How To Make Red Concrete In Minecraft
To get red concrete in Minecraft, you put beetroot, roses, poppies and red tulips into the crafting table to make red dye first. Then, use it to make red Concrete Powder and turn it into red Concrete.
Other colored concrete can apply the same recipe but with different dyes in Minecraft. That’s the end of our full guide on How to make concrete and concrete powder. Do come back to GuruGamer for more gaming tips.
Concrete Making Machine In Minecraft
Making Concrete in Minecraft from concrete powder is simple but rather slow if you want to make a large number of Concrete blocks. So how to make Concrete in Minecraft fast? You will need to build this;Concrete Making Machine designed by the Minecraft YouTuber;Shulkercraft. By using this machine, you can make more than 10,000 Concrete per hour.
Here is the required material to build the Concrete Making Machine:
- 13 Building blocks
Follow these steps to build a;Concrete Making Machine:
- Step 1: Dig a 2×1 hole and put 2 Chests into the hole.
- Step 2: Put a Hopper on top of 1 the chest
- Step 3: Surround the hole with Building blocks
- Step 4: Add a stair aligned with the hole, on top of the Building blocks.
- Step 5: Put another layer of Building Blocks to make walls.
- Step 6: Put a Dropper on top of the entrance. You need a temporary block on top of the;Building blocks to do this.
- Step 7: Add an Observer next to the;Dropper, facing down the Hopper.
- Step 8: Put 2 Red Stone on top of the;Observer and the;Dropper.
- Step 9: Add Water into the Stair. Now the;Concrete Making Machine is basically done.
How to operate the;Concrete Making Machine
How Do You Make Concrete In Minecraft Survival
Crafting concrete in Minecraft Survival is no different from making it in other versions of the game:
Put one dye, four gravel blocks, and four sand blocks into the crafting menu.
This will give you one concrete powder block. Put the block on the ground.
Pour a bucket of water onto it, and the powder will become concrete.
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What Is Concrete Used For
Concrete is very decorative. Players looking to add a splash of color to their buildings and structures will definitely find Concrete to be a useful and versatile block. It comes in a variety of flat colors, features a smooth face, and is a bit more durable than a traditional block. It can be “colorized” using all 16 creatable dyes, opening a whole new world of color combinations and designs. It’s not flammable either, so you won’t have to worry about fire destroying your beautiful aesthetics as it does with wool-based builds.
You can also use Concrete Blocks to produce a;snare drum-type tone by setting them underneath a Note Block. Concrete is a bit harder and more durable than stone but it’s important to note that it has an incredibly low blast resistance so Creepers and TNT will absolutely obliterate any structure that is mostly Concrete. Players should also keep in mind that colored Concrete blocks must be made using colored Concrete Powder. You cannot turn a “made” concrete block into different colors and must instead add dye to the powder creation recipe beforehand.
Where To Get Sand In Minecraft
Sand is an essential commodity in mine crafts as a lot of activities require sand. Fortunately, sand is common and easily found. Huge sand deposits are found in the desert, or the banks of ponds. You need a lot of sand if you intend to have bigger building projects.
The largest sources of sand are desert biomes since they have the highest number of sand blocks in the smallest of spaces.
Your players can mine and collect sand using their shulker boxes and diamond shovels. There is no limit to how much sand they can mine. Be careful not to use a fortune enchanted shovel.
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Finding A Lot Of Sand In Minecraft
Players will need a lot of sand for big building projects, and luckily sand is fairly common. Sand can be found on islands in the ocean, on the banks of ponds, or in the desert. Desert Biomes are the greatest sources of Sand as they have the most Sand Blocks in the smallest amount of space. Players can take a few Shulker Boxes with them and a Diamond Shovel and fill up them up until their hearts are content, which should be no time at all since sand is also extremely fast to mine and collect.
How To Make Concrete In Minecraft
Lee StantonRead moreAugust 15, 2021
Concrete is a vibrant and sturdy building material in Minecraft. It adds a terrific look to any project you undertake in your game. Best of all, the material can be crafted in a variety of colors, and its not combustible like wool.
In this article, well give you a detailed guide on making concrete in Minecraft.
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Items You Need To Make Concrete:
Required materials you need in order to make concrete are:
It can be found;on beaches, near small water pools, ponds in;gravelly mountain biomes;covering much of the surface, and underwater covering the bottom of;cold, frozen ocean biomes.;It can be harvested with any tool, but a shovel is optimal since it can accomplish the same more efficiently than others. For making 8 concrete powder blocks, only 4 gravel blocks are required so it wont be much of a hassle.;
Similarly, sand blocks, another essential in concrete construction, should be mined with a shovel. These blocks can be found in desert biomes and next to bodies of water like lakes, rivers, and beaches. You need 4 of these too in making concrete.
