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HomeMust ReadHow To Train Foxes In Minecraft

How To Train Foxes In Minecraft

The Behavior Of Minecraft Foxes

How Do You Train Foxes In Minecraft? | Ask SP

Foxes in Minecraft that are untamed will do their absolute best to avoid you, this is why it is critical in the breeding process to sneak up on said foxes by crouching/sneaking.

After being tamed, however, foxes act as loyal friends in a similar fashion to a tamed wolf, as they will help you fight off hostile mobs and defend you until their last breath. Foxes can also be given swords to hold in their mouth in order to make their attacks significantly more powerful. To give your fox a sword, simply interact with it while holding the said sword.

Adopt Your New Fox Cub

The resulting baby fox will always trust you no matter what. Nonetheless, baby foxes are always following their parents around.

Hence, you can just leave the baby since that fox is actually your tamed animal. It wont be scared of you at all, but it wont follow you while its still a little cub.

Thus, if you dont want your recently-tamed fox to leave, attach a lead to it so you can take it anywhere.

You can also feed to accelerate its growing process, but youll still need to put your newly tamed fox somewhere, so we highly recommend using a lead.

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Minecraft Foxes Taming Guide

The first step to taming a fox in Minecraft will be finding some in the wild. Foxes are most likely to spawn in taiga biomes. Foxes can also spawn in snowy taigas and giant tree biomes. Theyre usually at ground level and tend to gather in sunny clearings. Foxes tend to spawn in small groups of three or four that stay within the same general area.

The easiest way to get a tamed fox in Minecraft is to look for some that are sleeping. During the daytime, foxes will sometimes search for dark areas to lie down and rest. If you crouch-walk, you can get very close without waking the fox up. You need multiple foxes to make a tamed fox, so try to find two sleeping close together.

Trap the two foxes together in a basic structure. The easiest way to do this is to trap two foxes separately and then connect their shelters with a tunnel. Remember that foxes can jump, so build the walls at least two blocks high. Then feed both foxes some sweet berries. After a while, a newborn baby fox will appear in the enclosure.

Its also possible to come across baby foxes in the wild. Foxes only have a 1/20 chance of spawning as a baby. Baby foxes cannot be used for breeding tamed foxes. But keep in mind that theyll grow up into normal foxes eventually. Trapping one and feeding it sweet berries will eventually make it grow into an adult Minecraft fox.

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A New Level Of Enjoyment

Pets add another level of enjoyment to the already rich gameplay that Minecraft provides. Taming foxes may not be simple, but having a cute pet around makes the endeavor worthwhile. Do you know of other ways regarding how to tame a fox in Minecraft? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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How To Breed And Tame Foxes In Minecraft

A wild fox pouncing on a train has appeared! : Minecraft

Having a fox for a companion in Minecraft has a couple of big advantages

One, a fox will pick up any dropped item in its mouth and that item will aid the fox in an attack. If its holding an enchanted item or weapon, it will be as if the fox is wielding that weapon.

Two, a fox will attack any mob that attacks a trusted player, protecting the player and helping the player decimate the mob and retrieve any items the mob might be carrying.

Basically, a fox serves as protector and back-up during attacks, which is why befriending a fox can prove a wise move in your Minecraft strategy.

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How To Tame A Fox In Minecraft

Naturally spawned baby foxes will also not trust you, but if you use a sweet berry on two adult foxes, the baby they produce will indeed trust your player. Although baby foxes have a habit of following adult foxes, you can attach a lead to your new tamed bubba fox until it matures to stop it wandering off.

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How Do You Breed Animals In Minecraft

In order to breed animals in Minecraft, youll need to feed each animal a certain type of food. Once fed, hearts will appear, indicating the animal is ready to breed. If another animal of the same kind is also fed and the two are within eight blocks of each other, they will breed and create a baby animal.

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Do Tamed Foxes Follow You

Like most animal mobs, foxes can be tamed so theyll follow and obey you. However, unlike those other animals, you cant simply convince any random fox to like you. Instead, youll need to breed a new fox into existence. Heres how to tame foxes in Minecraft, whether playing in Survival mode or Creative mode.

Where Does A Fox In Minecraft Spawn

How to tame foxes in Minecraft Tutorial

A game of joking is a bit harder to find than a game of nocturnal animal. You must search Taiga biomes for these beasts. These forests are colder than the ice with the rain falling below the surface. They come in three different varieties, usually or in solitary gages, and one or both of these varieties, like the normal, snowy and giant apple tea tear.

Foxes spawn in these areas by two to four groups, and they have a 5 percent chance of spawning as baby foxes. Rot foxes are found in the normal Taigas and white foxes in the snowy ones. So remember you always wear a particular colour.

