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How To Set World Spawn In Minecraft

What Is A Spawn Point In Minecraft

MINECRAFT | How to Set WORLD SPAWN! 1.16.1

A spawn point is basically where youll respawn if you happen to die during your adventures in Minecraft. Once youve died and choose to respawn, youll appear back at this exact spot. By default, this will be where you originally spawned into the world when it was first created.

However, there are ways in which you can change its location.

Minecraft How To Reset The Spawnpoint And Spawn Back At Worldspawn


I set up a player spawnpoint using the /spawnpoint command. Now I just want to return to spawning at the world spawn.

Is this at all possible? I’ve tried /kill and I just keep spawning at my player spawn.

Best Answer

The /spawnpoint command does not have a reset functionality built in, but there are other ways of doing this.

The simplest fix is to lie in a bed to set your spawnpoint to the bed, then destroy it and kill yourself. You will get the “Your home bed was missing or obstructed” message, and your personal spawnpoint will be completely unset.

More technical explanation, tested with Minecraft 1.8.4 and NBTExplorer:

Using /spawnpoint will set 4 different NBT tags for the player: SpawnX, SpawnY, SpawnZ stores the coordinates, and SpawnForced is set to 1, which means the game will not look for a bed in the vicinity of your spawnpoint.

Lying in a bed removes the SpawnForced tag, and sets the coordinates. Next time you die, the game will look for a bed. If it is obstructed or destroyed, this will fail, at which point the game also removes the other three tags from your player.dat .

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Setting The Spawn Point

To set a spawn point on your server, that is, the point where all players will start when entering a world for the firsttime or respawning after death, use the command /setspawn as a player at the point where you want players to spawn. Nucleus will set the position at your feet and Minecraft will use that point as a future spawn point. Nucleus will also store your players rotation and attempt to set the rotation of any player who spawns.

Spawn points are per world, and can be warped to using the /spawn command – if the world is omitted, you willwarp to the spawn point of the current world.

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Spawnpoint Command In Minecraft Education Edition

In Minecraft Education Edition, the syntax to reset the spawn point for a player to a new location is:



  • player is optional. It is the name of a player whose spawn point you wish to change. If you don’t specify a player, the spawn point for the player running the command will be changed.
  • spawnPos is optional. It is the to use for the spawnpoint. If you don’t specify a coordinate, the command will use your current position in the game.

How To Set World Spawn In Minecraft

Minecraft 1.10

A World Spawn Point in Minecraft is where all players will spawn for the first time. This applies to when you login in for the first time or if you have not used a bed. You will spawn on the World Spawn or around it. World Spawns are usually in safe biomes but not where most players would like it to be. In such cases, you want to change where the World Spawn would be. This is very helpful in Multiplayer Servers like SMPs and its like. There are multiple ways of doing so, the easiest way is by using Commands. You can also use Data packs, Command Blocks, and other means.

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Do These Commands Work For Spigot

Yes, they do. Spigot is a branch of Bukkit, meaning the latter is developed based on Bukkits code. As such, almost any plugin that works with Bukkit will work with Spigot. You dont have to worry about compatibility issues, for the most part.

Installing Vault, EssentialsX, and SetSpawn work identically on Spigot. The requirements of downloading the proper plugin versions also apply. With this in mind, you can use Spigot just like you would Bukkit.

Everything else we mentioned above also works in Spigot. However, some plugins developed for Spigot may not work on Bukkit.

Sleeping In A Bed To Set A Spawn Point In Minecraft

The first option youve got is to simply sleep in a bed. When you sleep, the location of the bed will then become your spawn point if you happen to die. As such, its always worthwhile carrying a bed with you if youre going on an adventure, so that you wont have to retread your steps if a Creeper happens to blow up in your face.

Once youve placed a bed wherever you want your spawn point to be, simply right click on PC, press LT on Xbox One, L2 on PS4, and ZL on Switch to sleep in the bed. When doing so, Minecraft will automatically set that as your new spawn point.

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Commands To Change Spawn Point

If you use EssentialsX or SetSpawn, theres only one command to change your spawn point. That command is /setspawn without quotation marks. Using this command prompt allows you to change the servers world spawn, and new players joining your server will spawn at the new spawn point you set. Players who havent slept in a bed will also respawn here should they die.

Using /setspawn is relatively simple. You only have to go to the exact spot you want to be the spawn point. It can be an area with signposts containing the rules or anywhere that strikes your fancy.

Once you reach the location, follow the steps above for using commands. The game will notify you if your servers world spawn point change is successful.

Right after you change your spawn point, you can walk away and test if it works. Type /spawn in the chat window, also without quotation marks. If your spawn point was moved, then youll find yourself in the right place.

