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How Do You Get A Command Block In Minecraft

How To Obtain A Command Block


Command blocks arent the normal blocks that you can find in the inventory easily. These are special blocks. It is because of their world-bending abilities.

Well, it cannot be found in Survival mode. In fact, command blocks dont even appear on the Block menu in Creative mode. Use the Curse of Vanishing to save your command block from others just as do in case of a Minecraft Blast Furnace.

Here are the steps to obtain a command block in Minecraft JAVA edition:

  • Build a world that allows you to enable cheats. Cheats are enabled by default if you start your world in Creative Mode.
  • Free some space in the inventory.
  • Open the chat menu by pressing the T key.
  • Type the command /give < your username> command_block and press Enter.
  • For Minecraft JAVA edition, you have to perform the following steps to get a code block:

  • Go to the file in your servers config files.
  • Change the line that says enable-command-block=false to enable-command-block=true
  • Give yourself a Command Block by opening the chat box and entering /give minecraft:command_block
  • Turn on Creative Mode by typing /gamemode c in your chat box.
  • Also, Go through our latest post on how to get spawn chunks in Minecraft.

    Locating The Closest In

    This command is also one of the most fantastic commands in Minecraft. You can use it to observe everything in your gameplay. You can use it for navigational purposes. You can use it by simply typing the in /locate, and then you need to enter the structure type. Your Minecraft will finally show the coordinates in the game menu.

    Fill Command In Minecraft Pocket Edition

    In Minecraft Pocket Edition , there are 2 syntaxes for the /fill command.

    To fill a region with a type of block:

    /fill To replace one type of block in a region with another type of block:

    /fill replace Definitions from is the starting x y z coordinate for the fill region . to is the ending x y z coordinate for the fill region . tileData is optional. It is the data type or variation of the block if more than one type exists for that tileName. replace will replace all blocks in the fill region, including air. outline is optional. It will replace blocks on the outer edge of the fill region, but does not replace the inner blocks. hollow is optional. It will replace blocks on the outer edge of the fill region, and replaces inner blocks with air. keep is optional. It will replace only air blocks in the fill region. destroy is optional. It will replace all blocks in the fill region, including air. Replaced blocks will be dropped and can then be collected as if they were mined with a pickaxe or shovel. replaceDataValue is the variation of the block to be replaced if more than one type exists for that replaceTileName.

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    Safe Haven/arena Fight Zone

    Using pressure plates or tripwire, make areas a different difficulty . the doors could have tripwire hook to a command block that changes ones difficulty to peaceful, creating a sort of “Safe Haven”. one could also do it the other way around, creating a more dangerous zone, such as arenas having the difficulty of hard, rather than normal or easy. Note that in multiplayer this will change the difficulty everywhere in the world, and thus may not be desirable.

    Used To Grant Experience Points

    3 Ways to Get Command Blocks in Minecraft

    This is an interesting command that is used to grant experience points to target players in the Minecraft game. To be able to grant levels instead of points you can use the capital letter L at the end of the command. For instance, xp 100L is used to give a Minecraft player additional 100 extra experience levels.

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    Fill Command In Minecraft Education Edition

    In Minecraft Education Edition, there are 2 syntaxes for the /fill command.

    To fill a region with a type of block:

    /fill To replace one type of block in a region with another type of block:

    /fill replace Definitions from is the starting x y z coordinate for the fill region . to is the ending x y z coordinate for the fill region . tileData is optional. It is the data type or variation of the block if more than one type exists for that tileName. replace will replace all blocks in the fill region, including air. outline is optional. It will replace blocks on the outer edge of the fill region, but does not replace the inner blocks. hollow is optional. It will replace blocks on the outer edge of the fill region, and replaces inner blocks with air. keep is optional. It will replace only air blocks in the fill region. destroy is optional. It will replace all blocks in the fill region, including air. Replaced blocks will be dropped and can then be collected as if they were mined with a pickaxe or shovel. replaceDataValue is the variation of the block to be replaced if more than one type exists for that replaceTileName.

    Replacement For Pressure Plates

    Pressure plates only blend in with only gold, iron, stone, and wood planks, but cannot be concealed in any other floor command blocks can be used instead. Pressure plates can be replaced with a command block by using the if argument in the command /execute with a range and a clock circuit. The command /execute if @p will test to see if any players are within a range of 2 . Range 2 is the range a player want for a command block under a floor. Keep in mind that it will produce a globe shaped trigger area , so a range of 2 makes an approximately 5Ã5Ã5 area and a range of 1 makes a 3Ã3Ã3 area . The player can get around this by using the dx, dy and dz arguments.

