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HomeNewsHow To Teleport In Minecraft Ps4 2020

How To Teleport In Minecraft Ps4 2020

Teleport Command In Minecraft Java Edition

How To Teleport With Commands In Minecraft PS4

In Minecraft Java Edition 1.13, 1.14, 1.15 and 1.16, there are different syntaxes depending on who or where you are teleporting.

To teleport to a set of coordinates:

/teleport < location> 

To teleport to the location of another target:

/teleport < destination> 

To teleport a target to the location of another target:

/teleport < targets> < destination> 

To teleport a target to a set of coordinates facing the direction of another set of coordinates:

/teleport < targets> < location>  facing < facingLocation> 

To teleport a target to a set of coordinates and rotate the direction the target will be facing:

/teleport < targets> < location>  

In Minecraft Java Edition 1.10, 1.11 and 1.12, the syntax to teleport an entity to a set of coordinates is:

/teleport < entity> < x> < y> < z>  


  • location or x y z is the to teleport to.
  • destination is the name of a player to teleport to.
  • targets or entity is the name of a player to teleport.
  • facingLocation is the that the entity will face after being teleported.
  • yRot or y-rot is optional. It is the y-rotation that the entity is facing after teleportation in degrees. 0=South, 90=West, 180=North, 270=East.
  • xRot and x-rot is optional. It is the x-rotation that the entity is facing after teleportation in degrees. Positive values look downward and negative values look upward. 0=facing forward, 90=facing straight down, -90=facing straight up

How To Teleport Into Player Spawn Point In Minecraft

The capacity to place spawn points in different dimensions in the coming 1.16 model is a great addition. , it might help command a player back for their stored spawn point, if appropriate, or world spawn.

Killing a participant can technically accomplish that, but possibly at reducing the things and amounts and adversely impacting their data when it isnt supposed to achieve that.

Id propose a command like /spawn .

The characteristics are as follows:

  • /spawn-
  • Teleports SomePlayer to their saved spawn point and dimension. Or world spawn if none found
  • Teleports all the loaded entities their own saved spawn point and dimension. Or world spawn if none found.
  • This command is not available to players in general. A gamerule allows something like just using /spawn on self as the target.

    How to Teleport To Bed in Minecraft?

    There are no limitations to the experiences and developments in Minecraft. Thats the reason why gaming enthusiasts are always seen watching Minecraft gameplays. You may never wholly explore this match, enjoy this planet, a huge thing that could never be completely comprehended.

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    Teleport is an intriguing phenomenon where the participant leaves his present place and is instantly transported to its goal point. You can teleport almost anywhere, to the set coordinates. Some other participants, to somewhere, to spawn stage, or even the Minecraft teleport to mattress is another choice.

    Spawn Command:

    Tp Command In Minecraft Java Edition

    In Minecraft Java Edition 1.13, 1.14, 1.15 and 1.16, there are different syntaxes depending on who or where you are teleporting.

    To teleport to a set of coordinates:

    /tp < location> 

    To teleport to the location of another target:

    /tp < destination> 

    To teleport a target to the location of another target:

    /tp < targets> < destination> 

    To teleport a target to a set of coordinates facing the direction of another set of coordinates:

    /tp < targets> < location>  facing < facingLocation> 

    To teleport a target to a set of coordinates and rotate the direction the target will be facing:

    /tp < targets> < location>  

    In Minecraft Java Edition 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11 and 1.12, there are different syntaxes depending on where you would like to teleport.

    To teleport to a set of coordinates:

    /tp  < x> < y> < z>  

    To teleport to another player:

    /tp  < destination player> 


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    How To Teleport Using Commands In Creative Mode

    In creative mode you can use cheat commands, so make sure these are turned on in the games settings before jumping into your world. This applies to the Bedrock, Java, and Pocket Edition.

  • Press T to open the console in the PC and pocket editions, or / in the Java edition to open the console.
  • Type /tp
  • Press enter
  • x, y, and z refer to the coordinates on the map where the players character will teleport to. X is the distance east or west of their original position, z is the distance south or north , and y is the height from 0 to 255. .

    You can also use ~ or ^ with a number to move to coordinates relative to the players current position.

