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How Do Raids Work In Minecraft

Running For The Hills

Minecraft Raid: How Do Minecraft Raids Work?

Villagers apparently weren’t in enough danger, so Mojang decided to shake things up and add another significant mechanic revolving around Minecraft’s scattered communities. Pillagers are a hassle, but they’re an excellent way to profit even more from trading, as well as racking up the experience points. You get good at it you can also build up a collection of gently used crossbows and some decorative banners.

Have you run into the pillagers before? How do you protect your villages from them? Sound off in the comments below!


Effect Command In Minecraft Pocket Edition

In Minecraft Pocket Edition , there are different syntaxes depending on what you want to do.

To give a player an effect:

/effect < player> < effect>    

To remove an effect from a player:

/effect < player>  clear


  • player is the name of the player that you wish to give the effect to or remove the effects from.
  • effect is the name of the potion effect to add.
  • seconds is optional. It is the number of seconds that the effect should last. If you don’t specify a duration, the effect will last for 30 seconds.
  • amplifier is optional. It is the number to indicate the level of the effect. If you don’t specify an amplifier, it will default to 0.
  • true is optional. The effect particles are hidden.
  • false is optional. The effect particles are visible.

Let Something Else Kill Pillager Captains

Lets say you absolutely have to fight a group of Pillagers. What do you do? Well, you only get the Bad Omen debuff if you or your dog kills the Pillager Captain. Should the environment kill them, you wont get the debuff. Hilariously, Pillagers have a poor sense of preservation and have no compunction about shooting their friendsstanding in between the Captain and the other Pillagers can get the Pillager Captain killed by his own men shooting him in the back.

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The Loot Received From Raids

The best part about the raid is obviously the loot you get. These mobs are incredibly rare to encounter otherwise, so triggering a raid is a fantastic way to farm for some experience points as well as valuable items.

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All mobs will drop their usual loot, and in Bedrock the loot is chosen from a special table that includes iron-tier gear, enchanted books, and emeralds. You’ll also be able to pick up the Ominous Banner.

Some of the best loot you can find is emeralds, usually dropped by Vindicators. Pillagers will drop their crossbows. However, the real treat is finding a Totem of Undying whenever an Evoker is killed.

That alone is a reason enough to begin a raid, since the only other way of finding this rare item is to travel potentially thousands of blocks away to a Woodland Mansion.

How To Start A Raid In Minecraft

Minecraft RAID

In order to start a raid, you need to first receive the Bad Omen status effect. To get this, you need to kill an Illager captain. Captains are typically attached to their back. You can find Illagers in a variety of locations, including Pillager Outposts, Woodland Mansions, and random patrols that might approach your spawn location.

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Once you have the status effect, you simply need to walk to the closest village. After reaching its vicinity, the raid will start immediately with a boss bar appearing at the top determining how many enemies are still alive in the current wave. Villagers will ring the bell and rush indoors to protect themselves, but they might come out in-between waves.

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How To Disable Raids In Minecraft

Another way to stop Pillager raids in Minecraft is to disable them outright, which can be done via a simple gamerule command.

To disable raids in Minecraft type /gamerule disableRaids true, and hit enter in chat. Doing so will then prevent all raids from happening even if you have the bad omen curse in the game.

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Effect Command In Minecraft Windows 10 Edition

In Minecraft Windows 10 Edition, there are different syntaxes depending on what you want to do.

To give a player an effect:

/effect < player> < effect>    

To remove an effect from a player:

/effect < player>  clear


  • player is the name of the player that you wish to give the effect to or remove the effects from.
  • effect is the name of the potion effect to add.
  • seconds is optional. It is the number of seconds that the effect should last. If you don’t specify a duration, the effect will last for 30 seconds.
  • amplifier is optional. It is the number to indicate the level of the effect. If you don’t specify an amplifier, it will default to 0.
  • true is optional. The effect particles are hidden.
  • false is optional. The effect particles are visible.

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How Much More Damage Does Impaling Add

After adding the Impaling Enchantment to a trident, the Trident will deal more extra damage based on the level of the Impaling. The data suggest that for every level of Impaling, the extra damage is capped at which means . The damage increases by 2.5 per level so Impaling level 0 deals melee damage of 9 and range damage of 8 up to Impaling level 5 which deals melee damage of 21.5 and ranged damage of 20.5 at max level.

How To Use Detector Rails

How to Defeat a Pillager Raid and WIN! – How to Minecraft #23

Detector rails are used to momentarily power redstone as the minecart passes over place them like any other rail. They can be used to open doors, power pistons, or with any other complex redstone contraptions you create. In the image above, the cart is about to power the piston connected to the detector rail with redstone dust.

