipconfig” into the command prompt and looking for the IPv4 address, or by using this website. If the port is set to a number other than 25565 in, that port must be included. This address will look something like
  • Users connecting from the Internet must connect using your external IP address. You must port forward for someone outside your network to connect to the server.
  • Este Es Mi Primer Servidor De Juego Me Pueden Ayudar Si Me Quedo Atascado

    Nuestro equipo de atención al cliente está disponible las 24 horas del día para ayudar con cualquier pregunta sobre el hosting del servidor. Solo tienes que ingresar en nuestro Chat en vivo o enviar un tiquete si hay algo con lo que podamos ayudar.

    También tenemos muchos tutoriales disponibles para poder ayudarte con cualquier aspecto con relación al manejo de un servidor, cubriendo prácticamente todos los temas.

    Si es su primera vez creando un servidor, recomendamos ver nuestros tutoriales en YouTube y revisando nuestra base de conocimientos.

    ¿Tienes alguna pregunta?

    Recommended Reading: How To Make Custom Pictures In Minecraft

    Point A Domain At Your Minecraft Server

    Providing players with an easy-to-remember domain name instead of a complicated IP address makes it even easier for people to connect to your Minecraft server.

    Its super simple: Update your domains DNS records by adding an A record for your domain , or subdomain , that points to your Minecraft servers IP address.

    Note that it can take up to ~24 hours for DNS changes to take effect globally.

    If youre not sure how to change DNS records, take a look at this Help article for adding an A record.

    A Brief Overview Of The Three Ionos Server Options

    designacottage: How To Host A Minecraft Dedicated Server

    A Dedicated Server with specially allocated hardware in our data center is an excellent solution for hosting individual applications. As a basis for server applications like a Minecraft server, this server model is ideal. Billing takes place per-minute with this package.

    We guarantee an external broadband connection of the server with up to 400 Mbit/s regardless of the chosen server model.

    However, to make a Minecraft server, the virtualized resources you rent with a vServer or Cloud Server are also perfectly suitable. Even if you dont get dedicated hardware components here, the selected performance is guaranteed at all times. When deciding between vServer and Cloud Server, the payment model might make a difference:

    If you are unsure when and how often you want to run your Minecraft server, a Cloud Server Package is the perfect choice, as here we only charge for the resources you actually need and use.

    If you rent a vServer, you pay a fixed monthly amount, regardless of whether your Minecraft server is running or not. However, if youre planning on continuous operation, you will get significantly lower costs than with a cloud server.

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    Adjust The Settings Of The Minecraft Server

    As a server owner, you can make numerous settings for your Minecraft world. This is done primarily via the file. You can set the number of players , change the difficulty level , enable or disable PvP and make many other modifications. To do this, enter the desired number in the respective line or change the command to true or false.

    For an overview of the various settings options, see the article about the file on the official Minecraft wiki.

    Make a statement with your own .gg domain and let the games begin. Register your own .gg domain now with IONOS.

    Startup And Maintenance Script

    Alternatively, you can manage/automate the startup and shutdown of the Minecraft server using a script such as the ones listed below:

    Port forwarding is used when you have a router and you wish to let users connect to your server through it. If you wish to host your server for local reasons, it is not required that you do so. Keep in mind that port forwarding might cause security risks.

    When port forwarding, it varies on how your router will ask you for the information. If you don’t understand on how your router wants you to input the information, try visiting for a tutorial.

    Once you have managed to locate your router’s admin page, and find the Port Forwarding page hit add new service or custom service. When you get a page asking to setup the new rule, it should prompt you on what you want to call it. You may name it as you wish, but for simplicity, name it “minecraft“. Then, you want to look for “type”. If “TCP/UDP” or “Both” isn’t an option you will have to create two rules for both protocols. For the ports , enter 25565. If it asks for anything else other than output IP , leave it alone and continue.

    To find your computer’s IP address, use the following steps:


    Now it is time to configure and connect.

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    Gg Servers Pros And Cons

    GG Servers Pros

    • If youre just getting started with Minecraft, GG Servers may be the ideal alternative since their discounts on the first invoice will reduce the cost to half.
    • Support quality is very crucial in Minecraft server hosting.
    • Under the DDoS service, GG Servers will provide defense against external assaults.
    • GG Servers provides complete access to files and FTP transfer capabilities.
    • Premium solutions from GG Servers include the most potent memory, the NVMe SSD. This is six times as fast as the ordinary SSD offered with standard packages
    • GG Servers will facilitate the downloading and installation of Modpacks with a single click.
    • Within its regular and premium versions, GG Servers allows the free customization of your subdomain.