    So ~8 ~ ~- would move the player eight blocks east on the x-axis, remain at the same height on the y-axis and, eight blocks north along the z-axis. ^ movement is based on the direction the player is facing, and then moves them along the left, upward, and forward axis, so ^8 ^ ^-8 would be eight blocks left, no blocks up, and eight blocks backward.

    Instead of typing in a specific player name, for example, Steve, you can instead use the following shortcuts to select particular players or objects without needing to know their name.:

    Minecraft Mobile: How To Teleport

    [View 34+] How To Make A Telescope In Minecraft Ps4
    • Open Minecraft and load the world you want to play
    • After loading the world, pause by clicking the icon in the upper right corner
    • Go to settings and enable cheats
    • Close the menu and return to the game
    • To get the coordinates of a place, tap your finger in the text input field and enter / tp name ~ ~ ~ , where of course you replace name with the name of the target character.
    • Save coordinates
    • Further, as in the PC version – when you want to teleport to the selected location, call the input text field again and enter / tp name XYZ , replacing the name with the character name, and XYZ with coordinates
    • Press enter – done, the character will be in the given place

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    Using A Map Item As A Scroll

    A YouTuber called SethBling used a map as a scroll to perform commands . The player will have an empty map in the inventory and when the player uses it, it becomes a filled map which immediately disappears and a redstone task is done.


    • Compact system.
    • At-will triggered system, just right-click to activate it.
    • Single use: the map disappears during the inventory check, but you can give it back through /give.


    • There can only be one purpose for the scroll, i.e. players cannot do a scroll of teleporting and a scroll of strength without using complicated data values.
    • The player may see the map animation when activating the map before it gets deleted.
    • The player cannot use the map item during your playthrough .

    Building the mechanism

    The player can change the display name of an item to give the player a better understanding of the object and use the tooltip display. Use the following command to give the player a custom named map:/give< player> map}

    • player: the player you want to reach .
    • displayName: the name displayed when you scroll in the hotbar or when you hover the item with your mouse.
    • tooltip: the text below the item name when you hover it.

    Detecting the activation of the map

    /clear< player> filled_map

    • The Command block 3 is the output in case of success. You can do whatever you want: give an effect to the player, teleport him somewhere,… You can also wire this output to a door, a piston,…

    Going furtherThe /clear command can check for other interactive items:

    Example In Xbox One Edition

    To teleport to the location of TheEarthMover in Minecraft Xbox One Edition:

    /teleport TheEarthMover

    To teleport the player named DigMinecraft to the location of TheEarthMover:

    /teleport DigMinecraft TheEarthMover

    To teleport the player named DigMinecraft to the coordinates :

    /teleport DigMinecraft 7 62 -50

    To teleport the nearest player to coordinates that are 5 blocks East, 3 blocks up, and 12 blocks North of the current position:


    To teleport yourself to the coordinates :

    /teleport 13 69 75

    To teleport to the location of Axe2Grind in Minecraft PS4 Edition:

    /teleport Axe2Grind

    To teleport the player named DigMinecraft to the location of Axe2Grind:

    /teleport DigMinecraft Axe2Grind

    To teleport the player named DigMinecraft to the coordinates :

    /teleport DigMinecraft 8 67 100

    To teleport the nearest player to coordinates that are 4 blocks East, 2 blocks up, and 5 blocks North of the current position:


    To teleport yourself to the coordinates :

    /teleport 7 62 4

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    Application In Custom Maps

    This section details the applications of the command block in custom maps.

    If one wishes to create a singleplayer adventure map, use /publish to allow all other commands to be used.

    One map that takes advantage of a lot of the features of the command block is the Hypixel’s Gladiator Arena in which the fighting system is almost only based on this.