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Does Impaling Work On Bows

The Impaling Enchantment is most effective against underwater mobs, however, the bow is less effective when shot underwater. This is because the water pressure slows down the arrows, so it wouldnt make much sense to add the effect anyway. But according to the Minecraft wiki, the Impaling Enchantment still doesnt work on Bows regardless.

What Is A Pillager Outpost

The Pillager Outpost is a structure that is made mostly from wood, cobblestone. The Outpost can be spotted near villages. They naturally spawn near villages and hold Pillagers inside them, this includes a Pillager leader that can give you the Bad Omen effect.

The outpost looks like a watchtower with a viewing area of the area around the tower that also has a roof protecting it from above. Whilst at the outpost scattered around it you can find, few small tents, targets, logs, and cages. Inside the cages can be Iron golems. At the top of the Outpost, you will find a chest. The chest can obtain certain items such as bottle oenchanting, tripwire, carrots, hooks, crossbow, dark oak logs, and wheat.

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How To Find Pillagers In A Raid

Raiding was introduced in Minecraft 1.14, and it is a mechanism wherein Pillagers invade a Minecraft Village and assault the villagers, attempting to eliminate them all.

It is your responsibility to protect the community from an attack by mercenaries seeking prizes.

Pillagers, on the other hand, may just go without a trace. Youll be left with a 1 enemy remaining tally at the top of the display for the rest of the game.

This appears to be something Mojang anticipated could occur, given they made it easy to locate missing foes in the first place. Check out our brief guide below for assistance in locating Pillagers.

Because Pillagers are notorious for going AWOL and being almost hard to locate, a technique for tracking them down has been included in the game. It all begins with the ringing of the bell.

Every Minecraft Town is equipped with a bell, which is normally found in the middle of the village.

If you are unable to locate Pillagers, you may just stand near the bell and strike it. The powerful ringing noise would be heard along with an additional sound as well.

Pillagers will be glowing brightly if you look about at this time. Not just Pillagers in your nearby vicinity, but also ones in the distance.

The ability to view them via walls and topography would also be available to you. Take, for example, the picture below, where you can see a little pillager hidden behind a sandy mountain in the distance.

How Do Raids Work

All About Raids in Minecraft

Me and my friend went to a village and we survived 3 stages of the raid. Then stage 4 came and we couldnt find any pillagers. Could someone explain how raids work?

Carry a bell with u. Set the bell down and ring it. The pillagers will b outlined/highlighted. Then go kill them =)

The pathing and spawning of pillagers is pretty wonky rn. A lot of times a raid will spawn and will fall into a nearby surface cave, and they will continue to try to get to the village and can travel in the cave towards the village. I would just check around your village and investigate any nearby caves

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Iron Golems Are Great

Another way to assist in a raid is by having your own private army. Iron golems are sworn to defend villages, and pillagers are their mortal enemies. Iron golems will immediately attack any pillager in their sight and are a great distraction as well. Their large amounts of health and high attack power mean they’re very effective at crowd control and are even able to go toe-to-toe with the brutal ravager.

Placing iron golems near any entry points through your perimeter means any pillagers that do find their way through immediately have to deal with what is essentially an angry metal bear. Anything that will draw the pillagers away from your villagers is a plus, and the iron golems aren’t slackers. They’ll do their part to shrink the raid forces.

Where To Find Powered Rails In Creative Mode

  • Java

Here is where you can find a powered rail in the Creative Inventory menu:


Here is where you can find a powered rail in the Creative Inventory menu:


Here is where you can find a powered rail in the Creative Inventory menu:


Here is where you can find a powered rail in the Creative Inventory menu:


Here is where you can find a powered rail in the Creative Inventory menu:


Here is where you can find a powered rail in the Creative Inventory menu:


Here is where you can find a powered rail in the Creative Inventory menu:



  • Platform is the platform that applies.
  • Version is the Minecraft version numbers where the item can be found in the menu location listed .
  • Creative Menu Location is the location of the item in the Creative menu.

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You’re Kind Of Overpowered

Last but not least, you are the most crucial piece during a raid. Adequately prepared, the player is the most powerful force in the game, so it’s ultimately up to you to knock heads around and take out as many pillagers as you can. I recommend full iron armor or better, an iron sword or better , a bow or crossbow, plenty of arrows and food, golden apples if possible, and of course to enchant as much gear as you can.

Stay smart, use your chokepoints and ranged weapons to your advantage, and be wary of the devastating attacks dished out by ravagers. On harder difficulties, a raid can get hectic. Still, if you’re aided by some kind of perimeter and iron golems, you shouldn’t have any issues conquering your enemies and emerging victorious as the Hero of the Village.

