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HomeReaders ChoiceServer Plugins For Minecraft

Server Plugins For Minecraft

Upload Your Own Plugin

How to Install Plugins on a Minecraft Java Server

Drag the desired plugin .jar file into the box marked on the picture. It is also possible to drag and install several plugins into this area at the same time.

If you have dragged the plugin into the upload field, it takes a moment until the plugin is on the server.

In order to be able to use the plugin you have to reload your server with the command /rl or /reload via your game server console .

In rare cases the server has to be restarted so that the plugin runs smoothly.

Best Server Plugins For Minecraft’s 119 Update

Minecraft servers perform well enough on their own, but plugins augment player experiences to further tailor to the population’s needs.

Minecraft server plugins come in many forms. Some provide quality-of-life enhancements, while others implement new content not found in the vanilla build of the game. These plugins also come from various frontends, such as Bukkit and Spigot, depending on what the server administrator is running on their server.

There is a vast selection of plugins to implement into a player’s server. Due to this, it doesn’t hurt to take a look at some of the most popular plugins currently compatible with Minecraft 1.19 after the debut of The Wild Update.

How To Check If Plugins Are Working

After you restart your server, open your Server console:

And write plugins:

This will display a list of plugins which is currently running on your server.:

This command also works while logged in the server, however, you should use a slash in front of the command while in-game. It should look like this /plugins

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Top 5 Optimization Plugins For Minecraft Servers

Minecraft servers are relatively easy to set up and can be a great way to enjoy multiplayer features with others. The best servers have thousands of players connecting daily, and Minecraft truly wouldn’t be the same if servers weren’t implemented into the game.

One of the biggest caveats with Minecraft servers is that vanilla Minecraft server code is relatively poorly optimized. This is a documented issue by much of the community and is mainly caused by poor CPU thread usage, with the majority of Minecraft server operations being done on only a single thread.

For the less technically proficient, what this means is that Minecraft servers in their current state are severely prone to lag, especially with a lot of players on a single server.

It’s not all doom and gloom, as there are several plugins admins can install to optimize many server functions, thereby making their server lag significantly less in some cases.

How Do You Use Bukkit Plugins

Ten Of The Best Spigot Plugins To Install On Your Minecraft Server

If you want to use a Bukkit plugin, you need to have a CraftBukkit or Spigot Minecraft server. These plugins don’t work with the official Minecraft server that you can download from Mojang.

Here are the basic rules to follow if you want to use Bukkit plugins:

  • Make sure that you are running a Spigot or CraftBukkit Minecraft server.
  • If the server is running, stop it.
  • Place the .jar file in your Minecraft server plugins folder.
  • Restart the server, and the Bukkit plugin will load automatically if everything is compatible.

If you are running a local server, simply drag the .jar file into the appropriate folder. If you use a hosting service, you will need to upload the .jar file to your server. Contact your Minecraft server host for more details.

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Grim Anti Cheat Plugin

If you are looking for a free to use and open source anti cheat then you will be happy to find that grim ticks the boxes.

With a simply installation it will now keep track of all players and even give you a display of anything results found.

It intuitively also shows you the client brand so you can see if the players are using well known exploit version.

You can find many positive reviews on the download page on spigot and so far i have used it and its done a great job detecting cheaters and also not causing much lag on the server.

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Grief Prevention Plugin 119

One of my favourite and most used plugin for any 1.19 server. As the title suggest its saves you from grief, and this is true and tested by myself. Firstly it provides an easy claim system to make sure your plot is safe. This can be done by placing your first chest or using a golden shovel to mark your area.

Any item, crop, mob or frame is now complete defended against tnt, creepers, stealing and grief of any kind. This also stops many exploits with other plugins that allow pushed or cannon tnt to enter.

Not only will tnt explosions above sea level be completely disabled but creepers will not cause any damage to any block ever again.

To put it simply, it stops any grief, stealing and stops mobs being used as weapons, as well as other well known exploding items.

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How To Make A Spigot Server On Linux

A spigot server is a server used to play the game of Minecraft. The server is created by running a server jar file on a computer. The server can be played on by anyone who has the IP address of the server and the proper Minecraft client. The server is free to play on, but there are some costs associated with running it, such as buying a domain name and hosting the server. This guide will show you how to make a spigot server on Linux.

Using this page, you can learn how to easily set up a server and invite your friends to join you. It also contains a list of server-specific plugins and mods. Spigot has been updated to version 1.19.x, which includes all of its functionality. The only computers covered by this guide are Windows machines. If you use macOS or Linux, we recommend that you read this tutorial first. You can begin customizing your server immediately by installing Spigot, which includes a wide range of options and plugins. Few new server owners are aware of how the /reload command affects them.