    Como Fazer Um Teleporte No Minecraft No Modo Sobrevivncia

    How to TELEPORT THROUGH WALLS in Minecraft Tutorial! (Pocket Edition, PS4, Xbox, PC, Switch)

    Passo 1. O único item capaz de realizar teleporte no modo Sobrevivência são as “Pérolas de Ender” ou “Pérola do End”, obtidas ao matar os monstros Enderman

    A única forma para se teleportar no modo sobrevivência de Minecraft é através das Pérolas de Ender Foto: Reprodução/Rafael Monteiro

    Passo 2. Espere anoitecer pois Enderman apenas aparecem no escuro, o que também inclui cavernas. Eles são um pouco fortes, além de terem a habilidade de se teletransportar para surpreender o jogador. Inicialmente seu comportamento é neutro, até que o jogador olhe em seus olhos ou os ataque, o que pode torná-los bastante agressivos. Golpeie-os nas pernas e não tente usar flechas

    Enderman apenas aparecem em locais escuros em Minecraft e não atacarão até serem encarados nos olhos ou atacados Foto: Reprodução/Rafael Monteiro

    Passo 3. É recomendado ter pelo menos uma armadura e espada de ferro para enfrentá-los. Há como se proteger, no entanto, ao criar uma estrutura aberta com apenas dois blocos de altura. Como Enderman são altos, com três blocos de altura, eles não entram por esses espaços e o jogador ainda pode golpeá-los

    Uma estrutura com apenas dois blocos de altura em Minecraft pode proteger o jogador dos Enderman Foto: Reprodução/Rafael Monteiro

    Passo 4. Após derrotar um Enderman, ocasionalmente eles deixarão cair uma Pérola do Ender

    Ocasionalmente Enderman deixarão para trás Pérolas do Ender ao serem derrotados em Minecraft Foto: Reprodução/Rafael Monteiro

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    Teleport Command In Minecraft Windows 10 Edition

    In Minecraft Windows 10 Edition, there are different syntaxes depending on who or where you are teleporting.

    To teleport to a set of coordinates:

    /teleport < x> < y> < z>   

    To teleport to a set of coordinates facing the direction of another set of coordinates:

    /teleport < x> < y> < z>  facing < lookAtPosition> 

    To teleport to a set of coordinates facing the direction of a target entity:

    /teleport < x> < y> < z>  facing < lookAtEntity> 

    To teleport a target to a set of coordinates:

    /teleport < victim> < x> < y> < z>   

    To teleport a target to a set of coordinates facing the direction of another set of coordinates:

    /teleport < victim> < x> < y> < z>  facing < lookAtPosition> 

    To teleport a target to a set of coordinates facing the direction of a target entity:

    /teleport < victim> < x> < y> < z>  facing < lookAtEntity> 

    To teleport to the location of another target:

    /teleport < destination> 

    To teleport a target to the location of another target:

    /teleport < victim> < destination> 
    • x y z is the coordinate to teleport to.
    • yRot is optional. It is the y-rotation of the entity after teleportation.
    • xRot is optional. It is the x-rotation of the entity after teleportation.
    • lookAtPositon is a set of x y z coordinates that the entity will face after being teleported.
    • lookAtEntity is the name of a player that the entity will face after being teleported.
    • victim is the name of a player to teleport.
    • destination is the name of a player to teleport to.

    Security System For Mobs Or Players

    Command blocks can also be used to make a security system. Just put a pressure plate which triggers a command block in front of an iron door, which will be the entrance to the house. Insert the command: kill @e and hook it up with chain command blocks to kill different mobs. this is to not kill you or other players. do this second command in a command block to teleport all things in the vicinity: tp @e ~ ~ ~

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    Time And Weather Following The Scenario

    Many times, a player will be building something, and it will start raining or start to get dark, which both can be disturbing to the player. Fortunately, you can use commands to turn off the rain, as well as make the sun go back to sunrise. To toggle rain on and off, just use the /weather command. Use clear if you want to clear the weather, or rain or thunder, if you would like to toggle on rain or a thunderstorm. For example, if you want the weather to be rain but not thunder, type in the /weather rain command.

    Along with this, you can also use /time set with a number: 23250 is sunrise, 6000 is midday, 12750 is sunset and 18000 is midnight. So, if you want to set the time to sunrise, type in the chat: /time set 23250.

