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How To Set The Time To Day In Minecraft

How Long Is A Minecraft Tick


A tick is essentially the equivalent of a second in the Minecraft world. Knowing how to convert Minecraft ticks to seconds helps hardcore players manage their in-game days better. And give you a better understanding when setting the time in-game, as I earlier showed you how to do. A Minecraft tick is simply a twentieth of a real world second. This means that there are 20 ticks in a real second. If youre wondering how many Minecraft ticks to minutes there are, the answer is 1200 ticks per minute.

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How To Set Time To Night In Minecraft

wikiHow is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 52,934 times.Learn more…

Sometimes, you just want your Minecraft world to be taking place in the night. Maybe you think it’s prettier than day, or maybe you want to be challenged by endlessly-spawning mobs. Here’s how to change the time of day in Minecraft to night!

Check In Minecraft Education Edition

In Minecraft Education Edition, you can check the value of the dodaylightcycle gamerule with the following /gamerule command:

/gamerule dodaylightcycle

This command will return one of the following values:

dodaylightcycle = true dodaylightcycle = false

When dodaylightcycle is true, time is advancing as normal . When dodaylightcycle is false, time is stopped at the current moment.

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Why Are Minecraft Days So Short

There is a logical reason why days do feel shorter. Day and night only matter on the surface, where it regulates mob spawning. At sunset, theres no mob on the surface. By the time the nights mob spawn is burned away by sunlight and its safe to go out again, a sizable chunk of precious day time will have gone wasted.

Check In Minecraft Pocket Edition

How to Set Time to Day in Minecraft: 4 Steps (with Pictures)

In Minecraft Pocket Edition , you can check the value of the dodaylightcycle gamerule with the following /gamerule command:

/gamerule dodaylightcycle

This command will return one of the following values:

dodaylightcycle = true dodaylightcycle = false

When dodaylightcycle is true, time is advancing as normal . When dodaylightcycle is false, time is stopped at the current moment.

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How Long Is A Day In Minecraft

A Minecraft day is obviously not as long as an entire day. There is a whole day and night cycle in the game, but it completes in a matter of minutes. A full day in Minecraft time to real-time is 20 minutes.

A Minecraft day completes 72 times faster than a normal day. So, one second in the real world is 72 seconds in Minecraft.

How To Change The Time In Minecraft

It is possible to change the time in Minecraft, for example, changing to the day when it is night-time, or vice-versa. It may be very useful as, during the day, you can break and place blocks in new locations to build your structures, while at night, mobs appear for you to battle.

To use the Minecraft change time feature, you first need to turn cheats on in your world. Then youll use the appropriate command to set time.

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How To Set Time In Minecraft

Many people are not aware of this, but you can make some changes to your Minecraft game with the use of Commands. By typing specific text into the chatbox, you can control the game in ways that are otherwise not possible. Setting the time is one of these things that you can do, but only after ensuring that Cheats are enabled in the settings.

To use a Minecraft time command, do the following:

  • Enter the chat window. The means to do this differs based on the platform the game is being played on. If it is not already displayed, press T to bring it up on PC.
  • You can set the time to a specific time of day in the game by using either an integer value, which translates to the hour of the day, or a tag that indicates which time of day you want:
  • Type /time set < hour> , where < hour> is replaced by a number, such as 1000 for daytime or 13000 for the night. The maximum is 24000.
  • Type /time set < time> where < time> is replaced by the specific phase of the Minecraft day cycle. The options are sunrise, day, noon, night, midnight, and sunset.
  • Press enter or its equivalent to send the message.
  • Time Command In Minecraft Education Edition

    How to Set the Time In Minecraft PS4, Xbox and PC (Day, Sunrise, Night)

    In Minecraft Education Edition, there are different syntaxes depending on what you would like to do with the World’s game time.

    To add time to the game time :

    /time add < addAmount> 

    To set the time using an integer value:

    /time set < setAmount> 

    To set the time using a TimeSpec value:

    /time set < time> 
    /time query < daytime¦gametime¦day> 


    • addAmount is the amount of time to add to the game time for the current Minecraft world. This increases the age of the Minecraft world.
    • setAmount is the time that you want to change to. It can be one of the following:

      Sets the time to day
      6000 Sets the time to noon
      12000 Sets the time to sunset
      13000 Sets the time to night
      18000 Sets the time to midnight
      23000 Sets the time to sunrise
    • time is the time that you want to change to. It can be one of the following:

      Sets the time to day
      midnight Sets the time to midnight
      night Sets the time to night
      noon Sets the time to noon
      sunrise Sets the time to sunrise
    • daytime returns the number of since
    • gametime returns the age of the Minecraft world in
    • day returns the number of days elapsed in the game .

