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HomeMust ReadHow To Use Command Blocks In Minecraft Ps4

How To Use Command Blocks In Minecraft Ps4

How Do You Use Cheats In Minecraft

How To Use Command Blocks On Minecraft PS4

To turn on cheats in the Education Edition of Minecraft, you need to create a new world and click on the Cheats option. This option looks like a switch and the switch should be set to the right to turn Cheats on. Now you will be able to use the cheat commands in this Minecraft world.

Enable cheats in your world or Realm settings. Turn on Creative Mode in your world or Realm settings. Open the chat box and enter /give command_block Place the block where you want it.

How To Use Console Commands

Before you can start zipping around the map and giving all your friends free diamonds, you’ll need to make sure you’re playing on a server that allows console commands. If you’re the one creating the server, you can simply enable this option during setup. If you’re playing on another server, try pulling up the command console menu this varies by platform, but can be performed on PC using the “/” key.

With the command console open, all you’ll need to do is type in your cheat code and the game will take care of the rest.

Example In Education Edition

To fill a 5x1x5 area with diorite in Minecraft Education Edition:

/fill ~-2 ~-1 ~-2 ~2 ~-1 ~2 stone 3

To build a solid structure out of chiseled sandstone:

/fill ~1 ~0 ~1 ~10 ~10 ~10 sandstone 1

To build a large hollow polished andesite structure :

/fill ~1 ~-1 ~1 ~10 ~5 ~10 stone 6 hollow

To mine a region, by replacing all blocks in the area with dirt starting 8 blocks deep up to ground level , that is 4 blocks away from you in all horizontal directions:

/fill ~-4 ~-8 ~-4 ~4 ~-1 ~4 dirt 0 destroy

To replace all grass blocks with gold blocks in the fill region with a starting coordinate of ~8 ~ ~12 and an ending coordinate of ~-25 ~-1 ~-20:

/fill ~8 ~ ~12 ~-25 ~-1 ~-20 gold_block 0 replace grass 0

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Setblock Command In Minecraft Windows 10 Edition

In Minecraft Windows 10 Edition, the syntax to replace a block with another block is:

/setblock < position> < tileName>   


  • position is the x y z coordinate for the block to replace.
  • tileName is name of the replacement block.
  • tileData is optional. It is the data value for the replacement block. It identifies the variation of the block if more than one type exists for that tileName.
  • replace is optional. It tells the command to replace the block, including air. This is the default behavior.
  • keep is optional. It tells the command to replace the block if the block was air.
  • destroy is optional. It tells the command to replace the block, including air. The old block will be dropped and can then be collected as if it was mined with a pickaxe or shovel.

Give Command In Minecraft Windows 10 Edition


In Minecraft Windows 10 Edition, the syntax to give a player a command block using the is:

/give < player>  command_block 


  • player is the name of the player that you wish to give the command block to.
  • amount is the number of command blocks that you want to give. If you don’t specify an amount, the player will be given 1 command block.

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Replacement For Pressure Plates

Pressure plates only blend in with only gold, iron, stone, and wood planks, but cannot be concealed in any other floor command blocks can be used instead. Pressure plates can be replaced with a command block by using the if argument in the command /execute with a range and a clock circuit. The command /execute if @p will test to see if any players are within a range of 2 . Range 2 is the range a player want for a command block under a floor. Keep in mind that it will produce a globe shaped trigger area , so a range of 2 makes an approximately 5Ã5Ã5 area and a range of 1 makes a 3Ã3Ã3 area . The player can get around this by using the dx, dy and dz arguments.

Alternately the player can specify the x, y and z coordinates in the command but doesnât make sense here. At any rate a range 1 sphere can be buried underground with just the top sticking out, provided the player know no one will be walking through the bottom 2 layers of the globe. Trying this with the non-xyz version of the command would require the command block itself to be embedded in the surface of the floor where it can be seen.

Important note: When writing the code in brackets , do not put spaces between commas , :Do not add / during coding unless instructed to.





World And Environment Minecraft Commands

/seedProduces a seed code so you can recreate your world later

/setworldspawn Set the world spawn location to the player’s current position, or optional specified coordinates if entered

/gamemode < type> Sets the game mode type for yourself or an optional player

/gamerule < rule> Queries the value of a game rule, or amends it if an optional value is entered. A list of rule codes is here

/difficulty < level> Sets the difficulty level

/time set < value> Sets the world game time, use 0 , 1000 , 6000 , 12000 , or 18000 as the value

/gamerule doDaylightCycle falseTurn off the day/night cycle, replace false with true to reactivate

/weather < type> Sets the weather type for an optional duration in seconds

/gamerule doWeatherCycle falseTurn off weather changes, replace false with true to reactivate

/clone < x1 y1 z1> < x2 y2 z2> < x y z> Clones the blocks in the region between coordinates < x1 y1 z1> and < x2 y2 z2> , then places them with coordinates < x y z> in the lower northwest corner

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How To Make A Command Block In Minecraft

This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft a command block with screenshots and step-by-step instructions.