It creates a new instance of each plugin, which you can reactivate by doing so. As a result, memory leaks, lag, and potential server damage can occur. You can restart your server by double-clicking run.bat.

Best Bukkit Plugins For Craftbukkit And Spigot Servers

How to Install Plugins to Your Minecraft Server
  • Shoreline Community College
  • Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College

Bukkit plugins, which work with both CraftBukkit and Spigot, make it extremely easy to modify and secure a Minecraft server. With the right set of plugins, you can add powerful administration tools, make it impossible for trolls to grief your players, create brand new gameplay experiences, and more.

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Mine Chess Minigame Plugin

If you are a fan of chess or simply ant a fun 2 player game for your 1.19 serer then the MineChess minigame plugin is the one for you. This gives you the full chess experience full with automation and assistance with playing.

With only 4 commands you can set up and auto build a complete chess board to play in seconds once setup. Lobbies are easy to set and you can use this with multiple worlds using multiverse.

The pawns can be selected on your turn and will show you the spaces they can go too. Each turn is timed and you can also check your stats easy with a simple command.

Top 10 Plugins For A 119 Minecraft Server

Plugins for Minecraft servers allow you to do many different things, from anti cheats, player heads, minigames and more. There is always a plugin to suit your server need. So we have put together a list of the 10 best minecraft plugins that you can use for your 1.19 Minecraft server. For this we used a paper server so we can support either bukkit or spigot plugins.

Plugins In The List

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Best Minecraft Server Plugins Of All Time

Hello, everyone! We at Team Visionary hope that youve had a great week. Today, we have a spectacular list of the newest and best 30 Best Minecraft Server Plugins of All Time for you guys.

The Minecraft server market is no small matter with the largest servers reaching up to tens of thousands of players and millions in revenue. For friend groups, Minecraft servers are also a fantastic way for players all over the world to connect with and play with each other. And while vanilla MInecraft servers are fantastic to play in, there are some tools that server owners can use to better customize, moderate and enhance their servers.

Plugins are server-side installations that will make changes on your server without players having to install anything on their end. This makes them much more flexible than mods when it comes to creating a widely accessible server for a large playerbase. With the number of Minecraft plugins on Spigot nearing 50,000, however, it might be hard for server owners to know and pick the correct plugins for a Minecraft server.

Thats why we at Team Visionary have created this 30 Best Minecraft Plugins of All Time list for you. This list comprises all of our top recommended plugins for any Minecraft server, from a massive Skyblock server to a fun minigame server for your friends.

Best Plugins For Minecraft Server Admins

How To Add Plugins To Minecraft Server 1152

Servers are currently the most popular way in which Minecraft multiplayer is enjoyed.

Admins can modify Minecraft gameplay elements by installing plugins on their servers. These plugins allow for new content and features outside of vanilla Minecraft to be available on the server.

There are thousands of unique plugins for Minecraft server admins to install. This article will take a look at some of the best and most popular plugins.

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More Minecraft Server Plugins

You can find more of the best plugins for Minecraft below. This is a much larger list that contains popular plugins from all categories.

You can find more plugins for Minecraft at:

  • BukkitDev:

Spigot plugins, Bukkit plugins and CraftBukkit plugins all work on the Spigot server type – just drop them in your Minecraft plugins folder.

Are you a plugin developer and want your plugin added to this page? .

What is your favourite plugin? Let us know in the comments below!

Minecraft Custom Plugins Servers

Find the best Custom Plugins Minecraft servers on our website and play for free.Add and promote your server on the best top list for more players.

$ smpThe BridgeAvatarModdedWarFunNarutoMiningFarmingCasino
$ FactionsSkyblockPrisonOp prisonOp factionsUhcYoutubersKit PvP1vs1Op skyblock
17 1vs1Custom MiniGamesMinigamesPvEMultiplayer SurvivalPvP SurvivalCustomCustom PluginsFunFree
28 TownySurvivalBalanced EconomyJobsPvEAdventureParkourCommunityCustom PluginsFishing
162 PixelmonCustom contentSurvivalGymCustom PluginsFree RanksEventsMini games
208 FreebuildFarmingSurvivalCustom EnchantsNo LagAchievementsAnimeCustom PluginsCustom Bosses2b2t
252 4/1000 Multiplayer SurvivalSMPBalanced EconomyLandProtectionEconomyCustom BiomesCustom BossesCustom CodedCustom PluginsCustom Mobs

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How To Install Plugins Automatically

Set up your server and make sure to choose Minecraft Java Edition. Once thats done click on the Manage button for your Minecraft server instance:

Select Configuration:

From there choose Server settings, the option you are looking for is Server type, there you will be able to choose from a variety of custom server types:

In order to install plugins, you will need to choose one of the following:

Server Type



Modified vanilla Minecraft server with the Bukkit API built into it. Bukkit is the API that Bukkit plugins use to interact with the server