    Alternately the player can specify the x, y and z coordinates in the command but doesnât make sense here. At any rate a range 1 sphere can be buried underground with just the top sticking out, provided the player know no one will be walking through the bottom 2 layers of the globe. Trying this with the non-xyz version of the command would require the command block itself to be embedded in the surface of the floor where it can be seen.

    Important note: When writing the code in brackets , do not put spaces between commas , :Do not add / during coding unless instructed to.





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    Sending Private Messages To Other Players

    It is another exciting feature of your Minecraft command block. You can use it to interact or chat with other players in your world. You can use this command only when you have no other way to communicate with the other players of Minecraft. You can use /tell the command to communicate with the other players secretly.

    How Do You Make A Command Block Car In Minecraft

    Minecraft 1.15.2:How to get a command block

    Command blocks also offer you to add a drivable car to your gameplay. A car can be of any type, but it always works. You can also make it without using any mod with the help of a command block in Minecraft. You need to follow these steps:

  • Use the Summon command for a minecart that will help you to make your car.
  • Use activated only once to summon a minecart.
  • Set the first command block on repeat.
  • Now set it on always active.
  • Now set all the other command blocks on chain and then on always active.
  • You have successfully made a command block car in Minecraft.
  • Recommended Reading: Minecraft Tp Command Block

    Setting Up The First Command Block

    Now that we have looked at the settings of a command block, letââ¬â¢s set up the first block to detect a certain type of block in a location.

  • Place a command block on the ground in a location near your player character.
  • Open up the command block interface.
  • Set the Block Type to Repeat.
  • Set the Redstone to Always Active.
  • The /testforblock Command

    The /testforblock command looks for a specific block at a specified point in the world.

    /testforblock < position: x y z> < tileName: Block>

    • position is the coordinates in the world where the command will look for the specific block. Example: 0 4 0.
    • tileName is the type of block you are looking for. Example: diamond_block.
    • dataValue is an optional argument used to handle variations of the same block. For this tutorial, we won’t be needing to use this.

    If you are following this tutorial, you will be in a flat world. As you walk around, you can see your player’s position in the top-left of the screen. Let’s check for a block near the origin.

  • In the Command Input section, input the following: /testforblock 0 4 0 diamond_block.
  • Close the interface.
  • Using The Pick Block Controls

    This is one of the practical ways to get a command block in the Minecraft game. This can be done with the use of a standard gaming mouse where the mouse-wheel of your PC has a mouse wheel in between its two buttons. It is usually called the third key of a mouse and is pressed down to use a pick block control in the game.

    Whenever a Minecraft gamer presses down the third mouse key while looking at a block, that block would then appear in the inventory of the player in creative mode. Also, if the player has it on your bar in survival mode, it would simply switch to that item.

    The pick block control is just one of the best ways to go about construction in the Minecraft game. Pick block + control would enable the player to copy the command and options inside the command block, and place it elsewhere without the need to re-enter the data that is inside.

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    Give Command In Minecraft Education Edition

    In Minecraft Education Edition, the syntax to give a player a command block using the is:

    /give < player>  command_block 


    • player is the name of the player that you wish to give the command block to.
    • amount is the number of command blocks that you want to give. If you don’t specify an amount, the player will be given 1 command block.

    Example In Xbox One Edition

    How to use and get the command block in any minecraft ...

    To fill a 13x1x7 area with obsidian in Minecraft Xbox One Edition:

    /fill ~-6 ~-1 ~-3 ~6 ~-1 ~3 obsidianTo build a solid structure out of red concrete:

    /fill ~1 ~0 ~1 ~10 ~10 ~10 concrete 14To build a large hollow bedrock structure :

    /fill ~1 ~-1 ~1 ~10 ~5 ~10 bedrock 0 hollowTo mine a region, by replacing all blocks in the area with cobblestone starting 5 blocks deep up to ground level , that is 4 blocks away from you in all horizontal directions:

    /fill ~-4 ~-5 ~-4 ~4 ~-1 ~4 cobblestone 0 destroyTo replace all grass blocks with coal blocks in the fill region with a starting coordinate of ~10 ~ ~20 and an ending coordinate of ~-20 ~-1 ~-20:

    /fill ~10 ~ ~20 ~-20 ~-1 ~-20 coal_block 0 replace grass 0

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    What Are Command Blocks And Why Should I Use Them

    Command blocks are a redstone component that execute console commands when powered. Console commands can be ran from the chat window by proceeding them with a forward slash, / . Commands are used to modify the game world in ways that arent possible by hand, and, when used correctly in command blocks, give Minecraft its own sort of psuedo-programming language. Code consists of two things: logic and execution, and most programming languages require both to be written in text. Minecraft coding takes a different route the logic and structure of the program is determined by where the blocks are placed and how they are wired up, meaning that you can fly over your world and see the different parts of your program laid out block-by-block.