    Replacement For Pressure Plates

    Comment se téléporter dans Minecraft sur PS4, Xbox One et PC

    Pressure plates only blend in with only gold, iron, stone, and wood planks, but cannot be concealed in any other floor command blocks can be used instead. Pressure plates can be replaced with a command block by using the if argument in the command /execute with a range and a clock circuit. The command /execute if @p will test to see if any players are within a range of 2 . Range 2 is the range a player want for a command block under a floor. Keep in mind that it will produce a globe shaped trigger area , so a range of 2 makes an approximately 5Ã5Ã5 area and a range of 1 makes a 3Ã3Ã3 area . The player can get around this by using the dx, dy and dz arguments.

    Alternately the player can specify the x, y and z coordinates in the command but doesnât make sense here. At any rate a range 1 sphere can be buried underground with just the top sticking out, provided the player know no one will be walking through the bottom 2 layers of the globe. Trying this with the non-xyz version of the command would require the command block itself to be embedded in the surface of the floor where it can be seen.

    Important note: When writing the code in brackets , do not put spaces between commas , :Do not add / during coding unless instructed to.





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    How To Teleport In Minecraft On Ps4 Xbox One And Pc

    Minecraft is a huge world filled with unexpected and, at times, dangerous places. While you can always take a map with you so you don’t get lost, sometimes you just want to go back to your base so you can recharge and come away fully rested / healed. Well, in Minecraft you can do that by teleporting. However, there are several ways to do this in the creative and survival worlds.

    Safe Haven/arena Fight Zone

    Using pressure plates or tripwire, make areas a different difficulty . the doors could have tripwire hook to a command block that changes ones difficulty to peaceful, creating a sort of “Safe Haven”. one could also do it the other way around, creating a more dangerous zone, such as arenas having the difficulty of hard, rather than normal or easy. Note that in multiplayer this will change the difficulty everywhere in the world, and thus may not be desirable.

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    Example In Nintendo Switch Edition

    To teleport to the location of DigMinecraft in Minecraft Nintendo Switch Edition:

    /teleport DigMinecraft

    To teleport the player named Axe2Grind to the location of TheEarthMover:

    /teleport Axe2Grind TheEarthMover

    To teleport the player named TheEarthMover to the coordinates :

    /teleport TheEarthMover -24 71 6

    To teleport the nearest player to coordinates that are 5 blocks West and 6 blocks North of the current position:


    To teleport yourself to the coordinates :

    /teleport -12 78 9

    How To Teleport In Minecraft Survival Mode

    Minecraft: Bedrock Edition – NEW TELEPORTATION METHOD 2020 – XBO, PS4, WIN10, PE, SWITCH

    If you don’t want to use cheats, you need to obtain an Ender Pearl to teleport in Minecraft. This item cannot be crafted, so you need to look for it either in Stronghold chests or by killing Endermen mobs.

    We have guides on that here and here.

    When you have an Ender Pearl in your possession, you can throw it wherever you wish to teleport to, and then use one of the following actions:

    • Java Edition: Right-click.
    • Pocket Edition: Tap where Ender Pearl lands.
    • PS3/PS4: Press “L2” button.
    • Xbox 360/Xbox One: Press “LT” button.
    • Wii U/Switch: Press “ZL” button.

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    Working Minecart With Dispenser

    To create a working minecart with dispenser, run this command:/summon minecraft:command_block_minecart ~ ~ ~

    “CustomDisplayTile” tells the game to render the block in the cart differently. “displayTile” tells it to change it to a certain block ID . See This Minecraft Forum article for a better explanation of this, and other useful things.

    Add this command to the “dispenser” by right clicking it:/summon arrow ~ ~ ~1.5

    How To Use The Minecraft Teleport Command

    With the Tp command in Minecraft, you can teleport anyone or anything anywhere. If you’re playing the Java version, you can even teleport between the Overworld and the Nether.

    Use the Tp cheat the same way you use any other Minecraft cheat:

  • Enable cheats in your world’s settings.

  • Open the chat window. How you do this depends on which platform you’re playing on:

  • PC: Press the T key.
  • Mobile: Tap the Chat icon at the top of the screen.
  • Xbox: Press Right on the D-Pad.
  • PlayStation: Press Right on the D-Pad.
  • Nintendo Switch: Press Right on the D-Pad.
  • Enter the Tp command.

  • If you entered the command correctly, you will receive a confirmation message and be teleported to the indicated location.

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