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Where To Find Foxes In Minecraft

There are two types of foxes in Minecraft, and they both spawn in different biomes. Red foxes spawn inside Taiga and Giant Tree Taiga biomes, while white foxes spawn inside Snowy Taiga biomes.

Foxes will spawn in groups of 2-4, and each one has a 5% chance of spawning as a baby fox but remember, none of them will ever be tame or loyal to you because they were all born wild.

Red and white foxes behave in exactly the same manner, and you can breed and tame them in the same way. The only difference is their colour, in much the same way as Axolotls vary in colour but remain functionally identical. If you breed a red fox with a white fox, then there is a 50% chance of the baby fox being either colour.

If you want more variance in the looks of foxes in Minecraft, your best bet is to dress up your world with a new Texture Pack or Shader Pack, or find a suitable Minecraft mod that does the trick for you.

Thats everything you need to know about how to tame your very own Minecraft fox! If youre looking for information on how to tame other animals, check out our guides on Minecraft Bees, Goats, and Horses. Otherwise, you can check out our Minecraft house ideas and building ideas pages in case you want to build a new fox home and youre looking for inspiration.

How To Tame Your Fox

Minecraft foxes are a bit unlike dogs and cats, you cannot make them sit, but while tamed, foxes will not run away from you as they do when they are wild.

To tame a fox in Minecraft, you need to breed two different wild foxes. The baby that spawns from them will be tame towards you! The parents will remain wild.

Here are the steps on how to tame a fox:

  • First, youll need to find two foxes. Foxes spawn in taiga biomes, and they usually spawn in groups of two to four, so it should be easy to find two of them!
  • Next, you will need two or more sweet berries. These berries can be collected from sweet berry bushes, which spawn in all taiga biomes. Simply left click the bush to harvest them!
  • Use the berries youve harvested and left click on both foxes to feed them a berry, this will make them mate.
  • The baby fox will trust you, but the two parents still will not trust you. The baby fox will be tempted to follow its parents, so have a lead on hand to guide it away from them.
  • Keep the baby fox on the lead until it grows into an adult, as an adult it will follow you without a lead!
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    Wall In 2 Foxes Together

    You will pretty typically come across a couple of foxes in a group. Sometimes, this group will be a baby and an adult fox. It doesnt really matter, you just need to find two foxes. Sneak over to them and place a 2-high box around them so they cant escape. If one of them is a baby, wait until it eventually becomes an adult.

    How To Tame A Fox In Minecraft Bedrock

    How to Tame a Fox in Minecraft {Step By Step Guide}

    Foxes were in the Bedrock Edition of Minecraft since the beta version, and pretty much behave the same way as their Java Edition counterparts do. If you have the Bedrock edition, the steps you need to tame them is also similar. Refer to the instructions given above to tame a fox in Minecraft Bedrock.

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    Even without a pack, a Ravager can be very aggressive and dangerous, but if theres only one, then they wont get any buffs for being in a pack. When tamed, the Ravager is a great mount for transport or scouting it has decent weight, speed, and stamina and its capable of climbing up zip lines and vines.

    How To Tame And Breed Foxes Introduced In Minecraft

    Foxes are in Minecraft, and you have the opportunity to tame them. It takes a bit of time to do this, though, but by the end of this, youll have a little fox following you around who shall remain loyal to you.

    Taming a Fox in Minecraft

    The first thing you need to do is locate two foxes in your Minecraft world. You can find them in the taiga, giant taiga, and snowy taiga regions. When a fox spawns in the snowy region, they show up as white instead of the traditional orange and white fur.

    If you encounter them during the day, youll find them asleep, while during the evening and late-night, theyre far more active. The best time to go after them is likely going to be during the day, so they dont immediately run away from you.

    After youve located the two youre after, locate some sweet berries. Youre going to need as many as you can find, so fill up your inventory with a good amount of them.

    Pen The Two Together

    You want to feed both foxes the sweet berries to have them fall in love and breed. Keep close while feeding them the sweet berries.

    You can repeat this process as many times as youd like to create an army of foxes, loyal to you.

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    Foxes Are Never Alone

    Usually, foxes appear in groups of 2 to 4. Sometimes, an adult spawns alongside a baby fox, but this doesnt always happen.

    The groups are exactly the same in Snowy and Common Taiga biomes.

    Pro tip

    Foxes in this game are not affected by berry bushes: they can move freely in them with no consequences whatsoever!

    Can You Tame A Fox

    EASIEST way to tame a FOX in Minecraft!

    Unfortunately, foxes aren’t that simple in Minecraft. They aren’t like wolves where you can throw them a few bones and they become your best friend.

    It is a good deal harder than that!

    ADORABLE: Foxes are nocturnal and will curl up in the shade

    You’ll need to breed foxes before you can tame one. That sounds backwards, but don’t worry we’ve got the steps you need to follow.