You need to know what colour you desire your concrete to be before we can begin crafting it.;In Minecraft, concrete can be any of the sixteen possible dye options: red, orange, yellow, green, lime, cyan, light blue, blue, purple, magenta, pink, brown, black, grey, white, or light grey. It is possible to acquire these various dyes by crafting, smelting, or selling. There is no single method of crafting a dye, as each dye has its recipe.;
An example can be the green dye, which we have covered in this guide.;
Below is a chart, displaying the source from which each dye can be obtained.;
Water source:
Setblock Command In Minecraft Pocket Edition
In Minecraft Pocket Edition , the syntax to replace a block with another block is:
/setblock <position><tileName>
- position is the x y z coordinate for the block to replace.
- tileName is name of the replacement block.
- tileData is optional. It is the data value for the replacement block. It identifies the variation of the block if more than one type exists for that tileName.
- replace is optional. It tells the command to replace the block, including air. This is the default behavior.
- keep is optional. It tells the command to replace the block if the block was air.
- destroy is optional. It tells the command to replace the block, including air. The old block will be dropped and can then be collected as if it was mined with a pickaxe or shovel.
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Making Concrete Blocks In Minecraft
Once a player has crafted Concrete Powder, it is time to turn them into usable Concrete Blocks. Concrete Powder acts the same way as sand and gravel. It cannot float when placed meaning gravity will pull it down to the earth if there is not a block underneath it to support it. This makes Concrete Powder pretty useless, but luckily it is very easy to transform these pieces of powder into fully functional vibrant usable blocks.
All Concrete Powder has to do to become a Concrete Block is come in contact with water. A good method to farm Concrete Blocks fast is for a player to hold Concrete powder in their left hand while holding a pickaxe in their right. Holding both the left and right mouse button will allow players to continuously place and mine Concrete Blocks.
Another method is to build a tower of Concrete Powder and then use a water bucket at the top. The water will run down the sides of the tower and will turn the powder in blocks as the water comes into contact with each piece of powder. All a player has to do then is mine straight down and repeat the process.
Another way players can quickly use Concrete without having to place and mine blocks is to build the desired structure and then cover the blocks in water. For instance, if a player is building a wall of concrete, all they need to do is build the wall out of Concrete Powder, and then pour water over the top to turn the wall into Concrete Blocks.
Setblock Command In Minecraft Nintendo Switch Edition
In Minecraft Nintendo Switch Edition, the syntax to replace a block with another block is:
/setblock <position><tileName>
- position is the x y z coordinate for the block to replace.
- tileName is name of the replacement block.
- tileData is optional. It is the data value for the replacement block. It identifies the variation of the block if more than one type exists for that tileName.
- replace is optional. It tells the command to replace the block, including air. This is the default behavior.
- keep is optional. It tells the command to replace the block if the block was air.
- destroy is optional. It tells the command to replace the block, including air. The old block will be dropped and can then be collected as if it was mined with a pickaxe or shovel.
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Setblock Command In Minecraft Ps4 Edition
In Minecraft PS4 Edition, the syntax to replace a block with another block is:
/setblock <position><tileName>
- position is the x y z coordinate for the block to replace.
- tileName is name of the replacement block.
- tileData is optional. It is the data value for the replacement block. It identifies the variation of the block if more than one type exists for that tileName.
- replace is optional. It tells the command to replace the block, including air. This is the default behavior.
- keep is optional. It tells the command to replace the block if the block was air.
- destroy is optional. It tells the command to replace the block, including air. The old block will be dropped and can then be collected as if it was mined with a pickaxe or shovel.
Concrete Powder Minecraft Recipe
Once youve obtained the ingredients above, heres what you need to combine to make concrete powder:
- Four pieces of sand.
- Four pieces of gravel.
- One dye .
Once youve gathered those materials, place them in the order shown in the picture below. If done correctly, you should now have eight pieces of concrete powder in your inventory!