While you can continue to type other commands after this using EssentialsX, you should remember that SetSpawn doesnt introduce many other utility options. Unless you have other plugins on your server, you wont be able to use many other commands.

Speaking of default commands, a default command for setting up world spawn points exists. Its /setworldspawn , and it works similarly to /setspawn. The coordinates are also optional.

Spawnpoint Command In Minecraft Windows 10 Edition

How to Set Spawn on a Minecraft Server World

In Minecraft Windows 10 Edition, the syntax to reset the spawn point for a player to a new location is:



  • player is optional. It is the name of a player whose spawn point you wish to change. If you don’t specify a player, the spawn point for the player running the command will be changed.
  • spawnPos is optional. It is the to use for the spawnpoint. If you don’t specify a coordinate, the command will use your current position in the game.

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How To Set Your Minecraft Server Spawn

We have a video tutorial to set spawn location in Minecraft:

The spawn is a location in a Minecraft world where a player or entity is generated. For servers, this is where new players will be located when joining for the first time.

Players will also re-spawn on this location upon death when they have not used a bed or changed their individual spawn point. A lot of servers, through the use of mods or plugins, have a /spawn command which allows a player to teleport back to the world’s spawn point.

Command: /setworldspawn

  • This command will set a Minecraft world’s spawn point to the current location of the player who issued the command. This must be used in-game and can only be done by a server operator.
  • When used with coordinates X, Y, and Z, the spawn point will be changed to the specified coordinates. This command can be used in the server console. Example: /setworldspawn 10 65 22

Command: /spawnpoint

What Are The Commands

Here is what you need to do, firstly make a server. After that go to your settings and click on Open To LAN. Nextly, select to Allow Cheats and Start LAN World. This will allow you to type and execute Commands in Minecraft. Now go to the location you want to set the World Spawn. Now open up the chatbox and type these commands:

/setworldspawn ~ ~ ~/gamerule spawnRadius 0

The first command will be the World Spawn. the ~ ~ ~ is your position on the X, Y, and Z Axises respectively. You can perform the command without ~ ~ ~ but it will take your current position in 3D space. The ~ ~ ~ lets you specify the Position you want. The second command will reduce the Spawn Radius around the World Spawn to 0. Spawn Radius is basically the area where you will randomly spawn near the World Spawn. The default Spawn Radius in Minecraft is 21×21 Blocks. So with the second command, you make it 0. Note that you should set the World Spawn after making any decorative or terraforming changes on the location of the to be World Spawn.

This was all about the World Spawn in Minecraft. Hopefully, this has helped you in setting your World Spawn in Minecraft easily. You can also check our guides on Cobblestone Generators and Best Faction Servers in Minecraft.

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Minecraft: How To Set Spawn Point

The world of Minecraft can be unpredictably dangerous, with Creepers, Skeletons, Spiders and Endermen among other creatures terrorizing the blocky world. If youre going on an epic adventure away from your base, you may want to know how to set a spawn point in case you die. Heres what you need to know about how to set your spawn point in Minecraft.

Spawnpoint Command In Minecraft Pocket Edition

How to set the world spawn to a single block [vanilla/1.7 ...

In Minecraft Pocket Edition , the syntax to reset the spawn point for a player to a new location is:



  • player is optional. It is the name of a player whose spawn point you wish to change. If you don’t specify a player, the spawn point for the player running the command will be changed.
  • spawnPos is optional. It is the to use for the spawnpoint. If you don’t specify a coordinate, the command will use your current position in the game.

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Spawnpoint Command In Minecraft Java Edition

In Minecraft Java Edition , the syntax to reset the spawn point for a player to a new location is:



  • targets is optional. It is the name of a player whose spawn point you wish to change. If you don’t specify a player, the spawn point for the player running the command will be changed.
  • pos is optional. It is the to use for the spawnpoint. If you don’t specify a coordinate, the command will use your current position in the game.

How To Use The Commands

Commands wont work until you type them. To rectify this, you need to bring up the chat window by pressing a key, usually the backslash. After this, a chat window will appear, and you can start typing.

All Minecraft commands start with a / no matter if theyre default commands in the game or Bukkit plugin commands. If you type a command without the backslash, it wont work. Youll have to make sure you type in the command meticulously as well.

The steps for typing the commands are:

  • After your plugins are installed, log into your server.
  • Bring up the chat window.
  • Type your command.
  • Press Enter.
  • Youll see a message notifying you the command you type has worked.
  • If your commands arent recognized, you likely downloaded the wrong plugin version. You may also have forgotten to restart your server to install the plugin.

    Once your command is executed, you can type another command into the chat window and run it the same way. You can keep executing commands until you want to continue playing. Close the chat window to start your game.