Does Killing A Pillager Start A Raid

SUPER FAST Raid Farm in Minecraft (not stacking) 1.16. – Showcase

Starting the raid

The only way to trigger a raid is through the Bad Omen effect, which is obtained after killing an illager captain. Illager captains wear ominous banners, also known as illager banners on their heads and appear as part of patrols and pillager outposts, the latter of which can spawn several over time.

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Do Not Fight Pillagers Near Villages

This is the first step: Do not, under any circumstances, fight Pillagers near Villages. Should an arrow miss and kill a Pillager Captain, you would fulfill the main condition of starting a raid: Having the Bad Omen debuff and being within one chunk of a Village. Run away and try to get the Pillagers to follow you far enough away so you can kill them.

How To Create Railways

With a rail in hand, right-click the ground to place it. If you make a mistake, just hit it with a pickaxe to pick it back up. Rails will automatically turn corners when you place a rail adjacent to another. Note, however, that you can’t turn a corner when the track is on a slope.

Placing a block of cobblestone or something similar at each end of the track will stop your cart from going off the rails. If your cart does go off the rails, just hit it with a pickaxe to put it back in your inventory.

You can place rails in a diagonal pattern to create a diagonal track. They will look like a squiggly line on the ground, but your minecart will act as if the railway is straight.

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How Many People Can Be In A Normal Raid

Any number of Trainers can join a raid, but only in groups of up to 20 Trainers. If you would like to be in the same group as your friends, you can join the raid privately. Otherwise, you will be automatically matched with other players in the lobby.

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What Do Pillagers Do

I have won the raid

Pillagers will use their crossbows to indiscriminately attack any and all nearby players, villagers, iron golems, and wandering traders, even going so far as to following them for a distance if they run. And they also come in groups, making them even more dangerous. There are three different ways you might run into some nasty pillagers.

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What Happens After A Raid

After you’ve completed the raid, if there are any villagers left in your village, they will celebrate you as their hero. You’ll also gain a brand-new status effect known as Hero of the Village. While this status effect is active, villagers will throw various gifts at your feet. These gifts depend on their unique occupation, so farmers will tend to throw crops at you for example.

If a raid is too difficult for you to complete, you can also just run away. It takes about 40 minutes of real-time for a raid to simply expire, although all the Illagers still spawned within the village will be there as you return to it.

In case you’d rather not start a raid but have the Bad Omen status effect, the best way to get rid of it is to drink a bucket of milk.

Types Of Enemies And Number Of Waves In A Minecraft Raid

It’s not just the Bad Omen status effect that affects the nature of the raid. Your world difficulty will have a significant impact on the number of waves you need to defeat, as well as the type of enemies included in each wave.

  • Easy: Three waves

Several different mobs can make an appearance depending on your difficulty and the wave. As the raid progresses, tougher enemies will be more abundant. Here’s what you’re likely to face:

  • Pillager: The easiest enemy, and most abundant across all waves. They will use crossbows to fight.
  • Vindicator: A tough, fast-moving enemy armed with an axe, and most common towards the middle and end of the raid.
  • Witch: They throw potions and heal the Illagers and Pillagers. Witches only appear in Normal and Hard towards the middle and end of the raid.
  • Evoker: The toughest Illager with the ability to summon Vexes and perform magic. Evokers only appear in Normal and Hard towards the end of the raid.
  • Ravager : The mount of the Illagers, Ravagers deal huge amounts of damage and appear on all difficulties towards the end of the raid.

Each difficulty also has an additional feature, where there’s a chance of the raid spawning one more additional Illager during a raid. For Easy, this likelihood is only one out of four, while for Normal and Hard it’s a fifty-fifty chance, making the fight even more difficult.

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How To Defend From Pillagers

Now that we’ve covered everything you need to know about pillagers, it might be essential to understand how not to die when facing them. Not only that, but raids are a serious threat to even the largest village if you’re not able to stop them in time. Luckily, there are a few ways to make this a lot easier.

How To Find Pillagers In A Raid Bedrock

RAID FARM PREP WORK! | Minecraft 1.17 Survival Let’s Play | Ep.27 |

Firstly, attempt to strike the bell that could be located in the heart of the village.

But the light effect on the pillagers lasts just for a few seconds. So, you have to make sure that you ring the bell quite a few times so you can discover all the pillagers quickly.

Nevertheless, if it doesnt function for you then you may try switching on the subtitles.

Every moment a noise is produced by the pillager, a subtitle will display showing which direction the sound came from. Turning on hitboxes might also help players in the whole work of detecting pillagers in a raid.

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