In Minecraft, a command block is an item that you can not make with a crafting table or furnace and it is not available through the Creative Inventory menu. You can only add a command block to your inventory using a .

Let’s explore how to add a command block to your inventory.

Why Use Command Blocks


Have you ever played an adventure map where it is constantly nighttime, or where the weather never changes? You may have downloaded a custom map where players are awarded special items, enchantments, or experience at the push of a button or completion of a task. All of these are made possible through command blocks. When making your own Minecraft map, you might need command blocks if:

  • You want it to always be day or night.
  • You want to change the weather.
  • You want to change the game difficulty.
  • You want to play a certain sound.
  • You want to give a player a message.
  • You want to teleport to another location.
  • You want to give players items.

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What Are Command Blocks

In Minecraft, the command block can automatically run specified server commands as long as it is activated by redstone. Command blocks were originally added to support Adventure mode but also allow custom mapmakers to improve interaction with the player. Command blocks cannot be crafted and are not located in the Creative mode inventory players with server privileges can use the give command to give themselves or another player a command block. The give command is as follows:

  • /give < player name> 137

When typing in the command, exclude the brackets around the players name. The number following the name must be 137, as this is the command blocks ID number. Only players in Creative mode can place command blocks, and only players with operator status on the server can input and save commands. In Survival mode, command blocks cannot be edited or destroyed by any means. Command blocks can also be used in singleplayer or multiplayer worlds: Simply turn on LAN mode and allow cheats.

Setting Up The First Command Block

Now that we have looked at the settings of a command block, letââ¬â¢s set up the first block to detect a certain type of block in a location.

  • Place a command block on the ground in a location near your player character.
  • Open up the command block interface.
  • Set the Block Type to Repeat.
  • Set the Redstone to Always Active.
  • The /testforblock Command

    The /testforblock command looks for a specific block at a specified point in the world.

    /testforblock < position: x y z> < tileName: Block>

    • position is the coordinates in the world where the command will look for the specific block. Example: 0 4 0.
    • tileName is the type of block you are looking for. Example: diamond_block.
    • dataValue is an optional argument used to handle variations of the same block. For this tutorial, we won’t be needing to use this.

    If you are following this tutorial, you will be in a flat world. As you walk around, you can see your player’s position in the top-left of the screen. Let’s check for a block near the origin.

  • In the Command Input section, input the following: /testforblock 0 4 0 diamond_block.
  • Close the interface.
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    Example In Xbox One Edition

    To fill a 13x1x7 area with obsidian in Minecraft Xbox One Edition:

    /fill ~-6 ~-1 ~-3 ~6 ~-1 ~3 obsidian

    To build a solid structure out of red concrete:

    /fill ~1 ~0 ~1 ~10 ~10 ~10 concrete 14

    To build a large hollow bedrock structure :

    /fill ~1 ~-1 ~1 ~10 ~5 ~10 bedrock 0 hollow

    To mine a region, by replacing all blocks in the area with cobblestone starting 5 blocks deep up to ground level , that is 4 blocks away from you in all horizontal directions:

    /fill ~-4 ~-5 ~-4 ~4 ~-1 ~4 cobblestone 0 destroy

    To replace all grass blocks with coal blocks in the fill region with a starting coordinate of ~10 ~ ~20 and an ending coordinate of ~-20 ~-1 ~-20:

    /fill ~10 ~ ~20 ~-20 ~-1 ~-20 coal_block 0 replace grass 0

    Application In Custom Maps

    How to use Command Blocks on Console! Minecraft Let

    This section details the applications of the command block in custom maps.

    If one wishes to create a singleplayer adventure map, use /publish to allow all other commands to be used.

    One map that takes advantage of a lot of the features of the command block is the Hypixel’s Gladiator Arena in which the fighting system is almost only based on this.

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    Does Ps4 Minecraft Have Command Blocks

    Give Command in Minecraft PS4 Edition If you dont specify an amount, the player will be given 1 command block.

    The PS4 does not have command blocks into it and you cannot chat. The beta together update was for xboxs and Mobile devices. The only way to do some commands is. From the menu screen go onto the world that you would like to do commands in.

    Also, How do you enable cheats in Minecraft ps4?

    Pause the game. Click on Open to LAN . In the options, change Allow Cheats: false to true . Open the server.

    How do you chat in Minecraft ps4?

    r/Minecraft Yes, press right on the D-pad.

    Likewise, How do you use a command block in Minecraft?

    Place the Command Block. Before you can program and use the command block, you need to place the command block on the ground. Add a Redstone Device. Next, you need to add a redstone device next to the command block. Program the Command Block.