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    Is There A Way To Set Underground World Spawns With Command Blocks

    • #1Dec 13, 2020
    • Posts:2
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    I’m trying to set up a multiplayer server with a spawnpoint that’s in an underground base. I know how worldspawns currently work, it forces the players to spawn above ground, even if the spawn radius is set to 0.

    I know command blocks can be used to teleport players, but I’m having a hard time setting this properly. Does anyone know how to make command blocks recognize a new player, or when a player without a bed dies, that they respawn at the underground location? Any help is appreciated.

    EDIT: Okay, I have command blocks set to get them to spawn underground, but if they set their own spawn point with a bed and it breaks, it teleports them back up to the surface again when they die and I’m not sure how to fix that.

    • Minecraft:Hexalobular.
    • Member Details

    You could just build a bedrock wall around an overground spawnpoint and teleport anybody there to your underground location.

    The wall would just be to keep other players from wandering into the teleport area by accident, if they have access to the area they could still build over the wall. If that is a problem you could have another command block that teleports anybody at the top of the wall somewhere else.

    • Posts:288
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    You could just have them spawn in a magma bubble column that would suck them down to the cave

    • Member Details

    Does anyone know how to make command blocks recognize a new player


    Ooooh, thank you for going in-depth.

    /spawn Per World Permissions

    How to Set world spawn | Minecraft PS4

    The config options per-world-permissions is ordinarily set to false, but if true, this allows fine grain control overthe worlds that a specific player can spawn to using the /spawn command.

    The following are incompatibilities that may occur with this module, along with how to resolve the problem. For the full mod/plugin incompatibility list, see the compatibility page.

    No plugin incompatibilities have been reported.

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    How To Use The Spawnpoint Command In Minecraft

    This Minecraft tutorial explains how to use the /spawnpoint command with screenshots and step-by-step instructions.

    You can change the location where a player respawns after dying to any coordinates in the game with the /spawnpoint command in Minecraft. This is a great way to set your spawnpoint to your home. Let’s explore how to use this cheat .

    Spawnpoint Command In Minecraft Xbox One Edition

    In Minecraft Xbox One Edition, the syntax to reset the spawn point for a player to a new location is:



    • player is optional. It is the name of a player whose spawn point you wish to change. If you don’t specify a player, the spawn point for the player running the command will be changed.
    • spawnPos is optional. It is the to use for the spawnpoint. If you don’t specify a coordinate, the command will use your current position in the game.

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    Setting Up A World Border

    NOTE:/worldborderGiving Operator to a Player

  • Specify the center of your world border by using the command /worldborder center < X> < Z> , replacing < X> and < Z> with your X and Z coordinates. It is recommended to set this on your world spawn. If this successful, you should receive a message similar to the one shown below.
  • Once the center is set, you can now specify the size of the world border using the command /worldborder set < size> . For example, doing /worldborder set 20 will change the diameter or distance from one end of the border to the opposite end to 20 blocks.
  • Your world’s border should now be set and will keep players from venturing beyond.

    Spawnpoint Command In Minecraft Ps4 Edition

    minecraft how to set spawns and warps

    In Minecraft PS4 Edition, the syntax to reset the spawn point for a player to a new location is:



    • player is optional. It is the name of a player whose spawn point you wish to change. If you don’t specify a player, the spawn point for the player running the command will be changed.
    • spawnPos is optional. It is the to use for the spawnpoint. If you don’t specify a coordinate, the command will use your current position in the game.

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    Setting Spawn Point In The Nether

    The first part to setting a Spawn Point in the Nether would be to craft a Respawn Anchor with your materials.

    This Respawn Anchor requires all 6 of your Crying Obsidian & 3 Glowstone Blocks.

    Next, Place the Respawn Anchor wherever you want to Spawn in the Nether if you happen to die.

    Now, for the Respawn Anchor to work it needs to be charged. All you have to do to charge it is equip your Glowstone and click on the Respawn Anchor.

    The Respawn Anchor will start to look Cauldron-Like if activated properly. There is a limit of 4 Spawn Points per time. Hence, the reason why there are 4 lights that can be lit up every time you activate the Respawn Anchor with a Glowstone Block.

    Respawn Anchor Activated Once

    Respawn Anchor Activated 4 Times

    Every time you die, you will lose 1 of the charges .

    Make sure you click on the Respawn Anchor so it says Respawn Set on the top left of your screen.

    How Do You Get World Spawn One Block

    If you want to set each players spawn point to a specific location, you could put the world spawn point in the middle of a 20×20 area of tripwires, which then activate command blocks setting the spawn point of all the players inside the area to wherever you want it to be, and then teleport them there.

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