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    Open Up The Chat Window

    You can now start the chat window after turning on the customizing feature. There might be differences in the process based on the device.

    If you are a PC or Mac user, simply tap the ‘T’ key on your keyboard to launch the chat window. On the other hand, in the case of the Minecraft pocket edition, you will get to see the chat window at the top of your screen.

    The chat window can be launched using a controller while playing Minecraft on a console such as a PS4, PS5, or Xbox. Right-click the D-pad.

    However, on Nintendo, you should tap the arrow button to open the chat window or go to an anonymous parity window.

    Minecraft also has a new update on the Minecraft chat window, you can read the details by clicking on the link.

    Check In Minecraft Java Edition

    In Minecraft Java Edition , you can check the value of the doDayLightCycle gamerule with the following /gamerule command:

    /gamerule doDaylightCycle

    This command will return one of the following values:

    doDayLightCycle = true doDayLightCycle = false

    When doDayLightCycle is true, time is advancing as normal . When doLightCycle is false, time is stopped at the current moment.

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    Time Command In Minecraft Java Edition

    In Minecraft Java Edition , there are different syntaxes depending on what you would like to do with the World’s game time.

    To add time to the game time :

    /time add < time> 
    /time query < day¦daytime¦gametime> 

    To set the time to the specified time:

    /time set < setValue> 


    • time is the amount of time to add to the game time for the current Minecraft world. This increases the age of the Minecraft world.
    • day is the number of days elapsed in the game .
    • daytime is the number of since
    • gametime is the age of the Minecraft world in
    • setValue is the time that you want to change to. It can be one of the following:

      Sets the time to day
      midnight Sets the time to midnight
      night Sets the time to night
      noon Sets the time to noon
      < number> Sets the time to the number specified

    How Many Minutes In A Minecraft Day

    How to Set Time to Day in Minecraft

    Like we said before, a Minecraft day corresponds to 20 minutes in real-time. But theres more to it read further below to learn more.

    2.4 months

    How many Minecraft days are in 24 hours?

    It can be easily inferred from the table above that Minecraft day passes 72 times faster than a real day. So, there are 72 Minecraft days in 24 hours.

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    Opening The Chat Window

    Players must now open the Minecraft chat window in preparation for typing the cheat command. This is done differently depending on what platform the player is using. Here is how to open the chat window on different devices:

    • On PC, the player should press T to open that chat window.
    • Pocket Edition players should press the chat button at the top of the screen.
    • Xbox and Playstation players should press right on the D-Pad.
    • Nintendo Switch players should press the right arrow.

    How Can I Make It Stay Daytime All The Time

    I’ve wanted a mechanism that is able to make it stay day all the time, and I’ve tried thinking up ways but they don’t work. How do I do it?

    • 2Just a note for posting questions in the future: saying “I’ve tried thinking up ways but they don’t work” isn’t very helpful, since you don’t say what you’ve tried. The point of showing what you’ve tried is so that people don’t just tell you to do what you’ve already tried. SevenSidedDieSep 21 ’13 at 0:49
    • good point SevenSidedDie. though I was going to answer my own question, I just didn’t have enough reputation to do it within 8 hours of my post.

    The only ways I can think of involve using game commands.

    One way is to get into the console and type /gamerule doDaylightCycle false

    Alternatively, you can use a combination of Daylight Sensors and Command Blocks to execute the command /time set 1000. The downside to using this is that you need to stay within range to keep the area around the command block loaded. Running across the world allows night to come again.

    Here’s an tutorial video that explains how to set up the Daylight Sensor method:

    • Awesomest_DonutSep 23 ’13 at 12:51
    • spawn are is always loaded, if you put the Sensor and Command Block there, it should be always loaded. I am not sure if it was for the spawn chunk .. or some area around it, but you can double check

    All you have to do is: use a command block, some redstone, a redstone torch, and a daytime sensor.

  • input /time set day into the command block.
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    World Border Commands And Their Uses In Minecraft

    Players seeking to set parameters for their Minecraft world’s border within the Nether will just need to proceed with commands the way they would in the Overworld.

    First, they’ll need to ensure that either cheats are enabled or they have operator privileges on a multiplayer server or realm to ensure that the commands follow through when fed into Minecraft’s chat input. The necessary commands and their abilities can be found below:

    How Do You Change The Minecraft Tick Speed

    How to set the time of day in minecraft

    A suitable method for changing the tick speed command is to customize your current game. If you want your plants to grow faster, enter a higher number than the average Minecraft tick speed after the command.