Modified Minecraft server based on CraftBukkit which provides additional performance optimizations, configuration options, and features, whilst remaining compatible with all existing plugins and consistent with Vanilla Minecraft game mechanics


High-performance fork of the Spigot Minecraft Server that aims to fix gameplay and mechanics inconsistencies as well as to improve performance. The paper contains numerous features, bug fixes, exploit preventions, and major performance improvements not found in Spigot

* Recommended for users who want to achieve the best possible performance with their current plan without sacrificing server features or functionality

When you specify your preferred server type, click on the button, and download will start:

After the download is done your server will be ready to have plugins installed. Navigate back to your Instance section and select Plugins:

Viaversion & Viabackwards Plugins

Top 10 BEST Plugins For Your Minecraft Server (1.18)

Have you always wandered how some servers allow all version on no matter how old or new? This can be easily done by installing either viabackwards or viaversion to allow older or newer Minecraft version on to your server.

This can be great for servers that rely on a plugin that hasnt updated, servers using geyser and floodgate for the version switch over, and generally just to allow more players on to your server.

This 1.19 plugin will work from the box and there is no configuration or setup required, simply download and upload to your server and your done.

ViaVersion will allow anyone that has a newer version than your server to join, for example if your server is 1.16. A player using 1.19 can still join and play.

Viabackwards allows you to let on players all the way back to 1.8, so even if the players are playing outdated Minecraft versions they can still join easily.

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How To Choose The Best Minecraft Server Plugins

These plugins will support any Minecraft server for one purpose or another. There are, of course, more plugins, and for certain server types, some are necessary. There are other plugins, which I think are necessary but not supplied by themselves, like Vault or NuVotifier. Here at server colocation, I have described the 7 best Minecraft server plugins. You don’t have to utilize each of these plugins. This list is only a blend of the seven best plugins for Minecraft survival/roleplay server based on discussions and my interaction with service users.

How To Install Spigot Plugins

Image Source:

In order to install Spigot plugins, you will first need to download the plugin files from a reputable source. Once you have downloaded the plugin files, you will need to place them in the plugins folder within your Spigot servers directory. Finally, you will need to restart your server in order for the changes to take effect.

Spigot, a popular Minecraft server, is ranked among the top ten most popular. plugin options are used to enhance the games visuals. Adding new features to the game, such as altered NPC models and the in-game economy, can be accomplished with some plugins. Installing mods will necessitate changing your Minecraft copy. The vast majority of Bukkit plugins are available, and as long as they are compatible with Minecraft versions, they are all valid. After youve built your plugins, you can test them out by installing them. We recommend that you at least consider installing these, as they are some of the most important items.

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Top 25 Best Minecraft Bukkit Plugins In 2022

Minecraft is one of the most popular games of all time in any genre. Since its release in 2011, people have been developing various ways to play it, either alone or with friends using multiplayer servers. Any way you play it, though, you need Minecraft Bukkit Plugins to set up your server.

In this post, weve compiled a list of the best Minecraft Bukkit Plugins that will make your server awesome. They were picked due to their popularity, how well they work, and overall what people liked about them. These plugins are compatible with the latest version of Bukkit for Minecraft.

Requirements: Familiarity with some basic terminologies about Minecraft servers .

Saber Factions Minigame Plugin

Best Minecraft Server Plugins 114

Another great plugin for any 1.19 server. Saber factions gives you the complete factions experience for free! With one simple download you can get started on you world with factions, claims, banks, missions and much more.

Claims are clearly marked and you can even use the commands to find other ones near you, describe your faction and also full member control and permissions. With vault, an economy plugin and a small config change you can use the currency for factions also.

This 1.19 plugin also works with multiverse and having multiple worlds. Simply create one with factions and you can block the commands on the other worlds using a permissions plugin such as luckperms.

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Must Have Plugins For Your Minecraft Server

Finding plugins for your Bukkit, Spigot & Paper servers can be a detrimental part in the success of any Minecraft server. From making sure players have a lag-free experience to keeping the community guidelines and rules in check, it’s essential to have a solid list of the best plugins for Bukkit, Spigot, & Paper servers. Thus we decided to create a top 15 list of the best plugins that you must have on your Spigot server. From grief protection to allowing you to protect your spawn, set warps, and do much more. Thus, let’s go ahead and jump on into our list of the top 15 best Minecraft plugins!

What Are Minecraft Plugins

Plugins are to Minecraft, as extensions are to browsers. Third party developers use these to write additional code and plug it in the server. As these do not modify the game itself, such as in the case of mods, they are more limited with what they can do. However, this also means that they only need to be installed on the servers side. No modifications are necessary in your own game files to get them working.

You can read how to install Plugins on your Apex Server here.

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