    GG Servers Cons

    • There is a 1-day money-back guarantee, which is short given that comparable hosting sites offer premium consumers a 30-day guarantee.

    Choosing Your Server Version

    How To Make A Minecraft 1.17.1 Server (Hosting Your Own Vanilla Server is EASY)

    Minecraft is perhaps the greatest sandbox game of all time. What this refers to as there are an unlimited number of modifications that can be made to the game itself along with the ability to create whatever you would like in the game. When you are creating a Minecraft server you can predetermine what the server will be able to do by choosing the type of server that you would like to create.

    The best Minecraft servers are mostly based on Spigot and plugins since they are much easier for players to connect to, but there are many other popular types. When you start the main server executable all of the required server files will be created and you will be able to edit this after the first boot. There are a few different server versions which you can learn more about below before making your selection.


    There are many different kinds of servers to play in Minecraft. The default version of Minecraft comes from Mojang themselves and is also known as Vanilla. As of the time of writing this article the latest version is 1.8.1. This vanilla Minecraft is the foundation for all of the other server versions. Typically enhanced servers are older server versions which have been heavily modified to increase performance and expand functionality. This is a great way to get started with hosting your Minecraft server as there are not many additional steps to setting up this type of server. It is easy to get your very own server up and running on this type.



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    Making A Minecraft Server: Which Ionos Solution Would Suit Me

    The search for the right hardware base for your own Minecraft server is not only a question of finding the right provider: You also have to filter out the right server model from the wide range of offers. At IONOS, for example, you have the choice between

    • a vServer ,
    • a cloud server
    • and a dedicated server.

    With the latter model, you can also choose whether you take over the administration of the dedicated hardware yourself or whether you go for the managed solution, where we take care of the installation and administration of software for you.

    For more information on what advantages a dedicated hosting solution offers, see our article on.

    Start Forge Server And Accept Eula

  • Navigate to Forge server installation directory, e.g., C:\Minecraft Forge Server\
  • Run the run.bat file. This generates additional files and directories needed to run the server.
  • Open the newly generated eula.txt file in a text editor such as Notepad.
  • Change the line eula=false to eula=true.
  • Run the run.bat file again to check if the server is working.
  • Glimpse makes it easy to find players for your modded Minecraft server. Click the button below to create a Glimpse Content Creator account and use the Gaming Servers feature to share your server with fans who sponsor you with Glimpse tokens . Learn how to use Glimpse with our guide How to Stream on Glimpse.

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    Connecting To The Server

  • 1Leave your server dashboard open. This will allow you to adjust your server quickly by minimizing the Minecraft window and maximizing your browser window.
  • 2Open Minecraft. Minecraft: Java Edition has an icon that resembles a grass block. Click the icon to open the Minecraft launcher.
  • 3Click Play. It’s the green button on the Minecraft Launcher. This launches Minecraft.
  • 4Click Multiplayer. It’s near the middle of the Minecraft title page.
  • 5Click Direct Connect. It’s at the bottom of the multiplayer menu in the middle.
  • 6Enter your server’s address. Type the address for the server, which was listed next to the “Connect” heading, into the text box in the middle of the page.
  • 7Click Join Server. It’s at the bottom of the page. Doing so will connect you to the server and place you in the server’s world.
  • Free Minecraft Server Hosting

    How to Make &  Host Minecraft 1.16.5 Server (Quick &  Easy)

    Though there are a number of sites that offer free Minecraft hosting, there are caveats that include addons that cost money and a lack of support. Most free server hosting has a maximum player limit, so free Minecraft server hosting is a good choice if youre new to Minecraft servers or just want to play with a few friends online.

    Before you sign up to any free Minecraft server hosting, be sure to research what kind of customer support and extras it comes with, such as DDoS protection and server backups.

    You May Like: Make Your Own Server Minecraft

    Host Your Own Minecraft Server

    To create a Minecraft server, you should know some important things.

    1: To always keep open the server, the computer on which the server runs on need to be always on.

    2: The Minecraft server will use a portion of your RAM and a part of your processor. Therefore it could be that your computer slows down.

    3: If you want to open your server for players outside your home network then you will need to port forward. Make sure you definitely have installed a good firewall on your computer.