    You can change the tick speed in Minecraft and Minecraft pocket edition in the following ways discussed below. Meanwhile, you can also read our article on How To Hatch Turtle Eggs In Minecraft.

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    How To Change Time In Minecraft

    You can change time in Minecraft by using the cheats option. Use a command to change from day to night or vice versa in the game. Follow these steps to make it happen:

  • Type in /time set.
  • Next, type day or night.
  • This is how the console command will look like if you want to change to day time in Minecraft: /time set day

    What Is The Default Minecraft Tick Speed

    One game tick equals one second in Minecraft. Minecraft defaults to a tick speed of 20 ticks per second. There are 0.05 ticks every second. A tick in Minecraft represents an advancement or an update. Each Minecraft day has 24000 ticks.

    This would take about twenty minutes in real-time. You can view the TPS preset value in the game by pressing ALT + F3.

    The spread of fire, the growth, and the decay of plants or leaves are just some of the random features in Minecraft. The Java Edition provides a unique feature called “random ticks.” The default speed of in java edition random ticking is 3. There is just one Minecraft tick speed in Bedrock Edition.

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    How To Set Time To Day In Minecraft

    wikiHow is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 30,843 times.Learn more…

    The square sun is falling towards the horizon, and it’s a matter of seconds before you realize you’re not going to get back to your base in time. But wait – you can save yourself! You can set the time to day!

    Time Command In Minecraft Xbox One Edition

    Simple Command Tutorials Time Set change time to day ...

    In Minecraft Xbox One Edition, there are different syntaxes depending on what you would like to do with the World’s game time.

    To add time to the game time :

    /time add < addAmount> 

    To set the time using an integer value:

    /time set < setAmount> 

    To set the time using a TimeSpec value:

    /time set < time> 
    /time query < daytime¦gametime¦day> 


    • addAmount is the amount of time to add to the game time for the current Minecraft world. This increases the age of the Minecraft world.
    • setAmount is the time that you want to change to. It can be one of the following:

      Sets the time to day
      6000 Sets the time to noon
      12000 Sets the time to sunset
      13000 Sets the time to night
      18000 Sets the time to midnight
      23000 Sets the time to sunrise
    • time is the time that you want to change to. It can be one of the following:

      Sets the time to day
      midnight Sets the time to midnight
      night Sets the time to night
      noon Sets the time to noon
      sunrise Sets the time to sunrise
    • daytime returns the number of since
    • gametime returns the age of the Minecraft world in
    • day returns the number of days elapsed in the game .

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    Example In Xbox One Edition

    To change the time to night in Minecraft Xbox One Edition:

    /time set night

    To change the time to sunrise:

    /time set sunrise

    To query the number of game ticks since dawn:

    /time query daytime

    To increase the age of the Minecraft world by 9999 game ticks:

    /time add 9999

    To change the time to sunrise in Minecraft PS4 Edition:

    /time set sunrise

    To change the time to day:

    /time set day

    To query the number of days elapsed in the Minecraft world:

    /time query day

    To increase the age of the Minecraft world by 24000 game ticks:

    /time add 24000

    How To Set The World Border In The Nether In Minecraft

    The world border is a Minecraft mechanic that prohibits many entities, including players, from passing past a certain point in a dimension, including the Nether.

    Since the world border is set regardless of the dimension a Minecraft player finds themselves in, they can use the appropriate world border commands to increase or decrease the size of the border and determine the area of play.

    Regardless of where a player activates the commands, the world border’s constraints will persist in any other dimensions and are not specific to where they are executed. Be that as it may, players within the Nether may be curious as to what commands are at their disposal.

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    Time Command In Minecraft Windows 10 Edition

    In Minecraft Windows 10 Edition, there are different syntaxes depending on what you would like to do with the World’s game time.

    To add time to the game time :

    /time add < addAmount> 

    To set the time using an integer value:

    /time set < setAmount> 

    To set the time using a TimeSpec value:

    /time set < time> 
    /time query < daytime¦gametime¦day> 


    • addAmount is the amount of time to add to the game time for the current Minecraft world. This increases the age of the Minecraft world.
    • setAmount is the time that you want to change to. It can be one of the following:

      Sets the time to day
      6000 Sets the time to noon
      12000 Sets the time to sunset
      13000 Sets the time to night
      18000 Sets the time to midnight
      23000 Sets the time to sunrise
    • time is the time that you want to change to. It can be one of the following:

      Sets the time to day
      midnight Sets the time to midnight
      night Sets the time to night
      noon Sets the time to noon
      sunrise Sets the time to sunrise
    • daytime returns the number of since
    • gametime returns the age of the Minecraft world in
    • day returns the number of days elapsed in the game .


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