    Fill Command In Minecraft Ps4 Edition

    In Minecraft PS4 Edition, there are 2 syntaxes for the /fill command.

    To fill a region with a type of block:

    /fill < from> < to> < tileName>   

    To replace one type of block in a region with another type of block:

    /fill < from> < to> < tileName>   replace < replaceTileName> < replaceDataValue> 


    • from is the starting x y z coordinate for the fill region .
    • to is the ending x y z coordinate for the fill region .
    • tileName is name of the block to fill the region.
    • tileData is optional. It is the data type or variation of the block if more than one type exists for that tileName.
    • replace will replace all blocks in the fill region, including air.
    • outline is optional. It will replace blocks on the outer edge of the fill region, but does not replace the inner blocks.
    • hollow is optional. It will replace blocks on the outer edge of the fill region, and replaces inner blocks with air.
    • keep is optional. It will replace only air blocks in the fill region.
    • destroy is optional. It will replace all blocks in the fill region, including air. Replaced blocks will be dropped and can then be collected as if they were mined with a pickaxe or shovel.
    • replaceTileName is the name of the block that will be replaced.
    • replaceDataValue is the variation of the block to be replaced if more than one type exists for that replaceTileName.

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    How To Get Command Blocks On Minecraft For Playstation 4

    We are listing the steps you will need to get command blocks on Minecraft.

  • First, you will have to enable cheats in-game. Open Settings while you are in-game, or you can do so while you are creating a new world. Scroll down and find a toggle button for Activate Cheats. Make sure you enable it.
  • Then, activate Creative Mode from your in-game settings.
  • Next, go to the in-game chat and type . You can also type /give command_block to activate a command block.
  • A command block window opens up, and you can customize your command block accordingly.
  • Place your command block where you want on the map.
  • How to set up a command block from the dialog box?

    Here are a few options to customize a command block according to what you want.

    • There is a section called Command Input in the Command Block dialog box where you can input your command related to the command block. You can assign a command block to yourself or give a command block to the nearest player, a random player, all players, or all entities.
    • There are three types of command blocks: Impulse, Chain, and Repeat. Impulse is one command block. Chain is a chain of command blocks. Repeat is when you can have a command block that constantly repeats.
    • You can also put a condition or just leave it unconditional.
    • Theres an option to let the command block be active all the time or whether it needs a Redstone to be active.
    • There are a few other customizations available, like delay in ticks and execute on first tick.

    How To Get A Command Block In Minecraft

    Minecraft Ps4 Bedrock Edition – How To Use Command Blocks

    Alter your Minecraft world with the assistance of modern programming

    Minecraft is only limited by your creativity, but sometimes you need to bend the rules a little bit. The traditional survival mode features players attempting to build a structure and keep it going, while also ensuring their character remains alive. But, if youre in multiplayer games with their friends or in a custom match, you may want to summon a command block.

    A command block gives you a chance to input commands into your chat to do things in your game, but they require a little knowledge of coding to produce the best results. Luckily, it doesnt dive too deep into the subject, so its relatively easy to pick up after researching a handful of available commands for the device. When you summon it, you do need a Redstone power source. To properly use the command block, you need to start a command in your chat with a / in it.

    To summon a command block, you need to use the command /give @p minecraft:command_block. Following the command, you should have it immediately show up in your inventory, and you can place it on the ground in front of you. From there, and after having it powered by Redstone, you can start to execute commands with your block freely. There are several different commands you can use to start playing with the block and alter the Minecraft world youre playing in at the time with your friends.

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    Add A Redstone Device

    Next, you need to add a redstone device next to the command block. You can use any redstone device such as a lever, pressure plate, or button to activate the command block:


    The redstone device should be placed within one block of the command block. If the redstone device is too far away from the command block, it will not activate the command block.

    In this example, we are going to use a lever and place it one block to the right of the command block.

    Select the lever in your hotbar. Then position your pointer on the block where you want to place the lever.

    You should now see the lever on the ground next to the command block.

    How To Get A Command Block

    Note that only server admins can make Command Blocks.

    For Minecraft Bedrock Edition, youll need to do the following:

  • Enable cheats in your world or Realm settings.
  • Turn on Creative Mode in your world or Realm settings.
  • Open the chat box and enter /give command_block
  • Place the block where you want it.
  • You can turn off cheats and Creative Mode after youre doing placing the blocks in your desired location.

    For Minecraft Java Edition, youll need to do the following:

  • Go to the file in your servers config files.
  • Change the line that says enable-command-block=false to enable-command-block=true
  • Give yourself a Command Block by opening the chat box and entering /give minecraft:command_block
  • Turn on Creative Mode by typing /gamemode c in your chat box.
  • Place the Command Block where you want it.
  • You can turn the game back to Survival Mode by typing /gamemode s in the chat box after you place the block.

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