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How To Make Concrete In Minecraft: 12 Things You Need To Know
Minecraft is a sandbox game that allows the player to interact with, explore, and adjust a digitally generated map made of blocks. Concrete is increasingly becoming popular in Minecraft creation as it used to make these blocks. So, how do you make concrete?;
To make concrete, you need concrete powder and water. Concrete is formed when the powder comes into contact with flowing water. It has to be flowing water because this powder doesnt react with bottled water or rainwater. To make your concrete look brighter and less grainy, immerse it in water for some time.;
Concrete is harder than stone, making it a good choice for building materials. This hard feature of concrete makes it suitable for fortification. However, compared to stone, concrete has a lower blast resistance.;
In this article, I will talk about how to make different colors of concrete in Minecraft. I will also explain how to make concrete powder and the fastest way to turn this powder into concrete. There is information on how to dye concrete, how the dyes are obtained and so much more. Read on if you want to know more about making concrete in Minecraft.
Example In Xbox One Edition
To replace a block that is 8 blocks East and 12 blocks South with purple concrete powder in Minecraft Xbox One Edition:
/setblock ~8 ~0 ~12 concretepowder 10
To replace the block beneath you with bedrock:
/setblock ~ ~-1 ~ bedrock
To replace the block at the coordinates with a redstone lamp:
/setblock 4 61 -5 redstone_lamp
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How To Make White Concrete Powder In Minecraft
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft white concrete powder with screenshots and step-by-step instructions.
In Minecraft, white concrete powder is one of the many building blocks that you can make. The crafting process will create 8 blocks of white concrete powder at a time.
Let’s explore how to make white concrete powder.
Example In Nintendo Switch Edition
To replace a block that is 9 blocks West and 2 blocks North with spruce planks in Minecraft Nintendo Switch Edition:
/setblock ~-9 ~0 ~-2 planks 1
To replace the block beneath you with purple glazed terracotta:
/setblock ~ ~-1 ~ purple_glazed_terracotta
To replace the block at the coordinates with a sea lantern:
/setblock -7 62 29 sealantern
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Crafting Concrete Powder In Minecraft
To craft Concrete Powder players will need four pieces of sand, four pieces of gravel, and a dye. The recipe requires a player to use a crafting table as the image above indicates where each piece of the recipe needs to be placed. Sand is placed in the top middle, bottom middle, left middle, and right middle of the crafting table. Gravel is placed in each of the four corners of the crafting table. And the dye is placed in the center of the crafting table.
A player will receive 8 pieces of Concrete Powder for every four sand, four gravel, and one dye used, meaning Concrete Powder is a 1 to 1 ratio in terms of blocks used. It is also important to note that whatever dye is used will warrant that color Concrete Powder, and the color of the powder cannot be changed after it is crafted.
What Is The Most Efficient Way To Make Concrete From Concrete Powder
I have an entire chest full of Concrete Powder that I want to turn into normal Concrete.
What is the most efficient way to turn the Powder into Concrete?
Another way to achieve this without the need for mining the concrete, would be to make use of the fact, that TNT now drops all the blown up blocks.
So you could insert the powder into a piston feed tape, which is next to water => powder gets converted to concrete.
The stream of concrete get blown up by TNT after that. With a simple water stream collection system in the end you can build something that works like a charm.
If you search for TNT blast chamber you will most likely find something that works wonders.
Disclaimer: Many of the designs out there make use of a bug in the game to duplicate the TNT block that is used to blow everything up. I don’t think that this will work for bedrock, but if you have enough gun powder you should be able to achieve the same result with normal TNT
The easiest way is to put a pickaxe into your main hand, concrete powder into your offhand and hold both mouse buttons while aiming next to water.
The issue with this is that the items fly out in all directions, because you place a new block where they appear, accelerating them outwards. The best solution to this is to put hoppers everywhere around you, wherever items can land.
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How To Make Concrete Blocks In Minecraft
Lets say you wanted to make a red concrete block. The crafting would look like this:
How To Make White Concrete In Minecraft
To craft white concrete, youll first need to obtain a white dye:
You can now make your white concrete block:
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Example In Java Edition 113 114 115 And 116
To replace a block that is 1 block East and 1 block South with a birch wood plank in Minecraft 1.13, 1.14, 1.15 and 1.16:
/setblock ~1 ~ ~1 birch_planks
To replace the block beneath you with prismarine stairs:
/setblock ~ ~-1 ~ prismarine_stairs
To replace the block at the coordinates with a jungle trapdoor:
/setblock -209 69 2 jungle_trapdoor
Example In Java Edition 111 And 112
To replace a block that is 1 block East and 1 block South with a birch wood plank in Minecraft 1.11 and 1.12:
/setblock ~1 ~0 ~1 planks 2
To replace the block beneath you with a diamond block:
/setblock ~ ~-1 ~ diamond_block
To replace the block at the coordinates with obsidian:
/setblock -126 65 229 obsidian
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