    4: 8GB of ram. and a processor speed of 2.0GHz at least.

    5: If you are going to make a public server, I recommend to have this done by a professional company. for a host company.

    If all goes well, we can start with the tutorial.

    Minecraft Servers: Paid Vs Free

    Renting server space is a common solution to hosting Minecraft servers remotely, but there are also free options. As is true with any free services, there are always some things to keep in mind.

    Free Minecraft Server Pros:

    • Enough resources to handle a high number of concurrent players.

    Paid Minecraft Server Cons:

    • Ongoing costs for a premium service.

    For one, they are often ad-supported and will try to upsell you on paid features. Free servers are also known to be less than reliable, which is a problem if you want a good experience for all players on your server. Lastly, another big concern with free Minecraft servers involves limitations. Most free services will limit the number of players that can be on the server and come with a low RAM limit.

    With paid Minecraft servers, your money goes a long way towards keeping downtime to a minimum. Additionally, a premium server has more than enough RAM and resources to handle a robust network of players.

    For more about how you might benefit from a dedicated server for your Minecraft network

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    How To Setup Your Own Dedicated Minecraft Server

    I’m actually going to show you 3 different ways you can set up your Minecraft server, Windows, Linux and Vultr. Each way has its own pros and cons. But every way is as easy as it can be!

    Remember though, if you get stuck, simply join our Discord.

    The biggest pro is you can literally be up and running with a dedicated server in as little as 5 mins!

    Don’t be worried.

    If you can click a button on a website, you can install it. I promise you haven’t seen a guide this easy before!

    Configuring And Running The Minecraft Server

    How to make your own Minecraft Server! 1.15(Free)

    Now that you have the Minecraft jar downloaded, you are ready to run it.

    First, start a screen session by running the screen command:


    Once you have read the banner that has appeared, press the Spacebar. screen will present you with a terminal session like normal. This session is now detachable, which means that youâll be able to start a command here and leave it running.

    You can now perform your initial configuration. Do not be alarmed when the next command throws an error. Minecraft has designed its installation this way so that users must first consent to the companyâs licensing agreement. You will do this next:

  • java - minecraft_server_1.18.2.jar nogui
  • Before examining this commandâs output, letâs take a closer look at all these command-line arguments, which are tuning your server:

    The first time you run this command, which normally starts your server, you will receive this output:

    Output  : Failed to load properties from file: : Failed to load eula.txt : You need to agree to the EULA in order to run the server. Go to eula.txt for more info.

    These errors were generated because the server could not find two necessary files required for execution: the EULA , found in eula.txt, and the configuration file Since the server was unable to find these files, it created them in your current working directory. Minecraft does this intentionally to ensure that you have read and consented to its EULA.

  • nano eula.txt
  • nano

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    Downloading The Latest Version Of Minecraft

    Now you need to download the current version of the Minecraft server. You can do this by navigating to Minecraftâs Website and copying the link that says , where the Xâs are the latest version of the server.

    You can now use wget and the copied link to download the server app to your server:

  • wget
  • The server app will be downloaded as server.jar. If you ever need to manage versions of Minecraft, or if you want to upgrade your Minecraft server, it may be helpful to rename the downloaded server.jar to minecraft_server_1.18.2.jar, matching the highlighted version numbers to whatever version you just downloaded:

  • mv server.jar minecraft_server_1.18.2.jar
  • If you want to download an older version of Minecraft, you can find them archived at But this tutorial will focus on the current latest release. Now that you have your download, letâs start configuring your Minecraft server.

    Create A Connection To The Server

    The first step is to establish a remote connection to your server. If you have not yet set up access, you can do this directly via the IONOS Cloud Panel. To do this, first log in to the with your login data.

    Select Server & Cloud from the menu and click the server you want to install and host Minecraft on from the listing. Scroll down and press the download link next to the Remote Desktop Connection entry:

    Either select Open with directly or open the file by double-clicking it after the download. In the following dialog window, click on Connect and select Use other account under More options. Now you can enter the login data to your server if you have not yet assigned a password, you will find the start password in the Initial password line.

    When you connect to the server for the first time, you will see a warning about the security credentials. To continue, simply click Yes here. This will establish the remote connection to the server.

    You can terminate the remote connection to your Minecraft server at IONOS at any time by clicking on the X in the connection bar presented at the top of the screen!

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