    First, get yourself some sweet berries and a lead. Then you’ll need to find a group of foxes. As they are nocturnal you’ll have better luck at night, but that comes with the obvious risk of more hostile mobs.

    Once you find a group you’ll need to approach slowly and quietly so you don’t spook them.

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    When you are close enough, feed sweet berries to two foxes. They will give off the usual hearts and out will pop a baby fox!

    Immediately attach your lead to it or it will start following the nearby adults. Once they grow up they will fully trust you and not flee from you.

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    Where To Find A Fox In Minecraft

    One thing to note about MInecraft foxes is that theyre nocturnal animals, which means that anyone looking to begin their search is going to have to do so when its dark. Of course, things get a little more dangerous when youre around, so newcomers are going to want to make sure that they can fend off something that might want to turn your new pet into dinner before they go fox-searching.

    Foxes can be found in taiga biomes at night, usually because they like nesting in leafy forests. You can find foxes in the following taiga biomes: taiga, giant tree taiga, and snow taiga biomes. You can also find them in taiga villages if those are kicking around your world. Theres a small chance for foxes to spawn as cubs, and if youre in a snow taiga biome, then the foxes will be white instead of the classic russet with white tails.

    Bred Foxes In Minecraft Are Automatically Tame

    Wanting to tame an army of foxes in Minecraft would probably be a bit like chucking Sweet Berries into an animal-shaped vacuum if not for one simple save: any fox cub thats the product of two tamed foxes will automatically be born tame. Thats right.

    You only really have to use those Sweet Berries on the original breeding pair of foxes and once thats done, their offspring will be automatically tame and warm up to you. We noticed that they were quick to scamper off once the sun rose, so youre going to want to fence them in if keeping a large fox pack is something that you want to do. Fox cubs will stick close to their parents instead of following the player around, so you dont have to worry about having a hanger-on while youre knee-deep in bashing enemies. Foxes that are trusting enough will harm enemies who are harming you, though we would want to leave cubs out of it for now.

    Now that youve got a better idea of how to tame a fox in Minecraft, all thats left is to venture forth into the biomes of your choice and to pick up some loyal pets for yourself. Just arm yourself with Sweet Berries, patience, and supplies for some night-time scouting until you find these furry, soon-to-be friends.

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    Minecraft Fox Guide: How To Tame A Fox In Minecraft

    How to make a Minecraft fox your loyal blocky companion

    Trying to tame a fox in Minecraft? If youre having trouble taming these aloof passive mobs then weve put together a guide on how to tame a Minecraft fox and everything else you need to know about these adorable fluffy tailed Minecraft mobs.

    Minecraft foxes spawn in taiga, giant taiga and snowy biomes and are nocturnal mobs, making them more likely to spawn at night, especially in forests. Minecraft foxes found in snowy biomes have white fur, but have the same behaviour as foxes found in other biomes. They usually spawn in groups of 2-4, with a 5% chance of them spawning as baby foxes.

    Foxes in Minecraft have a 20% chance to spawn holding items, which include an emerald, rabbit foot, rabbit hide, egg, wheat, leather, or a feather presumably these are from their prey. If you spot a fox sleeping with one of these in its mouth, it could be tempting to sneak up on it, but a fox will wake if you step onto an adjacent block. If a fox sadly dies from a wolf attack, or player, it drops one or two experience orbs. Heres everything you need to know about Minecraft foxes, including how to tame a fox in Minecraft and where Minecraft foxes spawn.

    How To Breed Tame Foxes

    fox craft 32x animations minecraft texture pack 1

    If you feed Sweet Berries to two tame foxes, they might make a little fox cub. Foxes you breed are tame from the start, so you can have a whole fox family to keep you safe. Keep feeding your baby fox Sweet Berries to make it grow into an adult.

    Build a fence to keep your foxes in one place when you dont need them at your side.

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    Feed The Foxes Sweet Berries

    Whether you’ve spent the last hour wrangling foxes, or simply threw down a few Fox Spawn Eggs, you should now have two adult foxes penned in. If you caught a baby fox, wait for it to age up.

    Get close to the two adult foxes, and equip a sweet berry. These come from the green-and-red bushes you occasionally see which slow and hurt you when you walk through them. They’re fairly commonplace in the taiga, if you haven’t gathered any already.

    Feed berries to both foxes by using it on them. If you’re struggling to get near enough to feed the foxes, make sure you’re crouching.

    Equip the sweet berries in your hotbar, and then approach the fox and use the berries on it to feed it a berry. If you’re struggling to get near enough to feed the foxes, make sure you’re crouching.

    Upon feeding sweet berries to both foxes, they’ll immediately breed a baby fox.

    This baby fox is your golden egg: They’ll be sweet and docile, unlike their parents, who will still go berserk when you release the crouch key. This is your tamed fox.

    However, you’re not done yet. Although the fox is docile, it’s still not under your control.


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