    How To Get Command Blocks Talking In Chat

    I need a way for a command block to say things in chat when it is powered, or more preferably whenever someone spawns into the world.

    There are two ways you can output things to the chat.

    The /say command, syntax /say < Message …> displays a message in chat. However, this message will always have the command block’s name beside it.

    A command block with /say Hello World! would output:

     Hello World!

    Alternatively, the /tellraw command, syntax /tellraw < target> < json compound array/singleton> displays a message in chat, but it gives you full customization of its output from color to formatting using json formatting.

    Hello World!

    There are applications such as which generates a json string to use in /tellraw and various other commands that will give you complete control on what is outputted.

    There is also a Minepedia section on the string format should you decide to write them yourself.

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    Using A Map Item As A Scroll

    A YouTuber called SethBling used a map as a scroll to perform commands . The player will have an empty map in the inventory and when the player uses it, it becomes a filled map which immediately disappears and a redstone task is done.


    • Compact system.
    • At-will triggered system, just right-click to activate it.
    • Single use: the map disappears during the inventory check, but you can give it back through /give.


    • There can only be one purpose for the scroll, i.e. players cannot do a scroll of teleporting and a scroll of strength without using complicated data values.
    • The player may see the map animation when activating the map before it gets deleted.
    • The player cannot use the map item during your playthrough .

    Building the mechanism

    The player can change the display name of an item to give the player a better understanding of the object and use the tooltip display. Use the following command to give the player a custom named map:/give< player> map}

    • player: the player you want to reach .
    • displayName: the name displayed when you scroll in the hotbar or when you hover the item with your mouse.
    • tooltip: the text below the item name when you hover it.

    Detecting the activation of the map

    /clear< player> filled_map

    • The Command block 3 is the output in case of success. You can do whatever you want: give an effect to the player, teleport him somewhere,… You can also wire this output to a door, a piston,…

    Going furtherThe /clear command can check for other interactive items:

    Setting Up The /testforblock Command Block

    How To Get Command Blocks On Minecraft PS4
  • Place another command block next to the existing block. Make sure that the new block is placed in front of the direction that the arrow is pointing.
  • Open the command block interface.
  • Set the Block Type to Chain.
  • Set the Condition to Conditional.
  • Set the Redstone to Always Active.
  • Set the Command Input to /testfor @p
  • Since the second block is set to Conditional, this new block will only execute if the first command block succeeds, meaning the diamond block was present. This command checks to see if the player hasn’t already received the reward.

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    How To Access Command Blocks

    Due to the power of the command blocks, there are a few conditions that need to be met in order to use them in your server. First, you will need to enable command blocks directly in the server settings. Secondly, you will need to be OP on the server and in creative mode to be able to place the block.

    How Do You Program A Command Block

    Steps to Use a Command Block

  • Place the Command Block in Creative Mode. Before you can program and use the command block, you need to place the command block on the ground.
  • Add a Redstone Device. Next, you need to add a redstone device next to the command block.
  • Program the Command Block.
  • Activate the Command Block.
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    How Command Blocks Work

    Command blocks are, as the name suggests, blocks that automate commands. For example, players can type the “/give” command to automatically get an item, as seen in the above image.

    Alternatively, they can left-click on a command block and write the same command in there. Players can then connect one of Minecraft‘s redstone switches to the block. Every time a player uses the switch, the block performs the command, and the player gets an item.

    Command blocks can also summon entities or enemies with the “/summon” command, change the weather with the “/weather” command, or instantly kill a random player at the push of a button with the “/kill” command.

    These can be helpful in online servers and custom maps. Players without op privileges can still use preset commands. But they’re difficult to find and set up. Command blocks are completely unavailable in survival mode and don’t normally appear in the creative mode inventory.

    How Do You Get A Command Block

    3 Ways to Get Command Blocks in Minecraft

    How do you get a command block in mine craft for xbox 360

    Answer from: ChrisYou can’t from the Xbox But you CAN on PC with “/commandblock” I believe Hope this helps

    Answer from: XXbananaXxWell i have seen it on youtube its a mod i think you need a pc usb a sd card and stuff

    Answer from: MineCraft MasteUse seed to get command blocks

    Answer from: SuaIn minecraft Xbox 360, to get a command block you just get a mod. We will be able to use command blocks when the update comes out where chat is available. CYA!

    Answer from: DanielGet a usb stick plug it into a pc give yourself a command block and plug the usb into the xbox.

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